Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Sigra has returned."

I jump at Marrtin's voice. "Is she ready to speak to us?"

He nods. I hurriedly wipe my hands on my skirt and follow Marrtin to Sigra's house. In the great hall, Sigra sits in her usual spot. Her face looks hollow and pale, but her eyes are alive with a mysterious light. I incline my head in greeting.

"It is good to see you Elain. The healers tell me you have been helping them these past weeks."

"Yes, I didn't want to just sit around, and that seemed to be where I would be most useful. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. There are always more hands needed, but that's not what we are here to talk about. Where is Azriel?"

"I haven't seen him since this morning," I say. A look of concern crosses Sigra's face. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing you need concern yourself with. The future is a fickle thing."

"The females of the village tell me you are a seer." Sigra nods. "I have visions as well, but... I don't know how to control them. They almost drove me to madness before I learned how to block them out."

"It is a gift and a curse. I would be more than happy to teach you what I know after we discuss the alliance. Azriel would not want to miss this conversation."

"I'll go check our room for him."

Most of the torches in the hallway are extinguished. My heart begins to pound in my chest. I grab one still burning low and make my way to our room. The door opens at a slight touch. "Azriel?"

The candles and fireplace spring to life as I enter the room, illuminating the wreckage. A chest of drawers lays toppled over, the bed covers are torn to shreds. Splinters of wood litter the floor. I bend to examine one, and my entire body screams at me to run. Is this ash wood? In the center of the room, a night table sits. I approach the table to see one of Azriel's Siphons sitting on top of it beside Truth-Teller.

Every thought, every emotion drains out of me as I collapse into a heap on the floor. I struggle to breathe, trying to fight against the pain threatening to crack my heart. Tears flood from my eyes as I clutch the Siphon to my chest. I whisper his name over and over and over to the carpet.

I don't hear the footsteps until Sigra's gentle hands lift me onto the bed. She gently pulls my body straight. "Find out what happened here," she instructs someone. I tighten my grip on the dull Siphon and snarl as she tries to pry it from me. "Elain, it is me. I can help."

"He's gone."

"I know, but we can find him."

I shake my head. "No, he's gone. Without his magic, he might not be able to escape."

"Elain." The raw power in her voice pulls me out of my grief for a moment. I look up at Sigra. "They made one mistake. We are both seers. With your power and my guidance, we will find Azriel. Do you understand?"

"We can find him?"

"I promise, but you cannot help him if you let your pain consume you."

The truth of her words sinks in, and my muscles relax. "Show me what to do."

Sigra helps me to my feet and leads me to the great room. We enter a door behind the head table. She glances over her shoulders before pushing it open. The inside is dark, but the candles spring to life as Sigra crosses the threshold. "This is where we have communicated with the gods for millenia."

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