Chapter Nineteen

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The mountains surrounding Velaris stand watch over the silent city. Fresh snow covers every roof and street, glowing orange in the early dawn light. I pass through the shield protecting the city, ignoring the sting of the freezing air. The House of Wind beckons me as I approach it.

Rhysand and Cassian are waiting for me. "What did you find out?"

"There's no sign of an army. The rumors are just that: rumors." I pull Truth-Teller from its sheath absently polish the blade. "Our friend will be spending the Solstice with Tamlin though." I am careful not to mention the Autumn Court male's name. A pit of icy rage threatens to consume me.

"I will be paying him a visit as well," Rhysand announces. "Feyre isn't coming with, but we will be spending the Solstice together. All of us, as a family."

"What about the war camps?" Cassian asks.

"We are still going, as we planned, but you will be spending the holiday in Velaris with us." Cassian opens his mouth to protest again, but Rhys silences him with a look. "That's an order. Direct from your High Lady."

I smirk at this, but the smile fades quickly. I don't miss the concerned look Rhysand gives me. "What are you doing, Az?" Cassian asks.

I shrug. My Solstice presents are hidden well away from Cassian and the others, as previous experience taught me. All but one gift. "I have an errand to run. I would suggest you get your presents soon. The Solstice is in a week."

"I have my gifts," Cassian scoffs. "I'll get the decorations."

Rhysand laughs as I roll my eyes. I walk back to the balcony and winnow to the streets of Velaris. I pass a flower shop alive with bright colors of different flowers. The scent of the blooms draws me in. Potted plants and seeds line the shelves. A young female greets me warmly. "What can I do for you?"

"I need a gift for a... friend that loves flowers," I say. The female studies me with a knowing gleam in her eyes. "Can you help me?"

"What did you do?"

Feyre and Cassian stand in the middle of the town house, covered in pine needles and reeking of wine. Garlands and wreaths are strewn about the room, placed carelessly and without any semblance of neatness. Sighing, I straighten the worst offenders. "Az, relax for a minute." Cassian gestures to a plate of cookies. "Have some wine. Cookies."

I glare at him over my shoulder as I hang the garland over the mantle. "Take off your coat," Feyre urges. She points to the closet. I sigh and move to the windows where more garland drags on the floor.

"It's like you two tried to make it as ugly as possible."

Cassian clutches his heart. "We take offense to that." The stench of wine reaches me across the room. I roll my eyes and sigh again.

"Poor Az," Feyre coos. She pours another glass of wine and offers the bottle to me. "Wine will make you feel better." Cassian grins.

I glare from him to Feyre then to the bottle before swiping it out of her hand. I down the rest of the bottle in a few swallows. Both of their grins widen as Rhysand walks in. "Want another bottle, Az?"

I choke on the last mouthful of wine. "I would like to explain..."

Rhysand cuts me off with a wave of his hand, smiling. "Five centuries, and you think I don't know who's behind my bottles of wine disappearing?" He looks at Cassian who salutes him before finishing his glass of wine. The High Lord surveys the decorations and laughs again. "I can tell which ones Azriel managed to fix and which ones he didn't." He looks to his mate. "I expected better from an artist."

Song of ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora