Avengeformers Chapter 10

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Tony looked up at Optimus, holding the papers to him. “What do you think mister criticize-me-on-anything-potentially-hazardous?” he mocked.

Tony and Optimus were standing outside, but he still crouched down and squinted as he leaned in further to get a good look. He sighed and stepped back, pointing to a part on the right shoulder. “That is too weak. It would easily be snapped in two with one hit.” Tony Glared at him. “If it is reinforced like the rest of the suit is, then it will be proficient for fighting.”

“Well at least that’s the last of it…” Tony mumbled. He turned the papers back to him and put them down on a table behind him, then erased some of it. He sketched out a way to make it stronger, then looked up at Optimus. “Is this any better?” Optimus looked closely at it.

“I would suppose so considering the fact that is has much more mounting on it and has five layers of iron like the other parts,” Optimus replied. “It is a rather powerful suit though. Do you not think it should be slightly less powerful?”

Tony groaned and rolled his eyes, then glared at Optimus. “Optimus, I’m making it this strong for a reason. I took one hell of a beating back there, and I’m not risking it again. Plus, this suit has a ton more power behind it and hidden weapons. I doubt I’ll be taking much of a beatdown.”

“The hidden weapons are probably going to make the suit too heavy though,” Optimus commented.

Tony let out a huge huff, then gave him an innocent look. “Can you please stop? The suit is not too heavy and I know because with the way I’m building it, it’s going to be a ton lighter than it looks.” He sighed and turned back to the papers. “And I’ve built much heavier suits. Aka, Mach one…” He let out another sigh.

“Well how much room is left for weaponry?” Optimus asked.

Tony became enraged. “So now you’re wanting more weaponry?! You were just complaining a few seconds ago that it was too full of weapons!”

Optimus sighed. “I was not complaining, I was just stating. But if there is more room for more weapons, then you should add more. The Decepticons are nothing to mess around with, and the Slythers are probably nothing to mess with either.”

“There’s a lot more room for weapons. I could add in a ton more, but I don’t know what others there are…” Tony said.

“You have been around us long enough to see some of our weapons. Why not add some that are similar?” Optimus suggested. He showed his guns, and Tony took a good look at them, then smiled.

“That’ll be perfect! Thanks,” Tony said as he whipped around and pulled out the hidden weapon paper. He drew in a giant gun that would come out of the right arm. It was long with a thick back, a thinner middle, and a very long and narrow front where he would shoot things out of. The front would go into the middle and the middle would go into the back, flip backward, and push down to let the arm close. He smiled.

“And if you think you need to add another to balance it out, then add another one on the other side,” Optimus added. Tony nodded and began drawing the same one on the other side. “And you may want to add a third channel in the radio wave system.”

Tony turned around and looked at Optimus with a confused look. “What would I need a third channel for? I only need one for S.H.I.E.L.D. and calls, and the other for Jarvis.”

“Trust me Tony. The third may come in handy at some point,” Optimus defended. Tony was silent with the same confused look on his face, but turned back to the drawings and added in a note on the side of one saying he’d have three channels.

Back with Captain and Bumblebee, Captain was in a hotel room. He let out a sigh and picked up a wallet. He was wearing a plain grey t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. He placed the wallet in his front right pocket on his jeans, then walked outside.

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