Avengeformers Chapter 11

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Captain was in bed, his eyes closed and in a peaceful sleep. Everything was calm, and the morning air lightly blew through the windows, making the curtains billow. Out of nowhere, the phone rang out right next to his ear. He gasped, rolled onto his side, and looked at the phone. He groaned, closed his half-awake eyes, and fell back onto his back and tried to fall asleep. The phone rang out again within seconds, and he sat up, forcing himself to stay awake long enough to pick it up. He flopped his hand onto the phone and dragged it over to his ear, then fall back onto the pillow, practically laying his head on it. “Steve Rogers. Who’s calling?”

“Steve, it’s me, Nick. We can’t talk about it over the phone, but meet at the remains of the base. Bumblebee’s ready to take you,” they replied. It was Nick, and Captain shot up out of his bed.

“Alright. I’ll be there soon,” Captain replied.

“You’d better be. We need everyone here asap. See you then,” Nick commented. He hung up the phone, and Captain did the same. He suddenly became awake, and he stood up, then ran to get himself ready.

Captain rushed on his clothes, then ran down the hotel stairs. He bolted to the door, tore it open, then looked directly in the parking lot. Bumblebee sat there, obviously waiting for him. He ran over to him and opened the door. “Hey. What’s going on?” he asked. He sat down and strapped himself in. Bumblebee began heading toward the base.

“I guess the plan’s being put into action starting today. The Slythers have all made their move, and Megatron and Starscream made theirs weeks ago when they ruined the base,” Bumblebee replied. “They’re taking things slowly. But the Slythers attacked a part of the town today, and who knows where they are. They hid the moment they were done attacking. Nick only got a little glimpse of the fact that they’re Slythers.”

“Then why’d he call us all to the base first? We should just go and search,” Captain said.

“Think about it. We’re all fighting together, and if we go at different times, one might not know what to do. Nick can just tell us all at once,” Bumblebee explained. Captain nodded. Bumblebee started to rush forward into the streets, not caring about speed limits and whatnot. He dodged cars and ignored honks at him, etc.

“Bumblebee, isn’t that just a little dangerous?” Captain asked.

“When there’s only a small window open for us to get to where we need, I think we can afford to break some rules. This is pretty important, and it may be the only chance we have for a while,” Bumblebee replied. Captain nodded. “I doubt it will be the only chance with how relentless our new opponents have been, but every moment spent counts.”

Back at Tony’s house, Tony was wide awake. He grabbed onto the railing as he walked downstairs into the basement. The garage was opened and Optimus wasn’t there. Tony knew he’d be outside and walked over to where the shadow that the door casted ended. He shielded his eyes from the blinding sunlight, but looked ahead at Optimus who was standing, but he looked as though he was attempting to get a signal. Tony gave a confused look, then walked up to him.

“Optimus!” Tony called out. Optimus turned around to see him. “Hey! You alright?”

“Yes. Did Nick give you the call yet?” Optimus replied. Tony’s confused look grew. “I suppose he did not.”

“No. He didn’t,” Tony commented. “What was it about?”

“There was an attack in the city where the southern base was, and it was done by the Slythers this time. Nick wants you to be in your suit and ready since he will be here within a matter of hours,” Optimus replied.

Tony sighed. “Well, three weeks without anything is pretty good I guess…” he said. Optimus nodded. “I guess I’ll say goodbye to Pepper then…” He sighed. “Did he specify a time when he’d be here?”

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