Chapter 9

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"Why does Bluepaw get to go again? We haven't been yet!" Wasppaw asked Flamepaw and Smokepaw who were going as well bristled and Smokepaw snapped "because she does! Stop complaining Wasppaw!" Bluepaw sighed she would have been more tactful than that she didn't want to make enemies of her clanmates, she was just desperate to see Dapplepaw again. Worry wormed in her belly what if she's not there? She asked herself she shook her head to clear the thoughts "Calm down Wasppaw there'll be many more gathering before you're made a warrior" Lightshine murmured to Wasppaw. Wasppaw snorted loudly "that's my point!" He grumbled Bluepaw sighed and turned her attention on Nightstar who was signalling to her Bluepaw padded over "if you can get Dapplepaw away from the other cats we want to keep it a secret for now" Bluepaw nodded if SoarClan or SplashClan found out they'd use it as an excuse to drive out NigthClan because they were 'breaking' the warrior code she sighed. Can't they just mind their own business? Nightstar signalled with her tail and the cats filed out of camp into the forest StarClan help me and Dapplepaw.

There were warriors everywhere and Bluepaw began padding through the crowd Nightstar had promised to stall the gathering for as long as possible to help her chances of talking to the cat that might be her kin. She slipped through the crowd and she sighed she felt like a shadow in the cats they hardly noticed the small blue apprentice padded through the midst she halted and tested the air Dapplepaw! The brown apprentice was here she followed the scent breaking into a trot then a run suddenly the young apprentice was running straight for her and they stopped suddenly "I need to talk to you... alone" Dapplepaw meowed Bluepaw nodded happy to agree as Dapplepaw led her away "Bluepaw at the battle..." she trailed off and Bluepaw finished for her "so it wasn't just me! Dapplepaw what happened? We were so close!" Dapplepaw nodded there was a troubled look in her eyes "I asked Dovefeather, my mother after the fight she told me that Marshstar found me on the border one day..." Bluepaw felt as if the entire forest was dissolving around her this can't be happening "Nightstar told me the same thing" Bluepaw admitted ruefully and Dapplepaw's eyes widened with shock "then we could be-"
"Kin" the two apprentices looked at each other
"if we really are kin- sisters then who are our parents?" Dapplepaw asked glancing around nervously Bluepaw shared her worry "I don't know" she meowed "but we need to find out ask any cat you can about it, I'll try and find information as well we'll meet at the border at sunhigh on half moon" Dapplepaw nodded and the two apprentices turned away from each other "goodbye... sister" Dapplepaw meowed quietly over her shoulder Bluepaw twitched her ears but didn't reply as she merged back into the crowd and nodded to Nightstar the piece of information she had was enough she and Dapplepaw had both been found at around the same time and didn't belong to either clan StarClan I know I could end up getting hurt but I need to know who my family really is!

I disappeared again! Sorry! This chapter was very short but I didn't have much time to write I'll try and bring a new chapter soon. Stay tuned!

Warriors: Blueshadow's FlameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora