Avengeformers Chapter 9

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On the airplane with the Autobots, Ratchet put in his gun. “Alright. I’m done repairing it,” he said. He looked down at Tony. “Is he awake yet?”

“No,” Agent Coulson replied. Tony was laying on the chair, still unconscious. There were no groans, no sounds, only the breathing. Bumblebee was at least relieved to know he was still alive. His only thoughts were how he could have survived all the hits he received from Megatron with such a weak suit.

“I think he’ll need a better suit if he wants to go on,” Ratchet blurted out.  “I can still see how flimsy and weak this is. It’s going to have to be stronger if he wants to keep fighting.”

“I agree,” Optimus commented. “But once he wakes up, then we must let him recover before anything else.” He looked over at Coulson. “So what do we do now? Do you know who destroyed the base?”

“I’m going to ask Nick about it now. He’ll decide, but we can’t go to New York,” Coulson replied. He tapped multiple buttons on his watch, then Nick Fury appeared. “So what’s the plan? Where are the Autobots going to stay?”

“I’m thinking they’re just going to have to stay with the Avengers while we track down Megatron and Starscream again.”

“What?!” Coulson asked. “That is probably one of the worst ideas ever no offense. How will they stay with them and out of sight until then?”

Nick sighed. “I don’t know. But that’s the only option.”

Optimus came up behind Coulson. “I think that is the only option as of right now. We cannot have anybody else involved, but we have remained hidden for years at a time. I doubt this will be anything hard for us. If that is the only option you can think of, then I accept.” He turned to Bumblebee and Ratchet.

“I don’t mind,” Ratchet said.

“And neither do I,” Bumblebee jumped in.

“Alright. Then it’s decided you all will stay with one of us until we find Megatron and Starscream,” Nick finished.

“If it’s ok, can I please be with Captain?” Bumblebee asked. In the background, Captain nodded. “Thank you!”

“I would be fine with Ratchet,” Thor said. “Is that alright with you?”

“I’m fine with it,” Ratchet replied. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

Nick leaned over to see Optimus. “Optimus?” he asked. He heard him sigh.

“I will ask him once he is awake,” Optimus replied. “How badly did Megatron hurt him?” Coulson shrugged.

“Give him a day. He should be up then. If he isn’t we’ll do what we have to do to keep him healthy until he awakens,” Coulson replied. “Just let him be until…”

“You must be insane to think Optimus and I can stay in the same house for a week…” a strained voice barely said. Everyone looked over to Tony who was slowly sitting himself up. Coulson went wide eyed and rushed over to him, then helped lift him up. “I’m not letting him stay. We’ll…. just annoy each other…”

“Tony. Get back down if you’re this tired. You need rest,” Coulson stated. Tony shook his head.

“Just….. give me some water. I…. I’ll be fine,” he let out weakly. Coulson shook his head, but Tony barely smacked him in the face.

“Nick, what do we do now?” Coulson asked.

“Let him get up!” Nick replied as though it were an answer he should already have known. “Tony? Are you feeling any better?” Tony nodded. “Ok. Then when you can stand without help, decide. We’ve got to let them stay with you guys until Megatron is found. Just until then.”

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