Avengeformers Chapter 5

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Optimus leaned in and landed a punch square on Megatron’s face. He then whipped out his sword and stood with his left foot behind him, and his right foot out in front, his knees slightly bent. He held the sword behind him, then brought it up to hit Megatron in the face. When he did, he watched him stumble backward and finally get back up on his feet. “Do I disappoint you now?” Optimus asked as he stood normally.

“Hmph. You got me that time Optimus,” Megatron said. He stood and tired to throw a punch, but he missed and fell forward.

Thor let out a sigh and put his head in his hand. He let out a long sigh before looking up again, and when he finally did move his attention to the battle, he had the most I-know-exactly-how-you-feel-and-I-know-it-won’t-end-well look on his face.

“What?” Ratchet asked. “I thought you would have seen enough battles to have gotten used to this.” He transformed and Thor and Bruce were in his hands.

Thor looked up at Ratchet. “I have. But a thing of my past is my brother and I… we have had wars involving multiple worlds trying to solve our issues together…”

“Hey Optimus! Do you need any help?!” Bumblebee asked as he transformed and put Hawkeye and Natasha at his sides. Hawkeye loaded up his bow with an arrow and aimed to shoot.

Ratchet and Bumblebee came in behind Megatron, and both of them hit him behind, making him whip around and try to throw a punch which they both dodged.

“It will be alright. Go scout the town for Decepticons with the others. I will handle Megatron,” Optimus replied. The others nodded and retreated.

Bruce let out a sigh. He looked up at Ratchet with a worried look.

“Don’t worry. He’s got this. Let’s just get going,” Ratchet said. He transformed and Bruce and Thor climbed inside as he stormed off. Bumblebee did the same with Hawkeye and Natasha, and Tony was left behind.

Tony ran out from behind Optimus and jumped up in the air, his hand straight out and ready to shoot. As he flew forward past Megatron’s face, he shot out at him and made him lose his balance, but he quickly regained it and glared at him.

“Foolish! You are foolish!” Megatron roared as he grabbed Tony’s feet and hurled him to the ground. Optimus glared at him angrily, and Megatron acted normal.

“Tony! Get up and get out of here. Megatron is too dangerous,” Optimus demanded. But Tony ignored him and jumped up, flying quickly with his foot straight out, landing a harsh kick on Megatron’s stomach. “Tony, he will hurt you and try to kill you!”

“Yeah! Tons of other people have tried to kill me. And I was nearly blown up once! I doubt he can be any more difficult!” Tony called out as he punched Megatron in the side of the head again. He huffed, but Optimus grabbed him and put him on top of a building. “What are you doing?”

“If you want to help, then go help the others! You will get killed trying to...” Before Optimus could finish, his brother cut in and shot him in the back. With one swift punch to the back of the head, Optimus fell forward, and he struggled to get back up.

“Yeah. I’m going to have to fight this guy,” Tony said.

“Uh… Mister Stark, sir… Maybe you should listen and stay back,” Jarvis said.

“Shut up Jarvis. I’m doing what I want,” Tony replied. Jarvis remained silent from there, and Tony tried to attack, but he was hurled to the ground again. Megatron put his foot on him, and he couldn’t get up. “G…. get……… off of……. me!”

“If you will be nothing but a fool, then I will…” Optimus cut in and stabbed Megatron straight in the center with his sword, and he fell forward. Optimus kicked him off of Tony, and he went tumbling to the side, then barely got up again.

“I warned you. He is dangerous, and he will try to kill you,” Optimus reassured.

“I’m not going to stop fighting. I can handle him,” Tony refused. He jumped up and got ready to throw a punch, but just as he was about to, Optimus called out to him to move away, and before he could, a missile hit the ground below him and he went flying and tumbling backward. “Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!!!” He finally stopped tumbling and looked at his stomach area, and the armor was torn and destroyed with multiple burn marks. The areas where his stomach had actually shown were slightly bloody.

“Dangit Tony! Get away!” Nick shouted. For once, Tony listened and backed away behind a billboard. At his chance, he flew over to Nick and flipped up his mask. “I’ve heard of Megatron and he’s nobody to mess around with. He’s currently the only one with enough power to stop him. Go off with the others if you’re going to fight at all. Nobody is to try and stop him. We are going to leave this up to Optimus.”

“Fine,” Tony huffed. He flipped down his mask and flew off.

Bumblebee was running down the street now, Natasha and Hawkeye on his shoulders. He had a look of pure determination on his face. “I’m hoping there aren’t any Decepticons left. If there are, it’s going to be a pain for us to fight.”

“I doubt it. There’ve been too many. There will more likely be more of those serpent things,” Hawkeye commented. He let out a sigh. “Where did those things even come from?” He rolled his head, then looked straight ahead.

“Nobody knows yet,” Natasha replied. “I doubt they’ll find out how they even came here or got underground. They’re massive!”

“Well if we can just scout around a little, then I bet we can find something,” Bumblebee said. Natasha and Hawkeye nodded. “Left, right, or straight?” They were at a three-way intersection where it went straight off to the left or right, and there was one road that went straight.

“Left. There’s always something on the left,” Hawkeye said.

“There’s something on either side no matter what,” Natasha sighed. But Bumblebee turned left and ran down that road.

The sky was full of clouds and the sun just barely shined through. All of the clouds overhead were dark, and it seemed as though it could pour down at any moment. The air was perfectly moist and warm for it to rain.

“Do you think it’s going to rain?” Hawkeye asked. Bumblebee nodded.

Back with Ratchet, Thor was telling him his story. “And when he finally came to Earth, I thought it would be the world’s end. He tried to take New York City, but we all stopped him. I dragged him back to Asgard with me, and we stood before out father and he had to make the judgment.”

“So your brother took over the city as a way to vent his anger?” Ratchet asked.

“Yes,” Thor replied. “But when the decision was made, he was thrown into a prison. Shortly after, Jane ended up obtaining the matter and it continued to try and take over. I brought her to Asgard hoping they could do something to help, but there was not a thing they could do.” He sighed. “And when Maluketh found out about her having what he wanted, he tried to go after her. I had no option but to go to Loki for help. He and I decided to go after him, and he agreed to die if he betrayed me.”

“Your brother sounds like he’s a difficult one to deal with,” Ratchet said.

“Yes. He is. But he is my brother, and I will always care for him,” Thor commented. “But even when he and I tried to stop Maluketh, he…” He took in a deep breath. “Loki died trying to fight him. I returned home and told father the sad news.”

“You and Optimus seem to have similar stories,” Ratchet said. “Optimus’s brother Megatron became the leader of the Decepticons while Optimus became the leader of the Autobots. While Optimus tried to lead everyone to safety, his brother only seeked the chance to rule Cybertron. He destroyed the world trying to do that, and everyone had to retreat to Earth. Then he found out Megatron followed him here along with tons and tons of Decepticons. A war broke out between them, and Optimus killed his brother. Then two years later, he was revived. He got his revenge and killed Optimus, then went after the Matrix to revive Cybertron. But Sam, who is one of our greatest friends from Earth, he got it first and revived Optimus. When they fought, Optimus killed Megatron again. It wasn’t for another few years, but then they went after New York City after Megatron was revived… again. Optimus’s teacher, Zeta Prime, came and tried to help him. But he betrayed everyone because he sided with the enemy, and then he even betrayed the enemy and killed Megatron! And now he’s back… again.”

“How many times can he be revived after he’s been killed so many times?!” Bruce asked in shock. “You’d think that after three deaths he’d just be dead for good.”

“Nobody knows. He always finds ways to come back,” Ratchet replied.

“Brothers can be difficult. At least I am not the only one with a brother who has begun wars over them and their family…” Thor said.

Ratchet came to a stop in the road. It could either go straight or right. “Do you want to go right or straight?”

“Right,” both Thor and Bruce said. They looked at each other strangely, then Bruce shrugged, and Ratchet kept running.

“And what about you Bruce? Why do you turn into a different creature when you get angry?” Ratchet asked. He heard Bruce sigh. “Come on. We’ve told our unhappy stories, and you can tell yours.”

“Gamma rays. That’s all I can say. Gamma rays. When I was radiated, I turn into a creature called the ‘Hulk’, and I can’t control myself that well that way. Everyone makes sure I don’t get out of hand, but I still don’t like to go all Hulk on things. I can’t get angry. I just refuse to because that’s when I turn.”

“I’ll do my best to stay cool then. If I get you out of hand, then just go and cool off,” Ratchet said.

“No. I’m not. I need to be fearless and help. I’m not much help like this, but if the time comes that my team needs me, I’ll fight,” Bruce replied. Thor turned around and gave him the most insanely shocked look. “I’m just being a hindrance right now. I’m only going to fight if I have to.”

Ratchet eventually came to a stop when he reached the end of the road and entered a huge center area. He looked in front of him, then gave a confused look. “Bumblebee?”

“Ratchet? What are you doing here?” Bumblebee asked.

“I just followed the road on my side. What about you guys?”

“Same,” Hawkeye replied.

“Well we just went on opposite sides. There is almost always a place where roads meet,” Ratchet added. Bumblebee and the others nodded. A drop of rain came down on Bruce. He shuttered, and Ratchet looked at him strangely. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah. It’s just starting to rain. But it’s really cold rain. Kind of like ice,” Bruce replied. A drop his Thor’s shoulder, and he shuttered the same way.

“That is cold,” Thor said. When one hit Ratchet, he gasped and shot around to quickly grasp his shoulder. “Did you feel it too?”

“Yeah! That’s cold rain,” Ratchet said. “I’ve felt rain, but not like this before.”

Rain quickly dropped on Hawkeye and Natasha, then on Bumblebee, and all of them looked up at the sky. Rain picked up, then kept coming down. Before they knew it, the rain came down quickly, and Hawkeye began shivering.

“Geez! Talk about cold rain!” Hawkeye shouted. The rain was loud as it hit all of the roofs, and just to hear anyone, they had to shout to get just a whisper worth of sound.

Bruce began to feel ice cold, and so did Bumblebee. Everyone heard an airplane zoom by in the sky. They all looked up at it, and it zoomed by again.

“Wait,” Ratchet said. He looked down at Bumblebee. “Bumblebee, you recognize that jet, don’t you?” Bumblebee nodded. “I think it’s….. Crap! Bruce! Thor! Hide!!” He bent down and they ran off behind a building, and Natasha and Hawkeye followed. The airplane in the sky transformed and came crashing down on the road. He landed on one hand and one knee, his other hand and leg sticking out. They stood up.

“Starscream!” Bumblebee said. And on Starscream’s right shoulder, there was a silver being that had a blue chestplate and armored legs. It had two antenna standing up, and only three fingers on each hand. It eyes were narrow and bright blue. It jumped off of his shoulder, and held out its hand as it plummeted to the ground. As he came closer and closer to the ground, the rain sped up and became thicker and heavier.

“Crud! This rain’s too cold,” Natasha shouted. “Just great. This is making my day perfect…”

“Relax. Maybe they’ll beat that thing down enough and the rain will stop,” Hawkeye tried to say. But Natasha ignored him and rubbed her arms, trying to keep herself warm. When she let out a sigh, she could see her breath.

“Maybe we should fight it. Then maybe the rain will stop and we will no longer feel this cold,” Thor said. He ran off, gripping his hammer tightly.

“Wait! Don’t go…” But Hawkeye soon realized it was too late. He’d already run out and got ready to attack.

“What are you doing here? I told you to stay behind,” Ratchet asked.

“The Decepticons are your job, and I am going to fight that,” Thor said, pointing to the creature. He jumped up, and just as he was about to slam his hammer into it, an arrow shot out at it and it flinched. Thor just slammed his hammer into the ground. He glared at Hawkeye who came running out. “You made me hit the ground.”

“So what? You know how many times I’ve missed?” Hawkeye argued. He ran forward and shot another arrow at it, and that hit its hand. “Are you going to attack it or what?”

Thor shrugged and ran forward, then slammed his hammer into the creature. It fell to the ground, nearly dead. Hawkeye shot an arrow into its stomach, and it made an ear-shattering screech as it fell down and closed its eyes. It fell limp and didn’t move.

“What was that thing? Sure isn’t a Decepticon,” Hawkeye said. The rain finally stopped, and everyone smiled.

A bullet came soaring into the creature, and it flew up and down a little when it was hit. “Ugh. You guys killed it before I even got a chance to take a true hit on it,” Natasha said with a sigh.

“Sorry, but we tried to get a hit on it before anything happened,” Thor replied.

A soaring sound came into the distance, and as everyone gazed up to see who it was, they all heard a loud scream. Tony landed on a tall building, and Starscream flinched, clutching his shoulder which was now singed where a giant hole was made. Ratchet sighed.

“Stay back guys. Starscream’s dangerous,” Bumblebee called out.

“And I thought you were idiotically risking yourself by fighting Megatron,” Ratchet said. Before he knew it, Starscream punched him, and Ratchet lost balance and fell to the ground. Starscream put his foot on his back, and looked up at Tony.

“You tried to fight Lord Megatron?” Starscream asked. He laughed hysterically. “You are an idiot.”

“I was told to go away after I’d been hit with a missile anyway,” Tony said, getting ready to shoot at Starscream.

“No Tony! Don’t try to…” But it was too late and the shot was fired. It hit Starscream, and he whipped around, glaring at him. As he tried to run, Thor came up behind him and smashed him in the back harshly with his hammer. Starscream fell on his face, and Natasha began shooting at him.

Ratchet stood up, and he pulled out his healing gun and healed Tony’s suit. He then looked over at Starscream and punched the back of his head as he tried to get up, and he fell down again.

“Guys, back off. Starscream can’t die. He’ll be down for only a short time before he comes back and gets you. He’s dangerous,” Bumblebee said.

“We don’t care. We’re going to fight,” Hawkeye said. He shot an arrow straight into Starscream’s back.

Tony came flying in, and as soon as he did, he landed a harsh punch on Starscream, and he fell to the ground again. Ratchet put his foot on him, and he was pinned down.

“Fools! You will pay! Lord Megatron will destroy you all!” Starscream yelled out.

“I doubt it. With the way Optimus is fighting, he’ll be down in minutes,” Tony said. He put up his mask and looked at the others. “When did you find him?”

“Just a few minutes ago. He flew overhead and transformed, then came down to the ground with that thing,” Ratchet replied, pointing at the creature. “It somehow made a cold rain.”

“Hmph. You don’t even know what that thing is? Heh. All the more proof that you’re all fools,” Starscream huffed. “It’s an alien from a far off world that Megatron is making an agreement with its kind.”

“Wait, what?!” Tony asked. He walked up to Starscream, confusion written all over him.

“Crud,” Starscream said. “I’d better not tell Lord Megatron that I leaked everything…” He muttered the last words.

“Are those serpents aliens?” Ratchet asked.

“I won’t reveal anything more!” Starscream yelled.

“They’ve got to be,” Bumblebee said. “How’d Megatron find out about those serpents, and what is planning on doing?”

“That is something I will never reveal to some Autobots,” a voice boomed. Everyone looked into the distance, and Megatron was in the sky as a jet. “Starscream? Did you leak anything out?”

“N… no Lord Megatron,” Starscream hesitated.

“Idiot! You are getting worse and worse, and you are of no help you piece of garbage!” Megatron yelled. “Come on. We’re going.”

“Yes Lord Megatron,” Starscream said. He pushed Ratchet’s foot off of him and quickly transformed, then flew away. “See you later fools!” They both stormed off, and Tony tried to follow them.

“Crud… If Megatron’s getting away, Optimus must have lost,” Ratchet said. He quickly transformed. “Thor, Bruce, get in.” They did.

Bumblebee transformed and opened up his doors, and Hawkeye climbed in as did Natasha. But he didn’t close his doors. He drove right below Tony.

“I’ll fly,” Tony said. Bumblebee closed his doors, and all of them headed off to where Optimus and Nick were.

“So who is Starscream exactly?” Thor asked.

“A Decepticon with an infinite spark who is beyond loyal to Megatron no matter how many times he’s told he’s stupid and useless,” Ratchet replied. “Just leave it at that.”

“How does he have an infinite spark?” Bruce asked.

“A long story that I don’t have time to explain.” Ratchet stormed off.

Eventually, everyone arrived at where Optimus and Nick were. Ratchet and Bumblebee quickly transformed and rushed to Optimus who was lying limp against a building, but he was still alive.

Nick was on his feet, but hunched over and panting. “Dammit,” he said. “I tried to fight him, but he got away.” Nick looked over at everyone, and his body was bloody as heck, and his face was all cut up.

Bruce gasped and rushed to try to help Nick up, but he quickly slapped his hands away. Bruce stepped back.

“I’m alright. Did you find anything?” Nick asked.

“Yes. We found one of Megatron’s loyal subjects, Starscream,” Thor said. “But he and Megatron got away before any of us could get him.”

“And he leaked that Megatron is getting help from other aliens like this one we fought back there,” Hawkeye added. “He didn’t leak anything more, but we’ve now come to think that those serpents are part of his plan.”

“Alright. Hawkeye, Bruce, Natasha, come with me to the airplane. We’re going back to the base to try and find Megatron,” Nick said. “Tony, you can return home and we’ll contact you when we find him. Thor, please remain here until we find out where he is.”

“I will help whenever I am needed,” Thor said.

Nick looked up at Bumblebee and Ratchet, and then at Optimus who stood up, fully healed. “We’re going to track down Megatron. You can either come with us back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in a plane we’ll send, or you can stay within the city. But there is no guarantee that we’ll find him anytime soon.”

“We will come with you,” Optimus decided. He walked over to Nick. “Will you be alright?”

“Yes. I’ll be fine. Stay here until the plane comes. Someone named Agent Coulson will come out and bring you to it. Then you’ll be flown back to the base,” Nick replied. “You’ll all have to be in your vehicle forms to fit on it though.”

“We will help you track him down in whatever way we can,” Optimus said.

“Alright. We’ll be seeing you soon then,” Nick said. He began making his way to the airplane, and Hawkeye, Natasha, and Bruce followed. They all boarded, and within seconds, it took off. Thor and Tony were soon on their ways as well.

Bumblebee looked at Optimus. “Do you think they can find Megatron?” he asked. His voice sounded sad, kind of like he’d just lost a really important contest.

“If they tracked him down once, then I can bet that they can find him again,” Optimus replied.

“They’re no group of ordinary people, are they? Thor said he’s half god, half human. And Bruce said he can turn into an overpowered green creature called ‘Hulk’,” Ratchet asked. Optimus shook his head. “They were called ‘The Avengers’.”

“That is their team name I guess. But there is no doubt about it. All of them have something special. From what I have heard, they too saved New York a year after we did,” Optimus said.

“Yeah. Thor told me that his brother got angry and started a war between he and his brother, and he tried to take over New York City but was stopped by all seven of them,” Ratchet said. “His story and your stories are kind of similar.”

“Just from starting wars over each other it seems as though that could be true,” Optimus said. He let out a sigh. “But that city is finally at peace, and we should all be glad for that. Less than one year was all it had to rest.”

“And let’s just hope it stays that way,” Bumblebee said. “When did they say the plane would come and get us?”

“They did not say. I just hope they can track down Megatron…” Optimus trailed off.

Eventually, an airplane was heard overhead. Everyone looked up at it, and it was gigantic. It had two wings on each side that must have been over twenty feet long each. The center of the plane looked like it was nearly one hundred feet long, and about twenty feet wide. The entire thing was blacker than the midnight sky, but it had lights on the bottoms of each wing. There was only thing written on it, and it was the S.H.I.E.L.D. symbol which was on the end wings. Everyone went racing after it, knowing it was their airplane.

When Optimus and the others reached where the plane had landed which was at a gigantic airport, someone came walking out. He had a smile on his face, and he was dressed in a suit.

“Well if it isn’t Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Ratchet. Three of the many remaining Autobots that took refuge on Earth. It’s an honor to finally meet you all. My name is Agent Coulson,” they said.

“Agent Coulson,” Optimus began. “I have something to warn you and the others of S.H.I.E.L.D., and it is very important. My brother Megatron is nobody to mess around with. If anyone is to fight him, it must be more than one. He is powerful, and he destroyed a whole world. If he did it once, he can do it again.”

“We are well aware of what Megatron has done not just today, but millions of years ago. When your stories were released, at least some of us had heard of your pasts,” Coulson said. “We should get going though. We don’t know how long it will be until he’s found.”

“Then let’s go,” Bumblebee said. He transformed, as did Optimus and Ratchet. Coulson stood, awestruck and frozen, completely motionless for a few seconds, then blinked and shook his head and sighed.

“I can’t believe I just saw them transform,” Coulson muttered, then walked on, repeating those words over and over again.

When everyone boarded the airplane, it closed up and took off. Bumblebee looked at Optimus, and he felt a little awkward being high in the air.

“So how far away do you think this base is?” Bumblebee asked.

“Since we’re being careful, three hours,” someone said. Coulson came walking out. “It’s hard to fly when you’ve got about eighteen thousand pounds on board, so we’re trying to be careful and not crash.”

“Sorry,” Ratchet said.

“Don’t be. It’s better to have you guys here anyway. We know nothing about Decepticons while you guys do,” Coulson reassured. “We’ll need all of the help we can get.”

“I’m glad to help,” Bumblebee said enthusiastically.

“Heh. You seem pretty energetic,” Coulson commented.

“I am. But sadly it doesn’t always come in handy…” Bumblebee said. He sighed.

“Hey. We could always use some enthusiasm,” Coulson said, placing a hand on Bumblebee and smiling. Bumblebee would have smiled back if he wasn’t a car.

Eventually, everyone arrived at the base. When they got off of the airplane, Optimus and the others were lead inside the base. Luckily it was tall enough for them to stand in since each floor was open to the stories above.

“You guys can just stay in here for the time being. I don’t think we can risk you guys being outside. Someone might come after you,” Nick said, pointing to a room. Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee crouched down to look at the room. “You’ll have to stay as vehicles though.”

“I’m alright with that. That’s how it is back in Washington D.C.,” Ratchet commented.

“I am too,” Bumblebee added.

“Alright then. It’s getting late, so you’ll all have to stay in here until morning. I get here at six, so I’ll come and get you guys then,” Nick said. Everyone nodded and transformed, and Coulson who was next to Nick smiled.

“That’s so cool,” Coulson whispered to himself. Nick sighed and crossed his arms.

Optimus, Bumblebee, and Ratchet went inside the large room. It was perfectly empty except for a few colorful crates containing many things. The walls were made of steel, and there was only one window that was high up on the wall. It wasn’t real big, and the light of the moon shined down through it, creating a ray of light that kept going until it hit the other wall.

Nick and Coulson were gone, and everything was silent. There was no a single sound, and it was obvious that everyone had left the base.

“I’m exhausted,” Bumblebee said.

“I can’t blame you. You did well trying to fight Starscream. And the others did too,” Ratchet commented. “I don’t get why I tried to stop them. There is no stopping them.”

“They are brave. If they want to help us, then we should not stop them. I regret asking Tony to stop fighting Megatron,” Optimus said. “I think he got stronger this time around. He was not easy to fight.”

“Well we’re going to track him down, so we really shouldn’t worry too much about him causing lots of destruction again,” Ratchet added.

“That is true. Let us hope we can find him in just a matter of days,” Optimus said.

Somewhere far off from the base, Megatron stood, and Starscream was next to him. One of the serpents was standing in front of both of them.

“Lord Megatron, what is the rest of the plan?” Starscream asked.

“I already told you you idiot!” Megatron yelled angrily, giving Starscream a kick in the side. “If you can’t remember it then tough luck. You’ll have to ask somebody else like Soundwave or Laserbeak.” He let out a long sigh and shook his head, then turned back to see the serpent. “So the plan is set then?”

“Yes!” the serpent hissed. “We will do as needed, and hopefully we can rule together.”

“We will. I guarantee this plan will be a success,” Megatron said. “I see no way the Autobots or the Avengers could possibly ruin it.”

“Then we will succeed without a doubt.” The serpent smiled slyly. “They might as well all remember the light of day because pretty soon, they won’t ever see it again.” It laughed a demonic laugh like one that would be heard in a horror movie.

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