Chapter 13 || Poison

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Link POV 

We walked into (Y/n)'s room. I felt uneasy, I hoped nothing was wrong with her. However I knew something was up.

The doctor then broke the silence, "We examined her body, we found something. There is a poison that is in her blood. We can't do anything to save her now. So if you were planning anything I'd do it now. She could die any day now."

The doctor left and Impa spoke, "When she wakes up we'll have to get her married to you, Ganondorf."

Ganondorf asked, "What if she doesn't?"

Impa said, "We'll figure it out, also if she does you two need to produce an heir."

I was about to open my mouth when the doctor came back into the room. He said, "About that, if she has a child that will postpone her death by the poison. We just took a sample of the poison from her blood. We realized pregnancy can keep her alive a little bit longer. The child will not be affected by the poison at all. Also once she gives birth she will either die or the poison will disappear from her body."

I asked, "How do you know all this from 1 sample?"

The doctor said, "When we examined the poison we realized it was an old poison. A poison we thought was destroyed years ago. So until she wakes you can't do anything. Now you can take her back to her bedroom."

I took her back to her bedroom while Impa and Ganondorf left.


(Y/n) POV  

~~(Y/n) Dream~~

"Zelda," (Y/n) asked, "What are we doing here?"

Zelda answered, "Link told me to meet him at Lake Hylia."

"Then why am I going with you?" 

"Because I wanted to bring you, Link will understand."

Zelda and I got to Lake Hylia. Link ran to us with a smile on his goofy face. He hugged Zelda first then gave me a rose. I tried walking towards him but Zelda put her foot out. I tripped but Link caught me. 

As Link held me in his arms I said, "Sorry, I can be a little clumsy at times."

~~Dream Over~~

I woke up by someone snoring. I looked around, I was in my bedroom. I then felt something squeeze my hand. I looked at my hand and Link was there. He must have fallen asleep while holding my hand. To be honest I didn't mind at the moment. Then Ganondorf burst into the room. He explained everything. 

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