Chapter 15

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Blueshadow padded into the clearing the warm sun dappled on her back she'd just been on a hunting patrol Pantherheart and Branchfall followed her and Blueshadow deposited her prey on on the fresh kill pile it had been nearly five moons since she'd last seen Bracken and she didn't know when she'd see her father again Nightstar appeared and leapt into the branches of the Shadetree "let all cats old enough to creep through the shadows gather below for a clan meeting!" She yowled Blueshadow sat down beside Mintbreeze, who had received her full name not long after her last meeting with Bracken her sister greeted her with a nod. Blueshadow looked around trying to work out what was going on Juniperberry was sitting with Branchfall her eyes filled with pride Blueshadow followed her gaze and saw Mistkit and Quailkit sitting in the center shifting from paw to paw in excitement an apprentice ceremony! Blueshadow realised with a purr she wondered who would mentor them, maybe Pantherheart or Lightningflare they're both very experienced. Lightshine or Claynose would make good mentors too. "Quailkit, step forward" Nightstar meowed and Quailkit let out a squeal of excitement and darted forwards Blueshadow let out an amused purr with the other warriors "from this day forward this apprentice will be known as Quailpaw, Shadedrift, you are ready for your first apprentice, pass on all your skills to Quailpaw." Quailpaw lifted her gaze and greeted her new mentor Shadedrift's a mentor! He'll be a brilliant mentor to any cat! "Mistkit, step forward" Nigthtstar purred the young kit padded into the center her blue eyes shining with pride "from this moment on this apprentice will be known as Mistpaw" Nightstar paused and rested her gaze on Blueshadow "Blueshadow, you're ready for your first apprentice you will be Mistpaw's mentor" Blueshadow felt pride and nervousness flow through her, I want to be a great mentor more than anything else! Mistpaw padded over and Blueshadow greeted her new apprentice who blinked at her with pride Shadedrift met her gaze and Blueshadow purred loudly I'm a mentor! Nightstar had drawn the ceremony to a close and Mistpaw padded over to Juniperberry with Quailpaw close behind "we're mentors!" Shadedrift's purr sounded behind her and she turned around and purred back Mistpaw had padded over what are we going to do now?" She asked Blueshadow thought for a moment "we could go to the sun hollow and start hunting practise, then we'd have more time to tour the territory tomorrow" Mistpaw nodded and followed her as she left the camp, Blueshadow raised her head in pride I'm a mentor!

"Good! Crouch as low as you can, you can go a little lower" Mistpaw sat up and blinked at her "let me se you do it then" she meowed and Blueshadow sighed her apprentice seemed to forget that she was the apprentice, not the mentor "just do it Mistpaw" she meowed "fine!" Mistpaw muttered lowering into a crouch again "you don't need to be so grumpy" she purred silkily and Blueshadow shook her head I won't get into an argument with my apprentice, but cuffing her over the ears is extremely tempting... Mistpaw was in a hunting crouch that was very good, Blueshadow had to admit "that'll do now Mistpaw, see if you can use those skills for real, try finding some prey" Mistpaw sat up shaking each of her paws one by one "finally! Any cat would think you enjoyed torturing your apprentices! It certainly felt like it!" Blueshadow sighed as Mistpaw limped dramatically out of the hollow and into the forest her apprentice was hard work but her spirit reminded her of her own self not that I'd ever talk to Juniperberry or Pantherheart like that! Maybe Mistpaw would be a tough apprentice but she was strong and smart Mistpaw skidded into the clearing her eyes wide "Blueshadow! I scented SoarClan!" Blueshadow blinked and sniffed the air and was alarmed to find that her apprentice had been correct but it was strange it's only one cat, but who... she thought, racing through her mind for the right name Soarstar! The SoarClan leader, her mother as much as she hated the thought was in her forest she opened her jaws in an angry yowl "Soarstar! Come out now!" The blue cat padded into the sunlit clearing
"hello" she meowed silkily Blueshadow narrowed her eyes
"Go and get more warriors Mistpaw" Mistpaw turned and ran out of the hollow "what do you want?" Blueshadow snapped Soarstar opened her green eyes wide with mock surprise "that's no way to greet your mother surely? Didn't your foster mother teach you better?" Blueshadow fought to contain her anger
"Nightstar is more of a mother than you could ever be!" She snarled Soarstar sat down and began washing a forepaw, her green eyes glittered "I'd show more respect to your mother if I were you" she purred silkily Blueshadow barely stopped herself from launching herself at Soarstar and clawing the smug look off her face "you aren't my mother" Blueshadow snarled Soarstar opened her eyes wide in mock disappointment she opened her jaws to speak but then a voice cut in "Blueshadow! Where are you?" Shadedrift! Blueshadow felt relief run through her from ears to tail tip Shadedrift always looked out for her suddenly Soarstar pounced on her and whispered in her ear "if you mention me I'll make sure you regret it!" Before her weight disappeared and she ran into the forest Blueshadow was numb but was also aware of Shadedrift pressing against her asking if she was ok. She nodded Soarstar wouldn't haunt her forever, would she?

Hi! That was a long chapter! Sorry for disappearing but I plan to write a lot over the next couple of weeks. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and he new one will be out very soon

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