Chapter Thirty-One

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"I admit, I'm impressed," Marrtin says. Sweat pours down my face and back from the sparring match. I incline my head. "The Illyrians seem to be worthy warriors."

"It's refreshing having a new sparring partner. I usually only spar with my brothers."

Marrtin sheaths his broadsword down his back. The gathered crowd begins to return to their other duties. We walk back towards Sigra's house, passing training rings where novice wandering warriors spar with wooden sticks. "That seems like such a long time ago," Marrtin says. I nod.

Elain sits with several women from the village, helping sort herbs for the healers. After two weeks in Vallahan, she has taken an interest in learning about medicines and healing magic while we wait for Sigra to reach a decision about forming an alliance with us. I approach them. When Elain looks up and sees me, her entire face lights up. "Azriel! How was the... training?"

"It went well." The shadows move sluggishly over my body. Elain reads something in my expression and gets to her feet.

"Do you have time to take a walk? I need to go collect more herbs."

She loops her arm through mine and leads me out of the village. We stop in a grove of willow trees where Elain begins to scrape off some bark. "What's going on?"

I glance down at my arms where the shadows barely stir. She also looks down and raises an eyebrow. "Your shadows seem less... vigorous."

I nod. "It's been like this all day. I can barely hear their whispers."

Elain strokes my arm, and the tendrils curl around her fingers. I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. "I'm worried about you."

"Don't be. We won't be here much longer. Sigra must be nearly done with her communing."

"I've been seeing... things again. It's mostly in my dreams, but I think my visions are coming back. They scare me, Azriel."

I tighten my embrace. "Is there anyone here who is a seer too?"

"Sigra. The women tell me that she has had visions of things that have yet to happen. I will ask her when she returns." Elain's entire body shudders. "It's the same dream every night. I keep seeing you lost in the snow. I can't reach you. I don't want to let you out of my sight... not that I could do much to help you, but..." She buries her face into my chest.

"I'll be careful, Elain."

"I know, but this dream plus your shadows acting strangely... It makes me uneasy." She bends to gather the dropped bark. "We should get back before dark."

I scoop her into my arms and launch into the sky, summoning a Siphon shield to block the biting wind. I feel an unusual drain on my power. What is going on? We fly in silence before the village comes into view. All of the novices look up in wonder as we land in front of Sigra's house. Elain kisses my cheek and takes her bark to the healer's longhouse.

I push open the door to our room, exhaustion weighing me down. Before I can collapse onto the bed, movement catches my eye. I pull Truth-Teller from its sheath as two masked males step into the light. We stand staring at each other before one of them lunges forward. I step out of the way, but the second male throws a cloud of powder in my path.


My knees hit the floor as my power drains out of me. The shadows evaporate, and my Siphons turn dull. Truth-Teller clatters to the floor. I try to climb to my feet, but my body refuses to obey. The males stand over me, triumph gleaming in their eyes. Icy dread fills me as one of them pulls blue chains from a bag.

The other lifts his dagger. There is an instant of pain before I sink into darkness.

Elain. I just want her to be safe.

The scent of mildew, woodsmoke, and unwashed bodies hits me as the world begins to take form again. Several sets of footsteps pace around me impatiently. My wings are extended, but I can't move them. Burning pain lashes through them as I swallow the sound building in my throat. Slowly. You have to find out what you can before they realize you're awake.

A new smell comes closer, fire and leaves. "I can't believe it actually worked."

That voice. A wave of fury erases any thought of caution from my mind. My eyes snap open, and I am face-to-face with an all too familiar face. One russet eye gleams with madness and triumph. "Azriel. So kind of you to join us."

Chains rattle as I try to lunge towards Lucien. He clicks his tongue. "None of that." Several of the others in the cave lay their hands on their weapons. "Elain said I was no better than a beast, but I see you aren't either."

I don't respond. Lucien paces in front of me with a maniacal grin on his face. "Tamlin might have allowed the Night Court to steal his bride, but I am not going to let you take my mate too."

He's gone insane. His obsession with the bond has driven him into a dark place.

"She will be mine, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." 

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