Chapter 5

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Bluepaw padded along the edge of the Shadehollow, keeping low and with her eyes fixed on the pelt in front of her Wasppaw was still looking at where she'd dissolved into the forest holding back her purr of satisfaction she sprang right onto is shoulders and felt him fall beneath her with a muffled off! She clambered off his back and Finchwing nodded "that was excellent work Bluepaw, in our forest we use the darkness to our advantage!" Wasppaw nodded to her and shook out his dusty pelt "good attack Bluepaw I'll have to remember that for our next training session I'll crush you!" He finished with a purr before turning to Finchwing "what now?" He asked Finchwing looked tired and she stood up shaking out her fur "I think we'd better get back to camp you know Nightstar wanted us back before sunset" Bluepaw nodded she was happy to agree she was tired too Wasppaw nodded "ok how about we race back to camp?" He asked looking at Bluepaw in answer Bluepaw ran off into the forest towards camp and Wasppaw followed with a yowl of delight the forest grew into a blur as Bluepaw ran faster and faster suddenly a scent stopped her and sent Wasppaw colliding with her haunches "Bluepaw!" What was that for?" He asked crossly Bluepaw sniffed the air as she untangled herself from Wasppaw "do you smell that?" She asked quietly Finchwing sniffed the air he she caught up and her eyes widened "we'd better get back a fox is on our territory" Bluepaw gasped and ran towards camp with Finchwing and Wasppaw a pawstep behind her the camp wall appeared and Bluepaw burst into camp and ran over to Pantherheart with Finchwing and Wasppaw following Pantherheart blinked at her looking more alive than he had for days "Bluepaw! What's happened? Is some cat hurt?" Bluepaw shook her head and began explaining what had happened Pantherheart looked worried "ok you three will join the battle patrol I'll lead it Lightningflare! Are you up for a little fox hunt?" Lightningflare bounded over "you bet!" He meowed Pantherheart led the patrol from camp in silence he looked more excited as they scented the fox, "just one, young male looking for a home I suspect" Bluepaw nodded well it won't be here she thought Pantherheart led the way deeper into the territory until they came close to the stream that separated them and MarshClan Bluepaw didn't go here often she got a good look at the fox for the first time it was big and strong with strong legs and a smooth ginger pelt and huge bushy tail thank StarClan there are five of us here! She thought with relief "ready?" Pantherheart growled he didn't wait for a response "NightClan! Attack!" Bluepaw launched herself out of her hiding place and leapt onto the fox's shoulders feeling the muscle ripple beneath her paws so jumping up here wasn't the best idea I've ever had she reflected wondering how she would get down pushing the thought away she began clawing the fox's back it's working! It's a big animal but it'll get tired soon enough. I hope. Pantherheart was facing the fox and clawing at it's muzzle while Finchwing attacked it's belly and Wasppaw and Lightningflare attacked its hind legs finally with a volley of barks it turned and ran while Bluepaw leapt off it's back and watched it run across the stream "good attack" Pantherheart meowed "we'd better get back and report to Nightstar we should probably keep an eye out for the scent as well" Bluepaw padded along behind the patrol "you were brilliant in the fight Bluepaw!" Wasppaw meowed and Bluepaw purred "thanks Wasppaw you were pretty good too" Wasppaw nodded and padded away to walk beside Finchwing "I can't believe it my first fight!" Bluepaw meowed to herself

"I can't believe you actually fought a fox!" Flamepaw gasped Bluepaw examined a scratch on her front leg se couldn't remember getting it in the fight but it had gone in such a blur "yeah I can't believe it either" she meowed Smokepaw purred "I wish I'd been in the battle Skygaze just taught me this brilliant move that works with any animal" Bluepaw purred "Pantherheart was really impressed with you Bluepaw" a new voice interrupted them and Bluepaw looked up to see Nightstar sitting behind them with Lightningflare "I want you all to come to the gathering tomorrow night"

Hi! I've updated again! I'm not going to give Bluepaw her warrior name until we decide between Blueshade and Blueshadow comment which you prefer in the next chapter, needless to say we will explore the gathering place of NightClan, SoarClan, SplashClan and MarshClan I will update soon!

Warriors: Blueshadow's FlameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon