Chapter Three

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Realization hits me at Elain's words. The images from another person, another place. Disjointed, chaotic images. The others think her mind was broken in the Cauldron, but...

I offer Elain the only encouragement I can, through a smile. Her eyes express her gratitude as the others talk amongst themselves. Feyre turns to me, a question in her eyes. I ignore her question and winnow away. I need to do some research. I feel Mor's blazing gaze on me as I vanish, but I do not return. My heart still smarts from her rejection, the anger that simmered in her eyes in the Hewn City.

I materialize in the library, the priestesses greet me with bows and smiles. Pushing the guilt of Mor's look deep into my mind, I wander deep into the library, searching for a particular book. During my first few years in Velaris, I had been curious about my powers. The shadows have always spoken to me, hidden me, but I never understood the mastery my magic gave me over them. Amren had shown me a section of texts describing different ways magic manifested.

The hazy, lost look in Elain's eyes haunts me as I make my way through the shelves, carefully glancing at the titles. A whisper behind me has me turning around. A tendril of my shadow holds the book I was seeking in front of me. I take the book to a nearby table and peruse the section about magical visions.

As I am reading, the tendrils of shadow watching over the townhouse alert me to Elain and Lucien meeting. I send the book back to its shelf and winnow to the skies above the townhouse. My brothers stand outside the door, looking into the windows. Cassian throws his head back and roars with laughter before he and Rhysand turn towards our favorite drinking place. The house is silent, so I vanish again and meet the others for a drink.

"There you are, Az," Cassian says as I step out of the shadows. "Where have you been?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I was just gathering some information. Did the females get tired of you already?"

Rhys barks out a laugh. Cassian rolls his eyes. "No, the High Lady threatened to cut off our favorite parts if we interfered. I would rather remain in one piece."

It is the High Lord's turn to roll his eyes. "She did not," he sighs in exasperation. "Her and Nesta are concerned about Elain's magic having an effect on her sanity. Lucien volunteered to use their bond to... explore."

These words ignite a spark of anger inside of me. I reign in my emotions and arrange my face into a neutral mask. "I see," I say simply.

Cassian and Rhysand pour us all another drink and empty their glasses in one gulp. I slowly savor the warmth of the brandy, listening to the shadows. Even they feel drawn to the female...

A pulse down the tether as Elain jumps to her feet, startled. The bond. He found the bond and pulled. Lucien apologizes and the gathering quickly disperses. I down the rest of my drink and leave the bar. My brothers shout after me, but I ignore them and launch myself into the sky.

I return to the town house, hidden in the shadows. Replies from some of the High Lords await our answers. Feyre and Mor are sitting at the table, Lucien and Nesta anxiously look to Elain. I feel a pang of sadness at the distant look in her eyes. "Twin ravens are coming. One white and one black."

At her words, the others exchange confused looks. In a soft voice I didn't think she could use, Nesta asks, "What can I get you Elain?"

Those brown eyes move from the far wall and stop on where I stand for a heartbeat before looking at her sister. "Sunshine," she breathes.

Nesta glares at Feyre before taking Elain to the back garden. I follow them outside. The sisters stop at the fountain and sit on the lip. Silence permeates the garden, Nesta eyeing her younger sister warily before grasping her hand.

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