Chapter Twenty-Five

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Lucien grips my wrist and pulls me close to him as a mighty, roaring wind fills the foyer. My scream is lost as Azriel vanishes from the room. I wrench my hand out of Lucien's and race to the spot where he once was. "What did you do to him?" I shout.

"He is alive and well," Tamlin says flatly. "I just removed him from the estate."

Lucien takes a step towards me, but I retreat back. I can see the shield of hardened air over the doors and windows. I have to find a way to escape, but not right now. I have to pretend and watch for my chance.

"Don't touch me," I growl. "Don't you dare touch me."

"Elain..." Lucien says quietly.

I shake my head. I look at the High Lord. "Do I at least have my own room?"

A lesser Fae servant appears from one of the smaller doors leading off of the entryway. She offers me a sad smile and beckons towards me. I lift my chin, ignoring the distraught face of my mate, and follow the female. She leads me down neglected hallways to a carved, white wood door. I thank her and push it open.

A large bed fills most of the room. Some windows look out into the gardens. A small wardrobe stands beside another door. I open it to find a cozy bathing chamber. An empty fireplace fills the remaining wall. The anger and defiance drains out of me, leaving me feeling exhausted. I sink onto the bed, burying my face into one of the soft pillows. A dreamless sleep soon claims me.

A soft knocking on my door awakens me hours later. The room is faintly illuminated by moonlight streaming in through the windows. "Elain?"

The sound of Lucien's voice sparks my temper. I reach for the dagger in my belt, but the sheath is empty. I ignore the second bout of knocking. After several tense moments, Lucien lets out a small sigh and his footsteps recede down the hallway. Does he truly think I'm going to forgive him so easily?

I spend the rest of the night sitting with my back pressed against the headboard watching the door. As the soft light of dawn creeps into the room, a different knock sounds at the door. "Who is it?" A female voice responds to my question.

The same female from last night enters when I open the door. She keeps her head bowed, refusing to meet my eye. "The... the High Lord has asked you to join Lucien and him for breakfast." I feel a pang of pity for this young servant. I can't put her in the middle of this, but I'm not going to let them manipulate me.

"Thank you for informing me," I say politely. "I must dress if I am to be presentable."

Her face flushes again. "I... I am to help you."

I shake my head. "No, I will take care of myself while I am here. It is what I did at home. You may stay here while I dress, if it will help you."

"T-the High Lord will ask..."

"And I will explain to him that I do not need looking after."

She bows her head and begins to build a fire in the grate while I open the wardrobe. A scathing noise escapes my throat at the sight of the frilly dresses within. The tunic and pants I am wearing are still clean, if a little wrinkled.

I re-braid my hair and leave the room. The servant chases after me, but I wave her away. "I'm not wearing those ridiculous clothes."

The sound of male voices emanates from the restored dining room. As I push open the doors, both males turn to look at me. I refuse to look at Lucien as he rises. I select a chair near Tamlin. "Good morning," I say blandly.

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