Avengeformers Chapter 15

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(Note: Play the song from the start of the battle until Megatron has two swords stabbed into him)

Slipfang grinned. He gave a creepy look to Megatron and Starscream who continued to violently have it out with each other. “I gather you wish to be left alone,” he said.

“Shut up and go!” Starscream screamed. He slammed his foot into Megatron, watching as he flopped and struggled to breathe. Megatron turned his face to see Slipfang, then nodded for him to leave. He wrapped around the large building, then slowly slithered down it. Before he could turn back, Starscream kicked him in the side, making him fly up into the air and tumble multiple times when he landed.

Megatron quickly regained his balance, then got up on one knee, his opposite hand on the ground. He looked up, glaring at Starscream. “I will not let you leave this place alive!” He jumped up and drew out his sword, holding it high above his head. Starscream held his arm up, the sword crashing into it and cutting deep into him. He cried out. “And if that was enough to hurt you, you’re never going to survive this fight!”

“I’m not going to underestimate you, and you should do the same with me!” Starscream held his guns out, then pushed Megatron off him. As he flew through the air, Starscream aimed his guns at him and fired. Megatron tumbled through the air, then finally fell down on the ground and stood back up. “There’s no use for a ram to keep bashing into something it knows it can’t break!”

“I’ll tear you to pieces if it means keeping you here!” Megatron screamed. He stood up, then chucked his sword forward at Starscream’s head. Starscream ducked and the sword slammed into the building directly behind him. He stepped forward to throw a punch at Megatron.

“Are you truly that desperate that you’d keep someone useless behind?! What’s my purpose to you?!” Starscream challenged. Megatron dodged the throw, then tensed up so much he began trembling. “Give me the answer!” He fired out at Megatron, but he dodged, jumped up and over Starscream, then grabbed his sword from the building. When he landed on his feet, he whipped to the right and bashed his sword into Starscream’s side. A loud cry sounded out from him.

Starscream cringed and gripped his side, but Megatron just laughed. “Do you honestly think you can stand a chance against me?!” he asked, slashing his sword at Starscream’s head. Starscream ducked, looked up, then threw a kick. As Megatron flew backward, Starscream stood up, then let go of his side. He fired several times and watched as Megatron ignored them all and walked up to him. “You’re weak!” He charged his fist upward, hitting Starscream’s chin and making him fly high into the air. He flopped onto the ground, and Megatron rammed his sword into Starscream’s back.

Starscream cringed and slammed his fist into the ground as pain shot through him. He held his right arm up as though he was going to stand back up. Megatron cocked his head and asked what he was doing. “Idiot! You should know!” Megatron looked at the center of his chest, and a laser was pointed right at it. Before he could do anything, Starscream fired a missile at him and the explosion sounded out. Fire washed over him as did smoke, and he used it for cover and stood up. “I warned you! Don’t underestimate me!” He fired his gun through the smoke, hoping it would do something.

“Missed me!” Megatron’s voice roared. He came jumping out with his sword high above his head. Starscream slipped away as it came crashing down. Since it didn’t hit the ground completely, Megatron attempted to hit Starscream’s side. He jumped up and transformed, then flew up into the sky. Megatron stomped his foot in anger.

“Alright! Just a little more!” Starscream told himself. He had multiple gigantic missiles, so he fired one off. Megatron moved out of the way and it hit the building, fire now protruding from the hole that was made from it. Starscream fired another missile at Megatron, but yet again, he dodged it. This time, he used the fire to his advantage and transformed in it and flew out as a jet. “Crap!” Starscream stormed off into the distance, but Megatron was right behind him.

“I’m not letting you get out alive Starscream! Traitors never live!” Megatron’s voice roared. Starscream went even faster, now nearly reaching his limits. He flew far into the city. Before he knew it, Megatron was right at his side.

“If I’m useless to you, then why do you want me?! I can’t put up with your abuse anymore!” Starscream looked straight at Megatron and fired at him with just a regular gun. One hit his wing and threw him off balance. Starscream took the chance and fired another missile at him. He missed, and it rammed into a building and exploded. Screams and cries sounded out. “Screw you Megatron! Look what you just made me do! It shows you’re careless! You chose to let the humans take a hit instead of you!”

“Since when have you cared for humans?!”

“I’ll have to learn to if I’m joining in with the Autobots. And I don’t mind,” Starscream replied. Megatron regained his balance and fired at him. Starscream saw all the bullets coming at him and knew more people were behind him. He leaned sideways so his wings would take the hits. Once the bullets slammed into him, he fired at Megatron and flew away.

Megatron was not nearly as fast as Starscream, but he was just about as fast. He once again, reached him, then said, “So are you just joining them because you want more to do?”

“No! I can’t put up with your abuse! You could have just said to me I’m useless, but no! You hurt me and nearly broke me! But now, I will never let you tear me to pieces!” Starscream responded. He fired at Megatron relentlessly, then backed away. “If you had only treated me like something, then I’d still stay!” He fired even more, and Megatron became even more off balance, now tipping on his side. “And Slipfang thinks I’m stupid, a fool, and serve no purpose to anyone!” He finally fired a missile, and this one hit Megatron straight in the center of his nosecone. He flew backward and rammed straight into the building behind him. Starscream transformed and pounced on Megatron, making him chare for the ground. He pushed off and transformed, then lowered himself to the ground.

Megatron transformed, then stood straight up. He had a ton of damage done to him, explosion marks and stray parts everywhere on him. Sparks flew from where the missile had hit him. “Damn you!” he shouted. “I found you back on Cybertron! I took you and let you join my forces! And this is how you repay me?!”

“I repaid you by fighting for millions of years in the heck you gave me!” Starscream replied, rage filling his voice and body. He threw a punch that Megatron blocked, then threw his fist to the side. Starscream kicked with his right foot and rammed it into Megatron’s side. He watched as he got knocked off balance and fell to the ground. People around screamed. “I’m not going to hurt you guys! Just run!” he said, looking down at all the people below. They ran, screaming, fear and terror filling everyone’s bodies.

“Fool! Humans are inferior, and you know it!” Megatron roared. He stood back up and threw a harsh kick to Starscream’s stomach area. He flew backward but stood back up in the blink of an eye. He jumped up high into the air, then grappled onto a building beside him. He began climbing up. “Stop running! You will never win!”

Starscream looked and saw Megatron climbing up the building. He waited for just the right moment and then kicked with his heel, forcing Megatron to fly backward and slam into the building. He jumped down to the ground, more people running and screaming frantically, backing away from the two of them as they endlessly charged out at each other. Starscream stood up fully, then fired his gun at Megatron. He waited for him to stumble, then punched his chin and grabbed him in mid air. He gripped Megatron tightly with both his hands, then slammed him into the ground.

“Never!” Starscream shouted. “I won’t die here! Not today!” He stomped on Megatron, then backed away. Megatron stood up, then fired a missile at Starscream which hit him violently. He crashed through the building behind him, making many scream and run. Glass was all over the floor as was wood and so on. “Relax people! I won’t hurt you! But he might!” He couldn’t sit up or he’d break the ceiling, so he gripped two cubicle edges and pushed off, the sound of them crushing and ripping from the floor ringing behind him.

“You have always been loyal to me!” Megatron said. “Why can’t you just wait until this is over and let the past be the past?”

“You’ve treated me like trash for years! If you think I’ll put up with it again, then you’re insane!” Starscream replied. He fired a missile at Megatron. There was no time to dodge, and fire spread quickly throughout the area. People cried in terror as flames engulfed parts of buildings.

Megatron sighed. “And you’re a fool to have just realized I’m insane!” He stood back up, gripping his left shoulder where he had been hit. He threw a kick to Starscream’s side.

Starscream grabbed Megatron’s leg before it hit him, then let go of it with only his right hand. Gripping it tightly with his left hand, he took his right, formed a fist, and rammed it into the leg. Megatron gulped at the pain.”Yeah! Take that!” Starscream insulted. He fired at Megatron once more, and as he stumbled, he jumped up and transformed, then headed toward the sky.

Megatron looked up at Starscream. “Crud! What do you plan on doing? Killing me before I kill you?” he asked. He jumped up and transformed into a jet, then flew up to the sky after Starscream. “You know I don’t die to anyone but my brother.”

“That’s about to change!” Starscream roared. He soared out from behind multiple clouds and transformed, then landed on Megatron’s wing. He threw a punch to the center portion, and a large explosion came. Starscream found himself gripping onto Megatron’s wings with his hands, underneath him once the explosion cleared.

“What now Starscream?!” Megatron challenged.

“This!” Starscream gripped Megatron tightly. He forced him backward, and Megatron tried to fight back, but he couldn’t. Starscream chucked him forward and downward, forcing him to plummet toward the ground. As he fell, Starscream transformed to prevent himself from plummeting to the ground with Megatron.

Megatron struggled to regain his balance. He looked down below at the ground which he was getting ever so closer to. He leaned upward slowly, the air becoming too much for him. He was just about to hit the ground, people screaming and backing away. Just as he was less than a foot away from the ground, he regained his balance, then turned to glare at the humans. They all backed away in terror, and a few idiots took out their cell phones and began recording. “We Decepticons are far superior to you humans!” he shouted. He leaned upward and shot up toward the sky.

The moment Megatron became level with Starscream, they both stopped completely, both facing each other in a completely straight line. Neither spoke. Neither moved. Neither took their eyes off the other.

“Why can’t you just accept leaving me when I’m useless to you anyway?” Starscream finally asked to break the silence. “And if you’re just going to hurt me more and more, I’m leaving whether I’m accepted or not. I’m not putting up with you any longer!”

“You very well know the answer,” Megatron replied. “And still the biggest fool Cybertron will ever know!” He soared forward, and Starscream tilted to move out of the way, but Megatron hit his wing. He looked over at the damage that had been done to it, then sighed, realizing it would be nearly impossible to zip around again.

“Try to get me again!” Starscream taunted. He suddenly regretted his words as a missile came flying at him. It hit him from above, and he went flying toward the ground. He transformed and looked at the damage done to him, then nearly cringed. “D….. dangit! How will I be able to finish him off… like this?” he struggled to ask. Pain shot through him. There were scorch marks everywhere, and parts of his arms, stomach area, and so on were terribly destroyed. He landed on the ground, then tumbled onto his side like a corpse. His right arm lay outward with his hand open, his left across his body. People screamed, and Starscream attempted to get up, but he just couldn’t. He took his right hand and pushed up, heaving in the process. The moment he was just a foot off the ground, he flopped back down and gulped back the excruciating pain that shot through him.

Suddenly, Megatron came crashing from the sky, downward and not in his jet form. He had his legs straight out, and Starscream’s eyes widened as Megatron landed, mounted on top of him. “Who is winning now?!”

Starscream panted with all his might as he looked at Megatron, his menacing glare intimidating him to no end. There was a grin on Megatron’s face, and Starscream attempted to back away, but Megatron stomped on his leg. “Gygh!!” Starscream cried out in pain. He cringed and tensed up, then looked into Megatron’s eyes. “I….. I will not……. I will never lose to you!”

“Yes you will!” Megatron roared, stomping on his stomach area. Starscream howled and people screamed as loudly as possible, running in terror. “I told you I would never let a traitor live!” He bent down and gripped Starscream’s shoulder, then raised him up to his face. “Look me in the eye traitor! Look!” Starscream jumped a little, but turned away in refusal. “You will never survive!” He took his free hand and put it on Starscream’s chin. He forcefully turned his head to face him, but Starscream attempted to resist the movement. “You are a fool Starscream!! You should have stayed with me!”

“You think……… I would ever trust someone………. who put me through hell and back again?!” Starscream argued.

“I care for you Starscream! I wanted you to be bette—“ Someone gripped Megatron’s shoulder and lifted him up, then slammed him into a building behind him. They then threw him onto the ground and fired at him. Megatron looked up, and his eyes widened, he began breathing heavily, and despair suddenly washed over him. “B…. brother!”

“Megatron! I have seen more than enough!” Optimus screamed. “How dare you betray an ally like so!!” He gripped Megatron tightly, then his sword appeared in his other hand. He stabbed the blade straight through Megatron, tore it out, then threw him against the broken and destroyed building.

Starscream was panting in shock and fear. He looked up at Optimus, his eyes barely being able to make him out. “O…… Optimus….” he barely said. “Why would you…….. defend a Decepti—“ His vision went blurry and then he fell to the ground, limply, both his arms laying across the ground. He didn’t move, or breathe, and his eyes were no longer lit up.

“Starscream!!” Optimus cried out, running up to him and looking at him. “Starscream! Get up!” He waited a few seconds, but there was no response. “You will have lost to Megatron if you fall here! Get up!” Starscream didn’t move. There was not even a small groan.

“Give it up brother,” Megatron said. “I told him he would never get out of here alive.”

Optimus whipped around. “I have seen what you do to him, and he finally had the will to tell you. You just had to do this to him…”

“Since when have you cared about Starscream? After everything he did to you, to the Autobots, and to everyone, you wish to save him?” Megatron asked. His response was multiple bullets fired at him. He was too injured to dodge them, and all of them hit him in the side. He gripped his side and looked at Optimus again. “He was a fool. He was useless to me for who knows how many years. What makes you all of the sudden care for him?”

“Because he was honest with us in battle. He kept his agreements, he showed his was innocent, and I saw what you did to him. He no longer deserved that punishment,” Optimus replied sternly. He showed both swords, then said, “And I will not let him put up with it anymore!” He jumped up and slammed a sword into Megatron’s shoulder.

Megatron reached behind him and pulled out his sword, then held it to Optimus’s chest. “One more step and you’ll end up like him!” he threatened. Optimus stood motionless for a few seconds, then swung his left sword with all his might and made Megatron’s go flying. He gripped it tightly as it came plummeting back down, then held all three toward him. “You think I will give up?”

“That was what I expected last from you,” he replied. Optimus stabbed all three swords into Megatron, hearing the scream as he cringed and fell limply backward. He retracted all three swords, then threw Megatron’s back on him. “I know you are not dead, but it will buy enough time for us all.” He retracted both swords and walked over to Starscream who continued to lay limp. “You are brave to do something like this. And you should not have done it to begin with. But for once…” He bent down and lifted Starscream up, his head laying in his right arm, his legs laying across his left arm. Optimus turned to where everyone else was for the night, then began heading toward there.

Ratchet was standing on a hill outside of the city. He looked up at the half-moon and cringed. Unpleasant memories, he thought. I can’t stand to look at that… He sighed and turned away from the moon. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. Robotic ones. He turned around and gasped. “Where have you been?! And what the heck happened?!” he asked. Optimus came walking with Starscream in his arms, laying there and nearly dead. “Why do you have Starscream? And why is he limp?”

“Ratchet,” Optimus began. “There is no time to explain. Just… heal Starscream for now and I will explain everything later.” He set Starscream down very, very carefully, then stood back up. Ratchet looked up at him, questioned and confused. “Ratchet! Heal him now!”

“No! Why should I heal someone who did so many terrible things to us? And he’s a follower of Megatron!” Ratchet argued.

“Under the order of a Prime, you are to heal Starscream right now!” Optimus barked. Ratchet went wide-eyed at the tone of his voice, the urgency, and the fact that he said “under the order of a Prime”. Optimus sighed as he watched Ratchet take out his healing gun and hold it to Starscream. The ray fired off and hit his chest. “And he was a follower of Megatron,” Optimus explained.

“What do you mean ‘was’?” Ratchet asked, slowly healing Starscream. Once his chest was healed, he moved down to his center area which was more damaged than nearly anything he had ever seen.

“What is going on out here?” someone asked. Optimus turned around and saw Bruce walking out onto the hill. He pulled off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and out them on again, then looked forward and gasped. “What the heck?! S… Starscream?” Optimus nodded. “Ok. Explain why you’re healing him and why he’s even here in the first place!”

Optimus let out a sigh. He stood silent for a moment, sensing Starscream’s spark. It was weak. Too weak to even let him move. It was fighting between fading and restoring from Ratchet’s healing. Taking in a deep breath, Optimus began to explain. “Bruce, you will have to understand this. And same with you Ratchet. When Tony and I were underground fighting Slipfang and Megatron, Starscream came in to help. Megatron harmed him and made him feel terrible about himself, then leave. That was not the only time he was hurt that way.”

“Wait,” Bruce interrupted. “So Starscream has been feeling down because of Megatron? That’s the first…”

“Yes,” Optimus replied. “But when I left, it was because I sensed Starscream’s spark raging, yet sad at the same time. I went to see what was happening, and I found him battling Megatron.” Ratchet gasped, and looked at Optimus wide-eyed.

“Why would he fight Megatron? He… he is one of his most loyal allies!” Ratchet said.

“Yeah. That’s my question,” Bruce added.

“Just think,” Optimus said. “He said he could no longer put up with the pain he caused him. He said he refused to be useless as well. I watched their violent battle from beginning to end. They chased each other around endlessly, they fired missiles at each other, and… Starscream attempted to protect the humans in the process.”

“What?!” Bruce and Ratchet nearly chocked.

“Why on Earth would he try to protect the very creatures he hates?!” Ratchet asked. He looked down at Starscream, and his center was fully healed. He looked over at his arms which were no better, then fired the gun at the left first.

“Neither of you may believe this, but he said he was planning on possibly joining in with us. The Autobots,” Optimus replied. Bruce’s mouth dropped to the ground, and Ratchet’s did as well. “Yes. And I understand that Jetfire was a Decepticon who crossed over, but he was fully loyal to us. Starscream has done many things nobody can forgive him for. But it would be terrible to leave him as an outcast, neither Decepticon or Autobot. And it would be even worse to let him back with Megatron. No. I will not allow him to go back with my brother. That is a terrible thing. He will surely die then.” He paused for a second again, sensing once more for Starscream’s spark. It was stronger than before, yet still very weak. It was no longer fading to a weaker state, and Starscream would just barely be able to move if he were to awaken at that moment.

“Why not?! He’s done too many horrible things to you guys, and he helped Megatron destroy Cybertron,” Bruce asked.

Optimus turned to Bruce. “I know. But he does not deserve to die for them.”

Ratchet gasped, and everything in him sank. The memories of Soundwave laying nearly dead, just barely speaking, they flowed straight through him. He turned to Starscream, and all he saw was Soundwave on the last strand of his life. His eyes widened and the image faded. He looked at his healing gun for a second, then pointed it back at Starscream. A much thicker and powerful ray came out when he fired it at his arm.

“So are you….. trusting him? Will you let him join?!” Bruce asked in shock.

“I do not know yet,” Optimus replied. “He has proved his loyalty enough by being willing to kill Megatron. And as I said, it would be horrible if he was a Transformer without anything to call himself, and it would be worse to let him back with Megatron.”

“Then that just leaves you with letting him in with us,” Bruce stated.

“Then he will join us if that is his only option,” Optimus said.

Ratchet looked at Starscream’s back since he was done with everything in the front. His wings were terribly damaged, chipped, full of holes, and some parts weren’t even there! He carefully lifted him up, then placed him even more carefully face-down. He took out his healing gun again and quickly began healing the wings.

“Are you insane Optimus?!” Bruce asked.

“No. I just know what Starscream would be like if he joined in with us all,” Optimus replied. He remained silent, then sensed for Starscream’s spark. It was almost at full again. There was absolutely no fading from it at that point. A slight groan came, and he along with everyone turned to Starscream.

“Ugh…” Starscream groaned. His hands moved just a little. They eventually gripped the ground, and he bent his arms to push himself up. “O… Optimus?”

“I was not expecting you to awaken that quickly,” Optimus said. He turned to look at Starscream. Ratchet put away his healing gun, and his eyes followed Starscream as he stood up. “Starscream, you should not have taken that risk.”

“Why are you doing this for me? I’ve done so many things to you guys in the past, and you’re still willing to save me,” Starscream said. “What happened with Megatron?” He finally stood awkwardly on his feet, obviously still in need of rest.

“Ask Optimus. I’ve got just as few answers as you,” Bruce said.

Optimus looked Starscream in the eyes and helped him stand up properly. “Starscream, if you cannot stand, then sit,” he told him. “But there is a lot to explain.”

“I can only imagine,” Starscream commented. “I… I really don’t see why you’d save me though.” Optimus let go of him, and he collapsed onto his hands and knees. He moved to a sitting position, then gazed up at Optimus. “Well are you going to explain?”

“Starscream, Megatron will never let you go back to the Decepticons. And I will not let you go back to them because I know they will do what they just did to you yet again,” Optimus began. Starscream cocked his head in confusion. “It would be a horrible thing if you were neither Autobot or Decepticon. It is obvious that you are no longer loyal to the Decepticons or Megatron, and you are stuck as nothing.”

“What are you getting at?” Starscream asked, sounding rather irritated. 

“Do you have any loyalty at all to the Decepticons anymore?” Optimus asked.

Starscream thought about it for a moment. He sat in silence, thoughts racing through him. Then he remembered Megatron hurting him and all the times he was called useless. He took in a deep breath. “No,” he replied.

“Do you wish to defend the humans and protect Earth instead of take over it as another home?” Optimus asked.

“It’s basically become a hopeless cause, so yes. I would like to defend Earth and the humans rather than hurt them and their home,” Starscream replied. Ratchet and Bruce were very confused and shocked at Starscream’s response.

“Do you wish to end this war and fight against the Decepticons, your former kind, to do so?” Optimus asked.

Starscream stood up completely without hesitation this time. He looked Optimus straight in the eye and said, “Yes. This war should end. Earth should not be in the danger it’s in.”

“Then you are to join us and help us fight off the Decepticons and Slythers and end this war,” Optimus said. Starscream nearly choked.

“What are you saying?!” Starscream asked.

“You’re still as clueless as ever!” Ratchet complained. “He’s saying you’re joining the Autobots now you idiot!”

“What?!” Starscream asked. “I….. You heard.”

“I was there for the whole thing Starscream,” Optimus said. “I will not let you back with Megatron because that is as humans refer to it, a deathtrap.”

“Optimus Prime, I can’t thank you enough!” Starscream said. “T… thank you! I don’t know what there is I can do though.”

“Starscream, you’re not useless. You know what to do,” Bruce said. Starscream looked down to him. “Yes. You know you’re powerful and that you’re not useless, so you know exactly what you can do to help.”

Nick Fury came walking up the hill. “Starscream,” he said. Everyone turned to see him. “Yeah. I was listening to most of that. If Optimus chooses to let you join, then so be it. The Transformers are left to him. But we’ve been working together, and probably no one will trust you for now. But I’ve come to trust Optimus’s words, and so I can believe that you’ve shown loyalty.”

“Nick, what are you doing here?” Bruce asked.

Nick made his way up to Starscream. He looked up at him. “Everyone here has teamed up with one of the Autobots since we’ve been working together. But I’m the only one who hasn’t teamed up. If you’re really loyal to the Autobots, then I’ll fight with you when you’re ready.”

“Oh geez… That’ll be one hell of a partnership,” Ratchet said, rolling his eyes.

“What did you just say?” Nick asked, glaring at Ratchet.

“Sorry! Sorry…” Ratchet apologized. “Just a heads-up, he’s a bit harsh at times. But it pays off,” he warned. Starscream nodded.

“Well I’ll be loyal to the Autobots. I’m going to fight the Decepticons and Slythers, and I’m going to help protect the humans and Earth,” Starscream stated. He bent down to Nick. “So we’ll be battling together from this point on?”

“Seems so,” Nick said. “But only when you’re ready. This war is not something easy, and I can bet my life on the fact that it’s just begun.” He looked to Optimus. “I’ll let him fight with us if you let him and I fight together.”

“That is fine with me,” Optimus agreed.

“Thank you,” Nick said. He turned to Starscream. “Get some rest Starscream. Tomorrow, we’re moving out to find out what’s in the other side of the tunnel.”

“Oh the side that the sign doesn’t say to go down?” Starscream asked. “Since I’m not with Megatron anymore, I’ll tell you guys. That sign that says to go left, it’s a trick because Megatron used that part and made the five rooms, hoping to trick whoever came down there. He made one computer room and separated it from the rest of the tunnel which is down on the right side. That’s where everyone is staying. The Slythers and Decepticons.”

“So it was just a distraction…” Optimus commented. He sighed. “I was afraid of that. I gather it bought more time for Megatron as well.”

“Sadly, yes,” Starscream replied. “I don’t know his plans. I wasn’t told them because… he just didn’t trust me with them all.”

“Well that’s at least a start,” Nick said. “Bruce, let’s get back. We’ll need rest. Tomorrow, we will head into the tunnel and find out what all the plans are.” He began walking down the hill, and Bruce followed behind.

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