Chapter Ten

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My eyelids open slowly, heavily when I awaken. I hear a soft, steady breathing somewhere above me. "Elain? You're awake!" The relief in Nesta's voice unsettles me. I have rarely heard so much emotion in it.

"What happened?" I ask. "How long have I been... asleep?"

"The... wall. It's gone," Nesta says. "You have only been here for a few hours. The others are making plans."

I throw back the covers, ignoring the spinning in my head. Nesta leaps to her feet and tries to push me down onto the bed. "We need to be there," I insist.

I sidestep Nesta and head to the wardrobe to dress. "You need to rest!"

I whirl around to face my sister. "This is war! I can't fight, but we still can help. We can give ideas and a new perspective."

Nesta opens her mouth then closes it. She gives me a curt nod and leaves the room. I dress quickly and find the others sitting around the dining room table. Azriel's hazel eyes move to me the moment I appear on the stairs.

"We should have evacuated months ago..." Nesta sighs. She shakes her head.

"We can go back tonight and evacuate your household," Rhysand says.

"They won't come! They will insist they're friends and families come with."

Silence falls again. An idea comes to my mind, even as my healing heart quails at the thought. "We can move them to Graysen's estate."

All eyes turn towards me. I swallow the lump in my throat, praying my voice will not shake. Nesta looks as if she will insist I remain here, safe and hidden. I refuse to cower any longer. "His father has high walls, and there is plenty of space for people and supplies. He has been planning for something like this for a long time. There is an entire grove of ash trees, and... a stockroom full of weapons. Ash weapons."

Cassian lets out an almost silent snarl. Azriel and Rhysand exchange a glance. "If the Fae attacking have magic, those walls won't stand a chance," Cassian points out.

I think for a moment. "There are escape tunnels underneath the estate. They would be better than nothing."

"We can set up a guard--"

I shake my head. "No. Grayson and his father..."

"Then we cloak--"

"They have hounds. Hounds bred to scent and kill your kind."

Cassian's eyes burn with anger, but I can almost hear the different strategies forming in his mind. "We can't leave the castle defenseless."

"I will speak to Graysen," I announce firmly.

"No!" Feyre and Nesta exclaim together.

I shoot a glare in their direction. "If you come with me... your Fae scent will distract the dogs."

"You are Fae, too," Nesta reminds me, her voice soft.

I turn to my sister's mate. "Glamour me. Make me look mortal again. I can speak to him about opening his gates and maybe allowing wards to be set."

Feyre steps forward. "This could end badly, Elain."

"It's already ended badly. The wall has fallen. We cannot sit by and do nothing as the humans are slaughtered."

Mor offers me an approving smile before turning to Cassian. They begin to make a plan. I sink onto one of the couches. Azriel gives me a smile that warms me to my toes before he and Mor vanish.

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