Avengeformers Chapter 13

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Underground, Tony was glaring at Megatron and Slipfang. He slowly moved his left arm back and forth, Megatron digging his foot into him. Despite the pain he felt, he tore his arm out of the binding of Slipfang’s tail. Slipfang gasped.

Megatron refused to put up with it and smashed his foot into Tony’s freed arm onto the floor. Tony cringed  a little, then turned his head. He pulled his arm out from under Megatron and held it up. Just as it was about to charge, Slipfang let go and Tony went tumbling onto the ground multiple times. Before he could get up, Slipfang smashed his tail into Tony, and he was pressed up against the wall.

“That’s… not nearly enough!” Tony said. He took his arms which were spread out against the wall and began pushing down Slipfang.

“Megatron! Don’t just stand there!” Slipfang yelled. Megatron jumped out and held his fists out, ready to smash them into Tony. Tony pushed off just in time and flew up into the ceiling, then looked down at the two of them. At the height he was at, there was no way either of them could get him back down onto the ground.  Slipfang’s long tail probably couldn’t grab him.

Tony turned on the third channel in his suit. “Optimus! You’d better be here soon or I’m screwed!” he shouted.

“If you think Optimus will be coming to your rescue, good try,” Megatron said, gazing up at the ceiling where Tony was which was about seventy feet up.

Back in the tunnel to enter the base, Optimus was running as fast as he could down it. He saw the end, leading into the well-lit hexagonal room. Suddenly, Tony’s message came through and he turned on the radio. “Tony! Stay safe for now! I will be there in just a few minutes!” He transformed into a truck and raced through into the room.

“Optimus?!” Tony asked.

“You can’t stay up there for forever,” Slipfang said. “Your suit will have to run out of power eventually.”

“Tony!” Optimus shouted in relief. He let out a sigh. “I’m coming. Do not go near Megatron at all. With the height of these ceilings, if you go to the top, he will never be able to get you. As for Slipfang though, I have no idea. Sorry.”

“You’ve just guessed my strategy,” Tony said. “But I don’t know how long my suit will be able to keep me up here for.”

“If I keep it up like this, I will be there in around only one minute,” Optimus said. “Hold your head up until then!”

“Ok!” Tony replied. He looked down at Megatron who even if he jumped, he would never be able to reach him. He shifted his gaze over to Slipfang who was giving a sly smile, mocking him, his look giving the life-or-death threat and showing him he had a chance of killing him at any moment. But he just sat there, doing nothing but staring, fear raging like a fire inside Tony. One thought ran through his head, and that was the hope that Optimus would come in seconds and help. There was no possible way he could take the two of them on alone.

Footsteps sounded out through the entrance of the tunnel. Loud and fast footsteps. Megatron’s eyes widened as did Slipfang’s, and they turned to look at the tunnel. A shadow of Optimus appeared.

“Crud!” Megatron yelled. “He just had to make it here!”

Optimus came charging down the hallway with his sword out and his gun in the other hand. He looked up at Tony. “Tony! Hurry and get down!” he called out. Tony let out all the breath he had in him in relief.

Megatron glared at Optimus as he came charging at him and pounced on him, the two falling, Optimus forcing his arms back onto the ground. Tony flew down off the ceiling and on the bottom half of his suit’s arm, the top opened up and a large gun came out. He pointed it at Megatron, charging it up. Megatron’s eyes widened, and just as it was about to fire, he whipped around to Slipfang and the bullet came out, slamming into his body and sending him crashing into the wall.

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