Avengeformers Chapter 12

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Heads up! I had originally written the messages that appear on the walls in Cyberglyphs (the writing of the Primes), but it wouldn't show up on here. Therefore, I just left their translation written in bold.


Tony continued to walk down the tunnel, his footsteps echoing in the darkness. The light that lit only a small portion of the entrance disappeared completely as he made his way further and further down. He turned on a night vision feature he had in his suit and looked around. “Optimus, I don’t see where the heck this tunnel ends,” he said. He looked straight ahead and he saw absolutely nothing but darkness. He looked to his right on the wall, and a message in strange characters that seemed otherworldly were written on there.

"Meet us in the attack area at three."

Tony cocked his head. “Uh….. Optimus? You still there?”

“Yes. Do you see anything strange?” Optimus replied. He stared down into the hole and his eyes bared a look of worry.

“You have no idea…” Tony replied. “There’s strange writing down here. It looks like… I can’t even describe it. I don’t know if it’s from another country, but it’s definitely strange.” Optimus gave  strange look, peering down even deeper into the hole. “Got any ideas?”

“Describe in as much detail as possible one of the letters you see,” Optimus said. He listened to Tony’s footsteps, then they came to a stop.

“Uh… in the first word, it’s two in a row, and it’s like a triangle at the bottom with a slightly diagonal stick at the point and a sort of ‘U’ shape at the top with a small mark in its center,” Tony described. A gasp came from Optimus. “What?”

“Tony, describe one more letter for me,” Optimus requested.

“Alright,” Tony said unsurely. “The first letter of the third word has what looks like a line that curves at the end, then what looks like three claw marks in the center.” Optimus fell silent, and Tony waited a few seconds before speaking again. “What?” Tony became confused. “What’s wrong? Do you know what this is?”

“It is the language of the Primes,” Optimus replied. “It is a writing used back on Cybertron. For what reason could it be there?”

Tony sighed and rolled his head. “Not more crazy other-world crap…” he groaned. He put his head against the wall. “Ugh… I thought we’d be done after Asgard, but then came this, and now even more is happening.”

“Move on and see if you find anything else,” Optimus ordered.

“Do you have anything to translate this with?” Tony asked.

“Sadly I do not. Did you put in the camera like I had asked you to?” Optimus replied. Tony answered with an “Mhm”, and Optimus let out a sigh of relief. “Take pictures of every message you see in there. If it is written in Decepticon language, Autobot language, or the language of the Primes, I will be able to decode it later.”

Tony looked at the message. He held out his arm and snapped a picture of it, then walked on. He looked diligently around the tunnel, but no more messages were spotted.

“Do you see anything more?” Optimus asked.

Tony looked all around him. He searched the floor, walls, ceiling, and even the distance, but there was nothing. “No. I don’t even see the end yet, and I’ve been walking for a few minutes now.” He heard Optimus sigh.

“Sadly, the only thing I can suggest is that you keep walking. Just take a picture of anything you stop that appears strange,” Optimus said.

“Fine. But any longer and I’ll…” Tony couldn’t even finish what he was saying when he gasped so hard his chest hurt. He backed away as a giant Slyther shot up out of the ground.

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