Avengeformers Chapter 1

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A little notice to you all who are going to read this: I'm not a professional writer, so don't expect a professionally written piece. My writing will improve as I write more and more chapters. If you think I need to improve on something, then please do not hesitate to tell me in the comments section. I am trying to be as best as I can be when writing this, and I suggest you read at least a small part of one of my other short stories to get a feel at what my writing is like.

Tony came walking down the steps. He didn’t bother to look at Pepper as he made his way to the kitchen. He opened up the fridge and pulled out something to eat, threw it in the microwave, and sat down at the table, still ignoring the fact that Pepper was in the room.

“Umm… Hello,” Pepper said sounding annoyed. Tony didn’t respond. “I said hello. A response would be nice.” Tony looked at her, finally noticing she was there.

“Oh! Hello. I didn’t see you there,” Tony said casually. He acted as though it were no big deal. The microwave beeped, and he pulled out his food, sat down with a fork, and began eating.

“Ugh. Tony…”

“Sorry. I’m caught up trying to find out what to add to my new suit,” Tony commented. “I can’t think of anything, can you?” He looked up at Pepper.

“Can you please take a break from work and just spend a day with me?” Pepper asked as she pulled out a chair to sit with him.

“Look. I’m sorry. It’s just that this is very important to me. I’ve got to build a new suit because I busted my last one, and the others aren’t exactly fit for what I’m hoping to do,” Tony replied. He shoved more food in his mouth.

“I know it is, but you haven’t been spending much time with me,” Pepper said. “Please just spend one day or night with me.”

“Alright. There’s a party tonight that I was invited to. I’m allowed to bring one person, and if you want to, you can come,” Tony said.

“Let me guess. You’re not allowed to bring someone, but you’re going to bring me anyway?” Pepper asked.


Pepper smiled. She stood up. “Alright. I’ll go pick out something nice to wear, but I want it to be a surprise to you, so don’t try to find me before the party, ok?” She began walking away and up the stairs.

“Six o’clock!” Tony called out.

“Ok!” Pepper called back. Her voice disappeared as she reached the top of the steps. Someone else’s feet were heard though.

“Why would you do that?” someone asked. Tony turned only to see James. “Will you ever stop breaking the rules?” Tony shook his head.

“She’s asking me to spend time with her, so why not break the rules a bit to do that?”

James sighed. “Listen. I know you love her and all… but you still shouldn’t risk getting yourself into trouble. It’s not right.”

“I know. But do I look like I care?” Tony replied. James sighed. He wanted to respond, but he gave up and left. Tony went on with eating.

After a short while, Tony was done. He placed his plate in the sink and began heading toward the basement. As he walked down the steps, he looked at his new suit. It had a red chestplate with gold shoulder plates, and the middle of the body piece was layers of gold colored covering, surrounded with the red body plate. The bottom of the body covering was red and connected to the sides, and it covered the top of the legs and went down underneath and covered everything from the back down to the legs in red. The legs were gold, but the knees were silver, and the bottom half of the legs were red. The boots were a mix of red, gold, and silver. The arms were layered gold coverings up to the elbow. The elbows down were one giant red covering, and the gloves were just red. The mask was the same as it always was, and the neck was layered red coverings. Tony made his way up to it, and he looked at the drawing next to it.

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