Avengeformers Chapter 8

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Bumblebee continued to walk on through the boiling hot desert. “Do you think there’s anything else?” he asked. Captain shook his head, Hawkeye sighed, and Natasha was the only one who actually said anything.

“I doubt it. How much longer until our 30 minutes are up?” Natasha replied. “This is getting kind of boring. I need some action.”

“I don’t know. Let me check…” Bumblebee said. “Uhhh……. Fifteen minutes more.”

Natasha let out a groan. “Well as long as it’s not too long, then I think things will change up.”

Wind whipped up at a fast pace and slammed into Bumblebee’s legs. Captain and the others weren’t as affected since they were up high.

“Why is there a sudden gust of wind?” Bumblebee asked. He turned to look at Hawkeye, expecting an answer. Hawkeye shrugged. “Well I don’t know much about weather. You guys do.”

“I’ve kind of forgotten how things work. It’s been seventy years…” Captain said.

“We can explain later. For now, just keep moving,” Hawkeye commented. Bumblebee nodded and walked on. “But I wonder what Ratchet’s doing.”

Back with Ratchet, Silvertooth was coiled up half way, the other half of him up in striking position. His mouth was wide open, and he was ready to sink his sharper-than-the-sharpest-needle metal fangs into either Thor or Ratchet.

“Get ready Bruce. Stuff’s about to go down,” Ratchet said. Silvertooth shot out at him, but he ducked and dodged to the left, came up behind him and gripped what he could which was just barely enough to grab the top of his neck. “Now Thor!!” Thor jumped up, and Silvertooth was just about to snap at Ratchet, but Thor slammed his hammer into his head just as he was about to bite, and he fell to the ground, eyes closed and he was not moving.

“I think we got that obnoxious beast,” Ratchet said. Thor nodded. He turned to see him.

“If we can get away, then I doubt we will have to worry about him any longer,” Thor added. Ratchet nodded. “So what do we do now? Shall we go or stay just in case?”

Out of the corner of Bruce’s eye, he saw something move. Silvertooth slowly raised up, weakly, getting up an inch a second. He slowly turned his head, looking as the serpent opened its angry eyes, the whites of them now glowing red. He gasped. “Uhh… Ratchet……. Thor! Turn around!!” Silvertooth shot forward in less than a blink at Ratchet, and he rammed his head into him. Ratchet huffed and fell over. Bruce gasped, then made fists with his hands. Silvertooth glared.

“Help!” Ratchet called out. But it was too late. Silvertooth pierced him with his fangs, and Ratchet let out an ear-shattering scream. Thor came up behind him and tried to hit his tail, but he knocked him out of the way, then slammed his tail into Ratchet’s let.

Bruce’s fists got tighter. Ratchet was sparking, and Thor tumbled in the sand. “Stop it….. Stop it now if you know what’s good for you!” he said through his teeth. He began shaking, his eyes shut tightly.

“Thor! Can you… get up?!” Ratchet tried to get out. He looked as Thor stood up, but Silvertooth once again slammed his tail into his side and sent him flying. He sunk his fangs into Ratchet again and another cry came out.

“That’s it!!!” Bruce screamed. He began growing bigger, his shirt ripped off, his skin turned green, and he stood, glaring at Silvertooth with a sly smile. “Hulk smash!!” He slammed his fists into Silvertooth and heard bones crack. Several of them crushing into probably dust. He cried out.

“What did you do?!” Silvertooth asked. Ratchet turned to see Bruce, his eyes wide, mouth gaping open in shock.

“So this is… what you were talking about,” Ratchet said. He pushed Silvertooth off of him and watched as Hulk gripped him tightly and slammed him into the sand. As the cloud came up, Ratchet stood back up and ran over to Thor. “Are you alright?”

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