Chappy Twelve

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" more than two paces from the outside line. And remember, on a corner kick, you must maintain a safe..." Liam droned on and on, reading from the list he had created while waiting for everyone to change into proper football gear- I personally hadn't changed; I figured the blue trackies I was in was fine, and was too lazy to go get a shirt- people could just deal with my four nipples then. Maybe it would be a distraction? Hmm, potential...

"Alright I can't do it anymore!" Louis screamed, hopping up (and almost toppling down again in his haste). He grabbed for the ball and started bouncing it over and over on his head.

"Tommo, these rules are important! As my post as referee requires-"

"Right, well that's rubbish, and by the time your done I won't even want to play anymore."

"Yeah, and it'll be too dark to see the ball anymore..." I muttered to Wagner beside me, who laughed. Apparently Liam heard me, because he shot me a glare and I innocently whistled.

"All my mate Liam meant to say was make sure you have sunscreen on- specially Harry, who felt the need to show off his abs for us today, even though it's October-"

"It's seasonably warm!" I shouted at him.

"-and don't touch the ball with your hands. Oh! And who are captains?" He asked, finally putting the ball down and looking around.

I raised my hand, waving it around wildly. I was in a really good mood today, and felt a little more like my old, untense self. The show was killing me!

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Me! I want to! Pick me! Pick me! I-" I called out, making a few people chuckle. Liam only blew his whistle loudly.

"For God sake's Harry, shut up, you're captain- Rebecca, you want to be the other?" Liam asked- kind of. It was more like one of those rhetorical ones, where you didn't have to answer, because it was more of an order in this case.Rebecca shot up, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet. She was really cute, but I would never go for her- I saw the way a certain someone else had his eyes always trained in her direction when he thought no one was looking.

"Alright, I pick Cardle" I said, and Matt got up, rubbing his hands together.

"I pick...Zayn," Rebecca said a little shyly. Zayn wasn't even really paying attention, and looked up in surprise when he heard his name so soon.

" You know I suck right?" He sputtered. Rebecca smiled, blushing.

"Just go! She already picked- can't turn back now no matter how much she's gunna regret it later!" I told him, shooing him over to the other side.

"I Pick Louis." I called out, surprising myself a little. I don't think I had meant to call his name- obviously- but I had been looking his way, where he was kicking his feet around to a tune in his head. Everyone looked surprised by my choice (I hadn't kept it a secret that he annoyed me), especially Louis himself. "Well, come on then!"

"But Hazza..." He said, slowly making his way to his feet.

"Don't call be that!" I snapped, "And just can it- you're a good player and I want to win!" Liam looked at me oddly for a moment, but that seemed to be enough of a reason for Louis, who nodded happily and ran over towards me, his hair flopping like mad.

We kept choosing, back and forth, until only a few people were left and we realized the teams weren't going to be even...where was Niall?! The irish lad loved football. Mary said she didn't want to play any way ("At my age? Are you kidding? I came out to watch and cheer you on!").


I blew the whistle for the millionth time.

"Foul! You can't hook your foot around like that Zayn!" I shouted over to him. He looked embarrassed, but like he was having fun also.

"Right! I knew that...uh, sorry!" He said to his team. They all just laughed- it was no big deal. We were all out here just having fun, fooling around- well, mostly, I wasn't going to let them go so far as to cheat.

Harry took the kick, passing it smoothly to Louis, who effortlessly flipped around, dogding the only defender who was actually where they were supposed to be, leaving him a wide open area to the net. He kicked the ball up ahead of him, doing a cartwheel to catch up, which made everyone laugh- he was such a doink.

I blew the whistle again- "GOAL! That's 5-0, the flaming gingerbread men win!" I called out (Harry and Lou picked the name- I had nothing to do with it).

Harry's team whooped and shouted, but the happiest of them all was definitely Harry and Louis, who had each scored two goals (assisted by each other- the rest of thier team seriously just hung around the goal posts cherry picking and having a chat), one of Louis' being more of an accidental head but into the next, but counting nonetheless.

The two of them ran in circles, the at each other, giving each other an air high five and a huge hug. They stayed that way for a couple seconds- mostly because I think they froze, realizing that they were touching each other- before pushing away, heads down.  Everyone else sat in the lawn chairs, drinking some of the lemonade Mary had been so kind as to make, with the help of Niall (who had showed up halfway through).

"Well, I'm going to take a shower!" Harry and Louis called at the same time. They slowly turned to look at one another, making us laugh.

"No, I am!" They said again, now looking annoyed. Niall thought this was hilarious and was cackling on the ground. Both green and blue eyes just stared at one another for a long moment, before whipping around and breaking into a dead run for the back door. They got there at the same time, and found themselves wedged in, both struggling to beat the other- it was actually really funny how immature those two were, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Finally, Louis gave Harry a purple nurple, defeating Harry in his quest to get to the shower first, laughing all the way.

"God, that hurt! I hate you!" Harry called, rubbing his now red chest.

"Feeling's mutual Hazza!"


So...yep :)

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