Chapter 14

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"Don't you think my kits, our kits deserved to know the truth?" Bracken hissed he was seething with fury Soarstar yowled "no! They didn't, they don't they have fought my clan with tooth and claw!" Bracken met her burning blue gaze "only because you were ashamed of our daughters" he snapped "you were so ashamed of the kits you gave birth to that you had to push them out of their clan, you pushed me out as well because you thought I'd reveal the truth! I was a SoarClan warrior! I was Brackenfrost! I had a life! You murdered Goosestar and made me take the blame! Only to drive me out, to 'prove' your clan meant everything to you! Well now look what you've done! They only fought you because they were brought up to not like you, Soarstar the evil leader of SoarClan. If you had raised our kits properly then you would have had a family, now you walk alone into a life that will only lead to bloodshed!" He turned and stalked away Soarstar stared after him for a long moment then stared upwards "StarClan! Help me! This time I've made a mistake that I cannot reverse!"


Blueshadow ran through the forest as a blur I'm not the daughter of a murderer! I can't be! If my clanmates find out they'll think I'm just like Soarstar not Nightstar, not the cat who is my mother! "Blueshadow! Are you ok?" Shadedrift asked as he sprang into her path Blueshadow skidded to a halt, so sudden it stung her paws. She couldn't hold herself any longer "I'm Soarstar's daughter! I can't be the daughter of that traitor! I can't be if the clan finds I'll be kicked out!" She sobbed Shadedrift looked shocked "you aren't Soarstar, you're Blueshadow, a NightClan warrior, the daughter of Nightstar and Lightningflare, you are you, not a cat who breaks the warrior code. Don't worry, I'll help get you through this Blueshadow, I promise" Blueshadow allowed herself to be comforted, she wished she had never asked Mintpaw about her parents! If I could relive my life, I'd change everything about what I've done!

Blueshadow padded into camp "I'm going to hide the truth" she meowed firmly Shadedrift looked sidelong at her and blinked "are you sure that's the best idea?" He asked Blueshadow dug her claws into the frosty earth, the warm Greenleaf nights were still a few moons off "It's not your decision Shadedrift! Stay out of my business!" She snapped before she turned and stalked away. She knew she had been mean but she couldn't let her clan know the truth, it could ruin her whole life! The camp was silent as she padded into the clearing but Nightstar's voice wreathed around her like smoke "are you ok Blueshadow?" Blueshadow hissed and glared into the thick shadows though she could make out no shapes "I'm fine! Leave me alone and stop worrying for once!" She snarled before pushing her way into the warriors den and curling into sleep. I know I'm being unfair but I don't want pity, I want to forget tonight ever happened! That anything ever happened since just before I learned the truth!       

Blueshadow blinked and raised her head light streamed into the den and she blinked Shadedrift was curled up on the other side of the den he had his back turned to her and his gentle snores filled the den Blueshadow padded over and brushed his ears with her muzzle "I'm so sorry for what I said she whispered" she knew he hadn't heard her Nightstar veered away as she left the den and cats seemed to be avoiding her and she hissed crossly as Mistkit scrambled in front of her she loved her old mentors kits but they needed control! She left the clearing an padded into the forest Lightningflare followed her. "Nightstar told me what happened" he murmured "did something happen? I promise not to tell anyone" Blueshadow sighed heavily "I know who my mother is" she admitted slowly and Lightningflare's eyes widened and he blinked at her "isn't that good?" He asked
"No! My mother is Soarstar!" Lightningflare looked shocked "I'm so scared the clan would judge me because of who she is Lightningflare" she mumbled Lightningflare nuzzled her ears
"I know your father must be Brackenfrost he's a former SoarClan warrior and the rumours were that Soarstar drove him out" Blueshadow nodded it made sense that Bracken was Brackenfrost "you aren't Soarstar, she didn't raise you, we raised you and we know you're a good cat we won't let you be judged for someone you're not" Blueshadow nodded, she did feel better "thanks Lightningflare" she whispered her father nodded before padding away I trust my parents they won't let anything bad happen to me

Hi! That was a very long chapter but I love it! I haven't got much else to say so stay tuned and get ready for the next chapter

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