panties in a twist

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t a e h y u n g ;

It was a weekly routine to go to Seokjin's dorm every Friday from 6 to 1 in the morning. It was the same thing




I mean, yeah, we figured out new things to do, but the time never changed, the people never changed, and the rule about no drinking never changed either. It was the last thing listed that got most of our panties in a twist, but Seokjin enforced this rule tirelessly. He said he didn't want any of us walking around the campus at one in the morning, drunk off our asses, which I suppose is a normal request,

but Namjoon hated it.

He was always trying to push Seokjin's limits, not only with the drinking rule, but with everything else as well. It was fucked up and repetitive but no one really said anything about it.

Namjoon walked into Seokjin's dorm at around 6:30, which meant he was late, and we're not allowed to be late in these parts.

"Turn around, Namjoon. I know why you're late so don't even try to come in." Seokjin hollers from within the bathroom where he's probably shitting or something. How did he even hear him come in? Namjoon rarely makes tons of noise when he walks in, so the probability that Seokjin would have heard him was zero to none.

But he did, somehow.

Right as I'm beginning to contemplate the option that Seokjin is a psychic, Namjoon pours all of his drink in Seokjin's potted plant.

Oh, that's why Seokjin asked him to turn around. It was completely obvious that Namjoon had brought in whiskey or something and Seokjin wasn't going to play around with him.

Namjoon plopped down on bed closest to the door and layed in Hoseok's lap. Seokjin didn't have a roommate somehow, plus he got one of the most expensive dorms on campus, making the amount of room more than any of our dorms. He was one lucky, and rich, bastard.

It was a high probability that Seokjin would be a business owner in the future, making him even more rich, in fact we all betted on it. If he doesn't have at least 3 buildings in the next 10 years then I'll be down 50 dollars, which would suck because I don't happen to have 50 dollars to spare.

My thoughts are cut off my Yoongi's humming. He's always doing shit like that and I'm certain it's just to piss Hoseok off. Hoseok has a thing with humming, you see. He thinks if you're going to sing a song then sing it all the way out, don't just hum! It's a weird way to think, but it's the way he works and we all adapt around it,

except Yoongi.

Yoongi always hums,

and mumbles.

He also attempts to speak large words that mess him up because of his lisp,

and he speaks incredibly fast as to where his words get jumbled up.

It's Hoseok's worst fears all built up into one person, but Hoseok never says anything about it. He leaves Yoongi alone for the most part which is what I don't understand.

"How's that kid doing?" Jimin asks from the beanbag on the floor.

"What kid?" Seokjin asks, once again from the bathroom. What's taking him so long anyways?

"The kid that gave Tae his number!" Jimin exclaims.




I totally forgot about that kid! He gave me his number, what? 4 days ago? I didn't even type in his number into my phone or anything, but I can't tell the boys that.

So I tell them what any normal human being would say,

"It's going really good."

Yeah, I lied, but who doesn't? They all nod in unison (It's a thing they do. Super creepy.) and some of them chuckle, namely Jimin and Namjoon.

"Good! Maybe now you won't be so fucking lonely!" Seokjin yells from the toilet.

I could have had my eardrums amputated at that moment and I wouldn't have complained.

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