Chatpter 6

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"Hurry up Bluepaw I want to see the Moon Hollow!" the moon hollow was a large hollow with four boulders coming from each corner where the leaders sat Bluepaw hurried after her littermates as they streamed into the hollow glowing silver in the moonlight and snow. "Remember you three don't start any fights the other apprentices might try to start one and if they do come and find me" Lightningflare meowed "apart from that go enjoy yourselves" the three siblings nodded and Bluepaw padded away from her littermates "I'm going to find some other apprentices I'll see you guys later" she meowed over her shoulder before disappearing into the crowd a huge warrior was sitting beside a small tabby apprentice and Bluepaw sat own beside her "hello I'm Bluepaw of NightClan" she meowed the tabby nodded back and meowed "I'm Dapplepaw of MarshClan is this your first gathering?" She asked with her head tilted to the side and Bluepaw nodded "it's my first too I can't believe how many cats are here this is my mentor Jumpwhisker" the large warrior nodded a greeting at hearing his name before some cat hissed quietly "sh! It's starting Bluepaw and Dapplepaw looked up to see Splashstar standing on her boulder "welcome to this moon's gathering! SplashClan has struggled with the frozen river but prey on land is plentiful and we look forward to new leaf in a moon" Bluepaw was willing to bet a moon of dawn patrols that it was a lie looking at the SplashClan cats' skinny frames Nightstar stood up and Bluepaw felt a thrill of pride to see her mother standing there the moonlight turning her dark pelt to silver "we bWring Bluepaw, Smokepaw and Flamepaw to this gathering!" Bluepaw gasped as the cats began chanting her name and dipped her head in embarrassment "we sent word to MarshClan but Pantherheart, Lightningflare, Finchwing, Wasppaw and Bluepaw chased a fox into your territory" Nightstar meowed looking at Marshstar who nodded his thanks and Dpllepaw looked open mouthed at Bluepaw "you fought the fox!? Were you injured?" Bluepaw proudly held up her foreleg where the scar was healing well "only this" she purred proudly while Dapplepaw adored the scar she turned her attention to Marshstar who had begun his report "to this gathering we bring Dapplepaw and Rainpaw!" Bluepaw joined in the cheer and nodded to her new friend "Rainpaw's my brother" Dapplepaw whispered to her "we thank NigthClan for sending news of the fox we chased it out of our territory today it went into the wild forest and we hope we don't see the creature again we have plentiful prey but we too, are looking forward to the warmth of new leaf and green leaf" Soarstar stepped forward and began her report "we bring Strikepaw to this gathering for the first time and we have a new warrior! Cloudwatcher!" Bluepaw joined the cheer again and looked at the fluffy white tom all the SoarClan warriors seemed to be looking at "also we plan to step up patrols as all of you have been scented in our territory stay away, or we'll make you!" Bluepaw and Dapplepaw stared at each other in shock Bluepaw had never heard of a leader taking on the other three clans "Soarstar must be feeling very confident" Bluepaw whispered to Dapplepaw who nodded her gaze was fixed on Soarstar who glared at the other clans with disdain in her gaze the other clans began yowls of protest suddenly the hollow was thrown into darkness and a yowl cut over the sudden silence it was Nightstar "we must stop fighting! This gathering is at an end! Come NightClan we must return home" the other leaders gave their own orders to leave and Bluepaw nodded to Dapplepaw "see you next time" she meowed and Dapplepaw meowed her goodbye before padding away and Bluepaw went to join Nightstar and Lightningflare Flamepaw and Smokepaw padded over Nightstar looked shocked "Soarstar's an arrogant mousebrain! What was she thinking? With those words she's turned the other clans against her!" Nightstar meowed then shook herself "we must return home I think Soarstar was looking for an excuse to invade and attack the other clans. Starting with us"

Hi! Sandstorm here, I and one of my friends who reads the book have had brilliant ideas for this story, the future of Blueshade/shadow will shock everyone! I'm planning on updating at least twice a week but I'm so excited for this book it's probably gonna be more than that, and it's my only project I'll be back soon to give you the next chapter on Bluepaw's adventures! Stay tuned!

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