dick wad

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j e o n g g u k ;

"Who the fuck are you?"

Instead of the handsome man I presumed would be answering, a smaller, mouse looking boy opened the door.

"I'm Min Yoongi, who the fuck are you?"

His eyes were beat red and I begin to worry for Taehyung. Could he be hurt? Did this mystery man kill him?!

I snap myself out of those thoughts. C'mon, Jeongguk! Don't be such a bitch boy. You never worry for anyone because you're a stone cold killer.

"I'm here to get my dick sucked." Plain and simple. I practically oose confidence from my very pores, or maybe it's sweat. Either way, I'm definitely showing this guy up.

He screws his face up in disgust. "Sorry dude, I think whoever was supposed to do that gave you the wrong address."

And then I realize,

I've seen this prick somewhere before! This is one of Tae's friends! Of course, how could I be so blind?!

"Is Taehyung here?" I think my voice cracked but I swiftly cover it up with a very manly cough.

The small boy sneers and calls out, "Hey, dick wad! Someone's here for you! Tryna get his dick sucked or whatever."

I hear a loud crash implode from farther inside the dorm. It startled me, but I don't let it show of course. I'm a confident man.

I see the boy I came here to see peering through the door crack, and he sprints over to the front door only to close it in my face.

I hear some distant whispering from inside the dorm and I presume that I should maybe leave?

Before I get the chance to even turn around, the door opens swiftly, causing it to hit my nose. "Ah fuck!" I yell (very manly like may I add.)

He peers behind the dormitory entrance slowly and very coy like. Why I could have fucked him right there and I wouldn't have regretted it.

He lets out a low chuckle.

"My bad."

I rub my nose harshly. "It's alright." Suddenly my shyness starts to awaken from within me. Not this again! Please, not another lunchroom incident.

"Um.. Who is uh?" I point towards the door hoping he understands my flustered way of communication.

He brings his fingers up to rub along his brow, a possible headache forming. I hope he's oka- wait. No I don't. I'm a hard bitch.

"That's Yoongi, he's my friend. He just smoked like 5 bowls and doesn't plan on leaving soon sooo.." He pauses and then looks towards me coyly, "Do you think we could save this for another day?"

I groan internally but accept nonetheless.

I turn around to finally leave, but before I can make my dramatic exit,

"Do you wanna smoke a bowl or two with us? I feel bad for making you come all this way."

just friends; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now