Avengeformers Chapter 3

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Everyone continued standing, motionless and silent. Their blank faces continuously stared at the Decepticon and the serpent which was clearly beyond dead. Suddenly, everyone heard a painful sound of metal against metal and turned only to see Tony trying to stand up yet again.

“Tony! Stop!” Nick demanded. “Your suit’s too damaged.” But Tony kept going, and everyone was now on their knees and covering their ears to avoid the painful sound. “Stop!” He put his hand on his suit, but Tony just fell down to the ground, and tried to get back up again. “Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, it’s not going to work.”

“Shut it, alright? I’m going to stand no matter how busted this thing is,” Tony replied with an attitude. He tried to stand, but he fell down again.

“Wait one second. I have no idea if this will work, but let me try,” Ratchet said. He walked over to Tony and pulled out a healing gun. “This may feel strange, but I want to see if it will work.” He pointed the gun at Tony’s suit’s left shoulder and pulled the trigger. A light blue ray came out of it, and slowly, the spots where the suit had been dented, pulled apart, and scratched all the way through began restoring. Everyone gave him a questioned look. Suddenly, the light in Tony’s suit turned on, and all of the screens reappeared and the power was even at one hundred percent! Ratchet released the trigger and lowered his gun. Tony stood up and looked at his whole suit with complete question. He moved around his hands and then looked up at Ratchet. He put his mask up. “This can heal Autobots, so I figured that since your suit is robotic, I could heal it. I guess I can.”
“Well… thanks,” Tony said. “You even got this thing at one hundred percent power.”

Everyone was in complete shock. It was as though the suit never had a thing wrong with it. Ratchet shrugged.

“Glad I could be of help I guess,” Ratchet said. He turned back to Optimus. “So what do we do now? Are there any more Decepticons laying around?”

“I am almost sure that was not the last of them. We should move out,” Optimus said.

Nick held up the watch to his face and said, “We have yet another uncharted creature here that seems as though it could have been working with Decepticons.”

“What?!” someone said. “Decepticons?! Those transforming robot guys that nearly destroyed New York City a few years ago?!” Their voice was booming.

“Yes. We are here with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Bumblebee because they are fighting the Decepticons that are hiding underground while we were expecting it to be more of those shark things, but it was instead a strange serpent this time,” Nick replied. “Captain’s down and Tony was, but his suit was repaired and he’s now back at full.”

“Was it really that strong?” the person asked.

“It wasn’t the serpent that did them in. It was Decepticons. I don’t think it’s safe here. We can’t fight Decepticons easily, and the Autobots have to keep stepping in,” Nick said.

“We can handle it,” Tony said stubbornly.

“Obviously not if you were beat,” Nick said. “Do we retreat or keep going?”

Agent Coulson stepped in. “We have new plans… but you may not like them,” he said. Nick asked him to continue. “Alright. If there are both Decepticons and more creatures underground, then it’s probably too dangerous to go alone. If the Avengers and the Autobots team up, then they can fight together and surely be safe. But even if you agree, there’s no guarantee that they will want this too.”

“Ok. I will address the plan,” Nick said. He ended the chat.

“Are you insane? How will that even work?” Captain asked. Nick looked at him.

“It’s a plan worth trying since it will keep everyone safe,” Nick said. He looked over at Optimus and the others, then walked to the very edge of the building. “Optimus, since you are their leader, I feel I should ask you first. Since there are most likely both Decepticons and more strange creatures wandering around the city, teaming up would make it so that we would have sides knowing how to fight both of them. Would you mind it if you and the other Autobots teamed up with the Avengers?”

Optimus walked forward. “There are most likely a considerable number of Decepticons left hiding underground, and it is dangerous for them to be facing them alone. If we work with them, we can defend them, and they can defend us if we come across any strange creatures. If the others agree, I would be glad to aid you in your battles.” He turned around to see Bumblebee and Ratchet.

“I’m fine with it!” Bumblebee said. “I’ll help them without a doubt!” He took out his gun and held it tightly in his hand.

“I’ll do it since it seems to be the logical option here,” Ratchet added.

“Alright. It’s settled. Would any of you like to be with anyone specific?” Nick said.

“What?! We have to work with them?” Natasha asked. She huffed and crossed her arms. Hawkeye put his hand on her back and she smacked it away. “Don’t say it’s going to be ok because it’s not.”

“Ok. Calm down,” Hawkeye said.

“I don’t know what to do…” Bruce said.

Thor was smiling. “I will be glad to help them,” he said.

“I want to be with Captain again, but I don’t think that’s happening…” Bumblebee said, his voice sounding sad. He looked down with even sadder eyes. Ratchet put his hand on his back.

“It’s alright Bumblebee. He’ll be fine,” Ratchet said. Bumblebee nodded. Ratchet looked back up and looked at everyone, then down at Thor. “I’d like to be with him.” He pointed to him.

“I would be glad to help,” Thor said while walking up to him.

“And would you mind coming with me?” Ratchet asked while looking down at Bruce. Bruce sighed. “I don’t hurt humans. Just come on. It’ll be fine.” Bruce finally gave in and walked up to him.

“Why can’t we decide?” Natasha asked.

“Because it’s probably the better choice,” Nick said. “Now let them continue.”

“I hope you don’t mind me picking you two. I don’t think it’s right if I leave just one of you behind,” Bumblebee said, pointing at Hawkeye and Natasha.

“Then you’re smart,” Natasha said. She walked up to Bumblebee and Hawkeye followed right after.

Everyone looked at Tony.

“No. I can’t work with him. It’s just not going to end well,” Tony said. Nick sighed. “Don’t sigh. I know it’s not going to work.”

“Taking risks is the only way to find if something works,” Optimus said.

“He’s right,” Nick said. “just give it a chance, alright?”


“You’re working with him,” Nick argued. He pushed Tony toward him. Tony kept telling him to stop. “No. You’re working with him no matter what.”

“Stop it! I don’t want to…” Tony was cut off when he fell off the building. He landed in Optimus’s hands, and Optimus put him down. Tony glared at him.

“Alright everyone,” Nick said. “Avengers, go.”

“Autobots, roll out,” Optimus said. He and the others transformed, and everyone got in and left… Everyone but Tony. He stood there motionless and with his arms crossed. “Get in.”

“Tony, go,” Nick urged. When he didn’t move, someone came and pushed him inside. Optimus made the seat lift up and got him fully inside. Tony jolted up.

“Come on! Let me out!” Tony demanded. Optimus refused, and the doors closed and locked. He made the seatbelt go down over him and then forced Tony up. “You know what? You’re annoying. Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because it is now our team, and we fight together. I will not let the Decepticons destroy a city again, and you are part of this team. You should do this so you do not let everyone down,” Optimus replied.

“I didn’t even want to do this. It’s taking time from my life with Pepper,” Tony argued.

“But you let them all get hurt if you leave them to fight when you cannot help,” Optimus said. Tony let out a sigh, but he didn’t argue anything else. Optimus drove forward and carefully down the street, hoping to eventually come across something.

Back with Bumblebee, Hawkeye and Natasha didn’t say a single word. They both just looked out the window, and Hawkeye wanted to ask her if she was alright, but he knew his answer would be somewhere near a “shut up” or “don’t ask me that”. But Bumblebee took over for him and asked that question.

“Are you guys alright?” Bumblebee asked.

“I am… but she might not be. You’d be smart to let her go,” Hawkeye replied.

“I’m fine. I’m just not happy doing this…” Natasha replied with an attitude.

Bumblebee suddenly came to a stop. He was silent. “D….. did I do something wrong?” he asked in a sad tone.

“Don’t worry about it. She gets like this,” Hawkeye replied.

“Oh… Sorry I didn’t know?” Bumblebee was confused, wondering whether he should just go with it or try to do something about it. Hawkeye shrugged, and Bumblebee questioningly went on. He remained silent hoping not to upset her further.

With Ratchet, Thor was smiling. Bruce had a nervous look, his lips curled in as he tapped his fingers on his lap. He was so silent, but his breathing was steady. He was trying to keep himself calm. Since nobody said a word, Ratchet decided to ask what was wrong.

“So is anything wrong?” Ratchet asked.

“Well… being inside a transforming robot….. I never thought this would happen to me. I’m just… I don’t even know right now,” Bruce said. He shook his head.

“Do not fret. It will all be good in the end,” Thor said.

“You talk strangely as if you were never from here. You said you weren’t human, then you said you were. What is with that?” Ratchet asked.

“That one is a long story…” Thor began. “All I can say is that I am a demigod and I have a long history. As for now, we should focus on our goal. I can explain things another day if we meet again.” He kept looking outside.

“I have never heard the term ‘demigod’,” Ratchet said.

“As I said, I can explain it to you another day if we meet again,” Thor said.

Everyone was silent after that, and Ratchet just continued on the road. The instant he heard a car racing underneath him, he stopped. “Everyone out and stay behind me. A Decepticon is underground somewhere!” he warned. Bruce and Thor climbed out and Ratchet transformed.

The racing sound came again, and then the rumbles. Ratchet pushed everyone behind him and got ready to fight. Thor held his hammer in front of him, ready to fight.

“I don’t want either of you to fight this thing when it comes up. You’ll probably get hurt if you do,” Ratchet said.

“I’m fine with that,” Bruce said as he turned and tried to walk away. The moment he turned and tried to take a step, Thor grabbed his shirt, pulling him back. “Why won’t you just let me go?”

“Last time you were fine. I think you can do it again,” Thor replied. “I know he does not wish for us to fight, but we are a team with them now, and so we will have to help each other.” He followed carefully behind Ratchet as he walked around, searching for the Decepticon.

Suddenly, a burst came out of the ground, and everyone shifter their attention to it, Bruce’s heart racing at millions of miles a minute. Another metallic-looking serpent came up out of the ground. When it lifted up its tail, another burst came from the ground, and Ratchet saw a Decepticon crawling out of the ground. He instantly began attacking.

Thor ran forward and jumped up, then tried to hit the serpent, but it moved out of the way and he landed on the ground. He tried again, but ended with the same result. Bruce stood in the middle of the battle, full of fear. He ran behind a building.

“No… I…… I need to stop fearing and start fighting,” Bruce said. “But I’m not getting angry. I won’t. I’m just not going to.” He took in deep breaths and calmed himself down. “Calm down……. Just stay calm…….” His voice shook as he took in deep breaths. He breathed in, then out, and he began to smile. He finally relaxed himself.

The Decepticon stood and tried to throw a punch, but Ratchet blocked it and punched it in the side of the face with his other hand. It got knocked to the side, and he kicked it in the top of the head and watched as it tumbled on its back, then stood up.

“You’re not getting away!” Ratchet said. The Decepticon ran at him, charging and getting ready to use its sword. The moment it got near him, it jumped and held its sword to his neck, but Ratchet leaned back to dodge, and the Decepticon went flying forward. Ratchet turned around. “Look out!!!!!!!” Thor moved away and Ratchet let out the breath of suspension he held in. The Decepticon shifted its sword out of the way, but it couldn’t stop flying forward and stabbed the metallic-looking serpent. It fell to the ground and so did the Decepticon. Thor and Ratchet were panting.

Thor turned to see Ratchet. “What was that about?”

“I don’t know. It just tried to attack and….. Behind you!!!!!” Ratchet shot at the Decepticon as Thor turned around and ducked. It jumped and dived trying to pounce on Ratchet, and it succeeded. It punned him down. “Get off of me!” Ratchet tried to push it away, but it was sturdy on him.

“Get off of him,” Thor said. He jumped up high and held his hammer high up. As he came crashing down, he slammed it into the Decepticon’s back and it fell on top of Ratchet, sparking rapidly.

“I….. it’s almost dead! Hit it…. one last time!” Ratchet said as he pushed the Decepticon up off of him. Now it was the one struggling against him.

Thor held his hammer as far back as he could, then slammed it into the Decepticon as hard as he could, and its back had a large smash mark as it fell on top of Ratchet, limp. The glow that its eyes were disappeared.

Ratchet pushed the Decepticon off of him and sat up, then stood. He bent down to see Thor. “Thank you. That is a powerful hammer,” he said.

“Thank you. Mjolnir has always been with me,” Thor said. He smiled.

“Mjolnir?” Ratchet asked.

“That is the name of my hammer,” Thor replied. He spun his hammer in his hand.

“Speaking of names… where’s that Bruce guy?” Ratchet asked. He looked around, unable to find him anywhere.

“He is probably hiding,” Thor replied. “You can come out now. The battle is over.”

Bruce came out from behind a building. He said nothing as he walked forward.

“You need to stop running. It is alright to be fighting these things. You have to fight to help the group. Please stop fearing it. I promise you I will not let you get out of control,” Thor said.

“Why do you fear fighting?” Ratchet asked.

Bruce turned away at the question. “I’d rather not tell that story…” he said quietly. “Just please don’t ask me that.”

“Listen Bruce. I lost most of my friends, my home, my old life, and I ended up here. But I’m not complaining and I’m fighting to protect even after I lost everything dear to me. Whatever your story is, I can guarantee you that you can fight to protect without fear because I’ll bet it’s not nearly as bad as mine,” Ratchet said.

Bruce clenched his fists. He began to feel something boil inside of him. He held in his breath and shook as he said, “Calm down……. It’s alright. Just stay calm.” He let his even shakier breath out. “Calm down self. You can take it…..” He continued to take in deep breaths. “Just stay calm.” He finally let go of the rage inside him and turned around to see Ratchet. “Please don’t say that to me. I can’t get angry. I just can’t. Don’t rage me….. Please just don’t get me angry.”

“Why not? Maybe that’s the only way to get you going,” Ratchet said.

Bruce suddenly felt the urge to attack him and bent over, ready to go. Thor ran over to him and put his hand on his back.

“Bruce. Calm down!” Thor urged. “You can calm yourself again. Just take deep breaths.”

Bruce nodded and tried to breathe, his breaths yet again shaky. He was shaking rapidly as he stood.

“There. Keep breathing. You need to calm yourself,” Thor said. Bruce nodded again, and he took in even deeper breaths, letting them out in just a quick and short breath. When he finally calmed himself, Thor smiled. “There. Are you alright now?” Bruce nodded, and Thor let go of him. He walked up to Ratchet and looked up at him. “Please. Do not get him angry. He becomes a large rampaging beat if he does and that is why he fears fighting. He does not want to get angry just to fight and possibly get out of hand. He refuses to get angry now.”

“Well if one of you had told me that then I wouldn’t have said that!” Ratchet said with irritation. He huffed.

“He does not like to talk about that story. I think it would be for the better if you said nothing to him as of right now,” Thor said. He glared at Ratchet, then turned to see Bruce standing. “Do we get going?” Bruce nodded.

Back with Optimus, Tony was sitting, silent, but finally not so angry. The only thing Optimus heard from him was his breathing.

“Tony?” Optimus asked.

“What?” Tony huffed.

“Are you alright?”

“Well… having to hold off on a huge promise to my wife, being made do something I don’t want to do, and being inside a transforming truck. Yeah, I think I’m ok,” Tony replied cockily.

Optimus sighed. “Putting others before yourself is sometimes more important. It may not be for your case, but as long as she knows you left for that, she should be more happy than upset.” Both were silent for a moment, but then Optimus added, “This city needs our help. We need to help them so everyone is at peace.”

“I know. Just….. Let’s keep going,” Tony said. Optimus sped up.

Eventually, Optimus and Tony heard a moan. They both knew it’d probably end up being a metallic-like snake.

“Tony, get out quickly. This is your job,” Optimus said. He transformed and Tony was in his hand. Optimus placed him on the ground and they both stood, waiting for it to emerge from the ground.

The moan came again, but nothing appeared. “I wonder if it’s just trying to annoy me,” Tony said. He looked around and waited for the sound to come again, and he felt a bump underneath him. “Crap. It’s going to come up underneath me probably.” He jumped up flew up into the air. “Tell me if you feel anything bumping the ground.”

The moan came again, and Optimus felt a bump. “I just felt it.”

“You may want to move. I’ll probably come up wherever one of us are.”

The moment Optimus lifted his foot, something came up out of the ground a lightning speed and sent him flying and tumbling forward. When he stood up, he turned to see the strange metallic-looking serpent and drew out his sword just in case.

Tony glared at the snake, then flew down and punched it harshly, sending it flying backward. He saw it try to turn around a smash its fangs into him, but he flew out of the way and dodged them. He flew in and punched it again. He flew beside Optimus and waited for it to come near them, then began to charge up his blaster. When it was just about to come, he blasted out at it and it hit the serpent harshly, sending it flying backward and landing on its back. It fell down to the ground, unmoving, and Tony flew down to the ground.

“I think I got it,” Tony said as he walked toward it. He put up his mask and looked at it. “Yep. I got it.”

“Do we move on then?” Optimus asked.

“Oh come on… I have to do more?” Tony complained. “I need to get home.”

“I can guarantee you this will pay off,” Optimus said. He transformed back into a truck and opened his door. “Let us hurry. We need to eliminate whatever is left underground.”

Tony reluctantly walked up to Optimus and got inside. “I might as well get this over with. It’s not like I have a choice.” He strapped himself in and Optimus shut his door. He continued moving.

Back with Bumblebee, Hawkeye looked around out of the window. “I don’t see anything suspicious. It’s getting quite boring,” he said.

“I’m glad there’s nothing. It shows that could have been the last of them. I’m just still wondering what Decepticons are doing underground…” Bumblebee said.

“Well none of us know anything about Decepticons, so if you’re looking for an answer, we don’t have it,” Natasha said. Hawkeye sighed.

“Can you at least try to be nice to him?” Hawkeye asked. “He can feel you know.”

Natasha sighed. “I don’t care. He acts like we have answers for him, but we don’t. I just don’t see why he can’t stop…” Suddenly, Bumblebee opened up the doors, undid the seatbelts, and pushed both of them out. The fell on opposite sides of him. “What was that for?!”

Bumblebee honked his horn, and they both covered their ears. As they cringed, he stormed away. Hawkeye looked out into the distance at him, then glared at Natasha.

“See? I told you to be kind. He has feelings, and he’s obviously very emotional,” Hawkeye said cockily. Natasha sighed and rolled her eyes. “No. Don’t give me that. I warned you. Now what do we do?” He stood up, and so did Natasha.

Out of nowhere, a large blast came, and Hawkeye nearly screamed as he jumped back. In the debris, a Decepticon stood up and began shooting at everything in sight.

“Crap! What do we do now?” Hawkeye asked. He turned to see Natasha. “If only you didn’t make him upset.”

“Well sorry!” Natasha snapped back. She pulled out her gun and began shooting at the Decepticon.

Hawkeye put an arrow in his bow and tried to fire it, but when it hit the Decepticon, it did nothing but glare at him and try to attack him, but he dodged. When he saw that Natasha’s bullets weren’t doing anything, he sighed.

“I’m going to go fine him! You stay and keep it at bay!” Hawkeye yelled through the fire.

“Oh sure! Keep me here to deal with this thing!” Natasha argued.

“Yeah! Just….. stay here!” Hawkeye called out. He turned and began running.

Natasha stopped firing for a moment. “Why leave me with the giant alien robot that I can’t damage too well?” She let out a sigh and ran behind a building to continue attacking.

Hawkeye ran down the street he saw Bumblebee run down. He came to a split in the road and let out a sigh. “Crud… what do I do now?” He looked around him again. “Bumblebee?!” He waited for an answer. “Bumblebee!! I’m sorry!! Natasha just gets like that!!” He waited continuously for Bumblebee to appear, but he didn’t. “Bumblebee!! There’s a Decepticon that neither of us can damage!! We need your help!!” Suddenly, Bumblebee appeared from around the corner. “Bumblebee!”

“If you two argue one more time, I’m leaving and going back to Optimus,” Bumblebee said. Hawkeye smiled.

“Alright. Thank you,” Hawkeye said. He raced with Bumblebee back to where Natasha and the Decepticon were.

Natasha was still there when everyone got back, but she was now on top of a building and trying to attack. Hawkeye just kept wondering how she got up there. Behind him, Bumblebee transformed and ran forward. Hawkeye followed and began attacking however he could.

“It’s about time you’re back!” Natasha called out.

“Listen, let’s not argue! Let’s just get rid of this thing!” Hawkeye called back. He shot more arrows at the Decepticon.

Bumblebee punched the Decepticon in the stomach, and as it bent over, it punched him in the side. He leaned to the side and regained his balance, then punched it in the side of the head. It fell sideways, and an arrow came in and landed right in its stomach, even piercing the metal. Hawkeye landed on the ground beside Bumblebee.

“Did we get it?” Hawkeye asked.

“No,” Bumblebee said as he ran forward and attacked the Decepticon as it stood up.

Natasha glared down at the Decepticon. He jumped down off of the buildings and ran up to the Decepticon, then got ready to attack it, but Bumblebee finished it off by attacking it himself with a punch, and the Decepticon went limp, the glow that its eyes were disappearing. Everyone was silent, and Bumblebee was panting.

“Now did we get it?” Hawkeye asked. Bumblebee nodded. Hawkeye lowered his bow and looked over to Natasha. “Apologize and then thank Bumblebee for helping us.”

Natasha sighed. But Hawkeye urged her to apologize. “Fine. I’m sorry. And thank you for coming back and helping us,” Natasha gave in.  Hawkeye smiled.

“Thanks Bumblebee. I guess I need sharper arrows,” Hawkeye said. Bumblebee nodded, then transformed into a car.

Natasha and Hawkeye got in, and Bumblebee headed off.

“Please don’t argue again or I’m leaving you both for sure,” Bumblebee said. “I… I had my fair share of arguments with an old friend when we first met……. It wasn’t fun, and I don’t want that to happen to you two.”

“We’ll try our best,” Hawkeye agreed.

After a while more of searching, nothing came up, and there were no signs of Decepticons or serpents. Bumblebee headed back to where Nick Fury was. Hawkeye and Natasha got out, and Bumblebee transformed.

“Did you succeed in eliminating what was underground?” Nick asked while looking up from his watch which he was communicating with agents at S.H.I.E.L.D. with. 

“I think. We haven’t been able to find anything for the past hour,” Bumblebee said.

“Then where are the others?” Nick asked.

“We don’t know,” Hawkeye replied. “Do we wait here for the others to return?”

“No. Go scout the south section for anything,” Nick replied.

Suddenly, everyone heard someone else. “Actually, we just scouted that area too. There is nothing down that lane,” Ratchet said. He transformed after Bruce and Thor got out.

“Then where are Tony and Optimus?” Nick asked. He looked around, as did everyone else, but they were nowhere to be seen.

Back with Optimus, he and Tony were searching diligently, but it had been over an hour since they heard anything at all or saw anything.

“So what? Is that all of them?” Tony asked.

“I suspect so,” Optimus replied. He turned around. “We should probably head back now. I have a feeling Ratchet and Bumblebee along with your friends are already back.”

Tony let out a sigh of relief.

“Just because it is probably the end of our work does not mean it is the end of everything. There may be more for us when we return,” Optimus said.

Tony grunted. “I just want to go back already. I don’t know how much longer this suit can last me. It’s only the second time I’ve used it.”

“Then take it as a test. See its limits and see how far you can go with it,” Optimus said. He drove forward and began making his way to where Nick and the others were.

“I guess I could take it that way,” Tony said, but quietly so Optimus wouldn’t hear him.

When Optimus got back to where everyone was, Tony climbed out and Optimus transformed. They walked up to Nick, and Tony flew up to see him.

“We found another serpent,” Tony said. “I got rid of it though, and it was just the same as the one right behind us.” He pointed to the one they beat that was laying on the ground.

“Any Decepticons?” Nick asked. Tony shook his head. “That’s strange since everyone else came across at least one.” Tony gave a confused look, although nobody could see it since he had his mask over his face.

“Have you found any more rumbles?” Optimus asked. Nick shook his head.

“We used a seismograph and found nothing at all. I think you got everything, but we can’t be sure that they’re fully gone until we do another scan. For now, everyone will return home. But Optimus, we would appreciate it if you and the other Autobots would stay nearby in case we catch anything else tonight,” Nick replied.

“I’ll help again if I need to,” Bumblebee said.

“I’m not so sure if I want to help… I don’t want to set him off,” Ratchet said looking down at Bruce.

“So you made a mistake? Just be careful about it,” Nick said. “Don’t feel bad about it.”

“I would be glad to aid everyone again,” Optimus said.

“Alright. It’s settled then. Everyone can go home and take it easy until tomorrow. I’ll make sure your are all contacted by eight,” Nick said.

Tony looked over at Optimus. “So will we be working again tomorrow?” he asked.

“If they request out assistance, then most likely. Are you sure you can make it home with that suit? You must have used up most of its power,” Optimus said.

Suddenly, something hard hit Tony and sent him flying forward a little, but he saw the power level go up more, and all damage to his suit was repaired. He turned around to see Ratchet. “Thanks Ratchet,” he said.

“That thing is a bit too easy to damage. You should try to build it with a stronger metal,” Ratchet said. Tony at first was confused, but then nodded and headed off.

“Well, I am once again glad I could be of help,” Thor said. He looked up at Ratchet and smiled. “We will meet again. I can promise that. And then, you will know my story.” Ratchet nodded, and Thor turned around and began flying forward.

“Thanks you guys for not arguing,” Bumblebee said while looking down at Natasha and Hawkeye.

“No problem. I guess we’ll be working together again. At least it keeps us from bickering every two seconds,” Hawkeye said as he glared at Natasha. She shrugged, and they began heading up to the building and into the airplane.

When everyone was on the airplane, the doors closed and lifted up. The Autobots transformed and began heading out. The airplane eventually drifted out of sight, and the Autobots disappeared into the distance.

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