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Normani's POV

Dinah and I decided to take a break for ourselves this weekend. We have been helping Camila take care of Sofi and spending a lot of time hanging out with the group the past two weeks. Yes, it's great hanging out with friends, but we also need time to be with just each other. We walked around the area all day yesterday until we were exhausted. We have no plans for tomorrow, but today is our chillax day. Camren and 'the child' are hanging out with Ally today and staying at her house tonight, so we have the apartment to ourselves.

We are two movies in and decide to take a short intermission. I need a drink but am too comfy to get up. Dinah and I have been snuggling into each other since the beginning. She shifts slightly, catching my eye. "Hey Mani,  can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I reply. "I know that we're always playing around and stuff, but do you ever think about what the future holds for us? We've been dating for what- six months?" I nod my head in confirmation and let her continue. "That seems crazy, I feel like we have been together for so much longer than that. I've never really seen myself with kids or anything. I just expected to be the crazy aunt to Lauren's future kids. But now that I met you, I'm starting to open up to the whole idea of settling down, getting married, and maybe even having kids. Obviously way in the future, but still. Sorry if I'm freaking you out, it's just been on my mind lately and I wanted to put it out there." She sputters out the last sentence, I'm guessing due to my silence.

The weird thing is that I have been thinking the same thing a lot the past few weeks. I have just been telling myself that I'm crazy to be thinking it and to wait until a more appropriate time to discuss it. 

"I swear we always have the same stuff on our minds." I say laughing as she confusedly looks at me. "I've been thinking about it too. How I never saw that life for myself, but can now see the possibility of it all happening. All I have to say is that there's no way in hell that there's going to be a demon spawn growing inside of me."

"Maniii" She whines, "You're supposed to take one for the team. Do you know how hard I've worked for this body? Anyways, our kids would look so much hotter coming from you than they would me." I playfully scoff at her accusation and continue our banter, "Hard work? Dinah, I don't think walking to the bar I work at classifies as hard work. I hardly doubt my kids would be hotter than yours anyways. You've got Polynesian genes- you're all smoking hot, babe."

"Whatever, we still have years to figure this out. I'm sure I will be able to convince you to be the one carrying the kid by then."

"Sure you will." I reply sarcastically. "Anyways, what's next on the to-do list for today?" I already told her that lazy day is going to mostly be her deciding on what to do. "I can't believe it, but I'm kind of tired of the apartment. Can we see what the group is up to and maybe hang with them?" I pretend to think for a moment but already know to agree. "Only if we can get lunch out first." 

"You text them and I'll go get ready." My beautiful blonde girlfriend replies enthusiastically.

Group chat

[Mani 1:24 pm]

I know we said we didn't want to see your faces for three whole days, but we kinda miss y'all

[Ralph 1:26 pm]

[Canola 1:26 pm]

I agree with Lauren, but I'm slightly less bitchy about it. We're having fun without you two for once

[Allysus 1:27 pm]

Hear that? I can be fun too

[Ralph 1:29 pm]

Ally told me to apologize for my crude use of emojis. I'm sorry...

[Canola 1:29 pm]

She smacked her in front of Sofia 🤣🤣

[Canola 1:29 pm]

Speaking of the little one, she wants in on the group chat, can I add her?

[Mani 1:30 pm]

Of course, she will be way nicer than you people.

**Canola Added 'Mini Me' to the Group Chat** 

[Mini Me 1:32 pm]


[Mani 1:32 pm]

Hey Sofi! What are you guys up to? Dinah and I want to come and hang out too

[Mini Me 1:33 pm]

We're at Ally's. She has an awesome pool in her backyard

[Mani 1:35 pm]

Thanks! Dinah and I will be over as soon as we get ready

[Canola 1:36 pm]

Sofi, you're a dick.

[Mini Me 1:36 pm]

I've been called worse

[Allysus 1:38 pm]

Jesus Christ, have I taught yall NOTHING?? WATCH YOUR FUCKING LANGUAGE! Especially around a child

[Allysus 1:38 pm]

Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned..

[Canola 1:40 pm]

I'm sorry Ally.

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