Avengeformers Chapter 16

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Starscream turned around and looked for Nick and Bruce. He couldn’t see them, then let out a sigh of relief. He had no intensions of making things more strange by following them back. He was just about to walk down when Ratchet stopped him.

“Starscream,” Ratchet said. Starscream stopped and put his foot down on the ground, then turned to see Ratchet. “I know Jetfire and Bumblebee probably won’t like you being with us at first, and they’re probably going to give you a really hard time about it, but tell them to come see me and I’ll explain.”

With just a nod, Starscream jumped up and transformed, still speechless. “Uh… where do I go?” he asked.

“Ratchet, I assume it is about time to get back,” Optimus said. Ratchet nodded in agreement, stood up, then transformed. Optimus transformed as well. “Starscream, you can follow us back to where we are staying.”

“Ok,” Starscream agreed. He flew up right below the clouds, then followed Optimus and Ratchet as they went down the hill. They eventually caught up with Nick and Bruce and let them inside to ride them back to the place they were staying. “Optimus, I seriously don’t know how to thank you…” Starscream said it even though he knew Optimus wouldn’t hear it from down below.

“I already said that this was your only option, and I will never let you back with Megatron,” someone replied. Starscream gasped and recognized it was Optimus’s voice coming through his radio. “Be more careful and leave your radio off if you do not have a reason to have it on. It is an easy way to be tracked down.”

Starscream let out a sigh. I’m an idiot sometimes…, he thought. “Where are we going though? It’s not exactly an easy thing to hide two jets, an eighteen-wheeler, a medical truck, and a car from everyone’s view in a gigantic city.”

“It is not much further,” Optimus replied. “We are staying at an unused parking area for the night. And the Avengers are all staying in a city hotel for the night. Although Tony seemed rather upset at the idea of leaving us without any protection. I wonder when he came to care that much about us…”

“Tony? Who’s he?”

“He is my partner. The one who is in the suit of iron,” Optimus replied. “Alright. Ratchet will leave Nick and Bruce where they are to stay for the night, and he will catch up with us soon. Just follow me for now.”

Starscream came to a stop for a few seconds when he saw Ratchet stop to let Bruce and Nick out.

“Starscream,” Optimus said. “I told you to keep following me.”

Starscream continued to look at Ratchet. “I just…..” He let out a sigh. “I would have been dead right now if it wasn’t for the two of you…” He looked over at Optimus. “I just can’t get rid of that thought.”

“What is done is done, and what is now is what you must worry about. The past is something to make up for, and not resent,” Optimus explained. “Think of that, and you will realize what it means.” He moved on, and Starscream followed, turning off his radio and mumbling the words Optimus told him repeatedly to himself in attempt to make sense of them.

Eventually, Starscream flew over a gigantic parking lot that was larger than any lots he’d seen. He looked down below, and there he saw Bumblebee, and Jetfire who was talking with Coulson. Optimus drove into the side, then transformed and stood. He signaled for Starscream to come down.

Optimus looked up to the sky and watched for Starscream. He leaned down at nearly a ninety degree angle, then landed down on wheels. He transformed, and Jetfire and Bumblebee gasped.

“Starscream!” Jetfire screamed. He pulled out his guns and pounced on him, and Coulson took out his laser cannon.

“Jetfire!” Optimus barked. “Do not hurt him! I will explain why he is here, but none of you are to hurt him!” Starscream was panting in fear, and Jetfire looked up at Optimus with a strange look. “Please. Just listen.”

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