Avengeformers Chapter 21

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Starscream gazed around himself in all directions. Decepticons sat at every computer and searched through all files. Hawkeye fired off one exploding arrow to a computer. I’d rather it all be lost than for them to obtain it! He grunted, and suddenly, heard the sound of metal footsteps on the floor.

“Well if it isn’t little orphan Clint,” someone said. Starscream and Hawkeye turned, only to see Megatron, grinning. “I can see S.H.I.E.L.D. has taken great care of you since childhood. But now that you’ve blow up that computer I can’t—“

Starscream instantly fired off a missile which made screams fill the room. Megatron flew backward and slammed into the wall.

“I was expecting two of you, but one was definitely not Starscream, but rather that spider.”

“Step. Down. Now!” Hawkeye threatened. He reached into his sack and pulled out an arrow, then loaded it into the bow.

Megatron stood up. “These two are mine. All of you continue to obtain as much information as you can,” he ordered. As he stood, Starscream pointed his weapons at him. “And what will happen if I refuse to follow your requests? You’ll shoot me?” Hawkeye suddenly shot an explosive arrow which landed in Megatron’s arm. He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head as he gazed strangely at it and how it was embedded into his arm. Then, he lifted his free hand, plucked it out of the metal, and threw it like a dart into Starscream.

“Clint! Get away!!” Starscream yelled.

Without hesitation, Hawkeye jumped off Starscream’s shoulder. But it wasn’t straight off, but rather toward the near-exploding arrow. Starscream gasped as he watched as Hawkeye pulled out the arrow from his body, loaded it into his bow, then fired it straight at Megatron.

Megatron’s eyes widened as he saw the arrow fly straight at his Spark. It suddenly felt like everything slowed down like molasses. The arrow came closer and closer to his body, and just as he shifted to the right, the tip hit his chest, then blew.

Hawkeye slammed against the back wall, and Starscream covered himself from the blast only to be pushed back a few feet.

“Hawkeye!!!!” Starscream cried. He whipped around to see the back wall and gazed silently at the roughly-circular dent in the wall full of cracks.

“I’m fine,” someone said. Starscream bent down and looked at Hawkeye who had an arm over his forehead, and the other gripped his bow at his side, and his legs were out straight. His whole body was covered in dust from the debris. As he coughed for air, Starscream lifted him up off the ground.

“That arrow was supposed to go in the computers!”

“I know!” Hawkeye grunted. “But I fired it at him last second to hope it would—“

Through the clouds of dust in the air, a large grin was visible. “I’m not that easy to get rid of,” a deep voice said. 

“Damn!” Starscream grunted. With Hawkeye on his shoulder, he went to his legs, and on the sides, pulled out two giant blasters. “Time to test ‘em out!” There were twelve holes for the ammo to fire, and all the tubes lead to the thick handle with a slanted rectangular hole in the top where the trigger was. Without a second, his single finger pulled on the trigger and twelve lasers fired out all at one time. Starscream aimed them at all the computers in the world.

“Starscream!!! Clint!!!!!” Megatron roared as he sat himself up awkwardly.

“Get down quick!” Starscream said to Hawkeye. He jumped up and transformed into a jet, waited for Hawkeye to grip a back wing, then shot up into the air at a perfect ninety degree angle, leaving the completely decimated S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ behind.

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