Chapter Sixteen

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A familiar cry pierces the air, ringing with fury and triumph. Vassa, the firebird queen, rains fire and chaos down on Hybern's ships. Tears stream down my face at the sight of my father leading the charge against the armada. He's alive. He's alive. He's alive.

"Amren and I need to go, now." Feyre's voice snaps me back to the hillside we stand on. Nesta closes her eyes and sighs quietly.

"Wait." Everyone pauses at the sound of my sister's voice. "Use me as bait."

"No!" Cassian and I shout together.

Nesta ignores us, her intense gaze fixed on Rhysand. "The king is most likely waiting by the Cauldron. Even if you reach it, you will still have to fight him. Draw him away from it, draw him towards me."

"How?" Rhysand asks.

"The... link goes both ways. If it seems like I'm using the power I got from the Cauldron, he will come running. Just to kill me and steal back the power."

"He will kill you!" Cassian growls out. He approaches my sister, fear making his eyes wild. "I--"

Nesta stops him by laying her hand on his arm. "That's where you come in."

"No," Rhysand says quietly. I shake my head, words refusing to come to my mouth. Terror chokes me again.

Nesta lets out a snort. "You're not my High Lord. I may do as I wish, and he will sense that you are with me. That means you need to go far away too."

Feyre opens and closes her mouth a few times, looking helplessly at her mate. I approach my sister. "Nesta, no, you can't do this." Cassian looks up at Azriel and the reformed Illyrian lines. Her shoulders stiffen, but Nesta ignores me. "Nesta, please!"

"Az has control of the lines," Cassian says firmly. "I'm going with her."

"I said no." The ground seems to shake as Rhysand steps towards his general.

Cassian meets his gaze, refusing to back down. "This is the only shot we have of luring him away from the Cauldron. You gave everything Rhys. You lived through hell for fifty years for us. It's time the debt was repaid. Let us return the favor."

Guilt and fear and sadness shine in those violet eyes. "There is no debt to repay." My eyes sting at the emotion in his voice.

"I never was able to repay your mother for the kindness she showed me. Let me do it this way. Let me buy you time."

Rhysand shakes his head. "I can't." Feyre wipes her eyes.

"You can. You can, Rhys." His face breaks out in a cocky grin. He turns to my sister. "Do you have everything you need?"

Nesta nods. "Tell Father... tell him thank you." Cassian scoops her into his arms and launches himself into the sky. Rhysand reaches a hand towards him as Feyre lays her own on his shoulder.

"He might survive," she says.

"No, he won't." Rhysand turns away from his mate, looking at me. I straighten my shoulders and approach them.

"I'm going to the Cauldron with you," I announce. Amren and Feyre shake their heads.

"No, you're going back to the camp. You will only be in the way here." His words sting. Rhysand extends his hand towards me. "We need to know you're safe, Elain. Please."

I stomp my foot. "How can you expect me to sit around the camp while all of you are fighting? I can't just sit there worrying and gnashing my teeth!"

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