Chapter 16 || Link

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Hello readers, believe it or not this is not the end. I an making the epilogue of both endings. Because one I enjoy writing this and two both of the endings were short. Don't worry I don't make a sequel to either of the endings. I won't put you all through that.

Chapter 16 || Link

(Y/n) POV 

I felt myself shake, I was so worried. Was I about to make the right decision? But more importantly was I about to make the right decision for myself?

"Link I-" however I did not get to finish my sentence. 

One of my windows in my bedroom was shattered. Link and I looked to my broken window. A Yiga Clan Member was right before us. Then 5 more jumped into my room. Link jumped on my bed and grabbed his sword. Link immediately dispatched 5 of them but the remaining one managed to get past him. He came near me and grabbed my wrist tightly. Before I could even do anything I heard a scream. I looked up, the Yiga Clan Member had a sword right through the heart. 

Link said, "Come on, let's go before more come."

I got out of my bed and Link started to carry me bridal style. Link took me into a nearby forest. Once we knew the coast was clear we decided to head back. 

"Link. I've made my decision. I choose you. I loved you most of my life and for the rest of it, I'll spend it with you."

Link then kissed me. 

"We'll go back just to get some stuff then we will run away together."

All For You (Link x Reader x Ganondorf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora