Chapter 7

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"Um... I can't really... um remember" Pantherheart stammered Bluepaw longed to ask what he meant and why he wasn't giving a straight answer suddenly something prodded her in the side and Bluepaw jerked awake to see Mintpaw looking down at her "hurry! Shadepaw, Lightpaw and Claypaw are being made warriors!" Bluepaw scrambled to her paws and ran into the clearing and sat beside Flamepaw "where's Smokepaw?" She asked her brother angled his ears to where their brother was chatting to Dawnpaw Bluepaw nodded. "With SoarClan pushing at our borders we need new warriors so today Shadepaw, Lightpaw and Claypaw will receive their warrior names" she paused and turned to address the three apprentices "Shadepaw, Lightpaw, Claypaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?" Shadepaw, Lightpaw and Claypaw looked at each other quivering with excitement Shadepaw answered first "I do" Lightpaw and Claypaw echoed their brothers words confidently that will be me soon! Bluepaw thought with a pang of delight "then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names Shadepaw you will now be known as Shadedrift. StarClan honours your commitment and determination" Shadedrift looked thrilled as Nightstar continued "Lightpaw you shall now be known as Lightshine StarClan honours your strength and spirit" Lightshine stepped back as Nightstar addressed Claypaw "Claypaw you will now be known as Claynose. StarClan honours your bravery and loyalty" Claynose joined his brother and sister in the centre of the circle as the clan called their new names "Shadedrift! Lightshine! Claynose! Shadedrift! Lightshine! Claynose!" Bluepaw sighed happily her former den mates would make fantastic warriors suddenly she was aware of the sounds of endless dripping and the clan looked up it was Nightstar who yowled joyfully "StarClan has welcomed out new warriors by starting the thaw! New Leaf is officially here!"

Bluepaw padded, yawning from the den it was the morning after the thaw had officially begun and the camp was warm she purred as she stretched letting the shadows creep up her legs onto her back Shadedrift nodded to her and Bluepaw looked towards the horizon the dawn patrol would leave soon I'll ask Pantherheart if I can go he won't mind she looked up as the camp was suddenly bathed with dawn light she turned to see the sunlight reeling towards the edges of camp beside the warriors and Medicine Cat Den while the ferns the separated both quivered under the sunlight Nightstar padded out of her den and stretched then padded over to the three warriors Bluepaw didn't hear what she told them but they purred gratefully and stretched then disappeared into the warriors den leaving the leaves the guarded the entrance quivering. Pantherheart stepped towards the half stump where he assigned patrols he nodded as she approached "you can join the MarshClan border patrol with Branchfall and Wolfstrike" the two warriors padded over and Pantherheart meowed "you will patrol the MarshClan border I know that SoarClan is out main threat but we must still patrol our other borders" Branchfall nodded and glanced once toward the nursery where Bluepaw could make out Juniperberry's shadow she was due to kit any day now and spent most of her time eating and sleeping Bluepaw had committed herself to hunting and cleaning out her nest Branchfall assembled the patrol and the three cats filed out of camp towards the Moon Hollow the border was sunny and they took their time as they travelled along the border carefully remarking the scent marks suddenly there was a growl combined with a desperate shriek Dapplepaw! Bluepaw and the patrol bolted towards the noise and Bluepaw watched in horror as a huge fox with fur still growing back along it's back cornered the apprentice "help me! Please!" she wailed her eyes were wild with panic as she stared at the fox Branchfall looked at the apprentice and nodded before launching himself across the border Bluepaw followed and leapt in front of Dapplepaw glaring at the fox and swiped her claws along it's muzzle "pick on someone your own size!" She hissed while Branchfall and Wolfstrike attacked the fox side on Dapplepaw reared up beside Bluepaw grunting with the effort and pain and struck at the fox it was strange that the two apprentices were fighting as if they'd known each other their whole lives as they matched each other paw for paw. Finally the fox let out a wail and turned running into the forest Bluepaw looked at her clanmates and to her relief they hardly looked as if they had any scratches then she turned and let out a gasp "Dapplepaw!" The young apprentice had sunk to the ground and was panting heavily suddenly a voice called through the forest "Dapplepaw where are you?" Bluepaw straightened and raised her muzzle and answered the call and soon Jumpwhisker appeared he ran to his apprentice and sniffed her and hoisted her onto his back "I'll make sure she gets seen to thank you NightClan cats" he nodded before turning away Bluepaw couldn't take her eyes off her friends' pelt StarClan let her be ok Branchfall and Wolfstrike padded over the border and started to finish the patrol but Bluepaw couldn't concentrate it wasn't just worry for her friend it was also confusion the two had matched each other paw for paw as if they had known each other forever she remembered Pantherheart when Coldpool had been kitting and shuddered in spite of the warm sun StarClan is there something about me that I don't know?

Hi! I've been waiting ages to write that chapter! I'm going to change Blueshade to Blueshadow sorry if you liked Blueshade but I hope you enjoyed this very long chapter!

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