Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Feyre leads me to the study in the new estate. Shelves and shelves of books line the walls, and the crackling of a large fire in a marble hearth fills the room. Furniture of the deepest green forms a semi-circle in front of the fireplace. She sits me down on a large couch and sinks into the cushion next to mine.

"Elain, listen..."

"Is this about Nesta?"

My sister nods, her expression sad. "I can't watch her destroy herself anymore. She doesn't visit us, she doesn't visit Amren. We have to do something."

"Azriel told me that she has been going out every night... drinking. Bringing home a different male every night. I... I understand."

Guilt makes Feyre's voice heavy. "I blame myself for letting it get this far. She... I love Nesta very much. I know she has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with us here, with our lives or this Court."

"Would you like me to try talking to her?"

"No. I don't think she'll listen to anyone. The time for talking is gone. If we are going to help Nesta, I think we need to do something. Something drastic."

"Are you kicking her out?" I gasp.

"Not exactly. Rhys and I have been talking, and we are going to send her to the Illyrian camps with Cassian. He is going to spend a few weeks there to see if we can find the source of the unrest and resolve it before another war breaks out."

"I don't know if that will actually help Nesta."

Feyre lets out a long sigh. "We have been threatening to cut her off for months unless she changes her behavior, but she knows those threats are empty. It's time we show her that we are serious."

"If that is what you think is best, I understand." My heart cracks at these words. I love my sister. Nesta has always looked out for me, protected me. To see her going down this path of self-destruction after losing our father... "I don't want to lose a sister as well."

I am grateful for the warmth of the fire as a shiver passes through me. "Cassian will look out for her. Don't worry."

"I know. As aggravating as the Illyrians are, I would trust them with my life." Feyre bursts into laughter at this. I glance down at the ring on my finger. "When will they be home?"

"Rhysand said they would be returning by nightfall."

"Ah, just in time. I wonder who is going to knock the house down this time." I wink roguishly at my sister. "I believe it was Azriel and I last time."

"I believe it was Rhysand and I who woke up the servants."

I giggle at the thought. "Have there been any reports...?"

"Nothing new. The Illyrians are still restless. There are reports of other territories trying to expand into human lands. The queens are still showing no signs of leaving their palace. It's been months since the war, but everyone seems to be waiting for something else to happen."

"We will figure it out."

"I know. I just worry with them leaving all the time."

I nod, running my finger along my ring again. "Well, we can show them how much we disapprove when they get home." I look out the glass doors towards my sleeping gardens. "I'm going to go check on the plants."

Feyre embraces me as we stand up. "I'm going to talk to her tomorrow."

"Do you want me there?"

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