chapter 13

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Michael POV
"Well you should have told someone y'all left for a few hours I was worried" Luke says pulling (Y/n) away from Calum hugging her "yea, we were worried about you two" I speak standing up, scratching the back of my neck

I hate to say this but I've had feelings for (y/n) since... Highschool maybe middle school. We rode the same bus for 6 years.

Every guy liked her and her brother would be pissed Everytime someone asked her to a dance or prom or even on a date ((where am I going with this 😂😂))

"LUCAS YOUR CHOKING ME" I hear (Y/n) yell "okay okay dude your killing my girlfriend" Calum laughs, Luke let's go and falls laughing

"(Y/n), can I ask you a question.... In private... ITS ABOUT GURL GOSSIP " I yelled out "oh, definitely gurl cmon into the bathroom.. away from these.... Things you call boys" she laughs and runs to the bathroom, I follow her and close the door.

She pulls out a key and unlocks this door and it leads us to the hallway"pool?" She ask, I nod sand we take off running.

We get there panting and sit down by the pool edge and watch the water "so I was wanting to ask you" I trail off as she nods "what if I told you that Luke likes Calum and me and he wants to have a threesome... How would you feel" he eyes look up sparkling "Maluke is real!!!!!" She fangirls and almost falls in the but I caught her and pulled her close and spun around...

"Go ahead" she chuckles and pushes me. I fall back first into the pool... Cold, heavy, and light blue water surrounded me

I swim up "HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING IT COLD" I swim the the edge and climbed back up. (Y/n) takes off running and I chase after her in my wet shoes.

We eventually get back to the room and burst in laughing, but we came in to find three guys huddled up against the bathroom door.

"Uuuuuhhhhh guys" they all shush her "(y/n) be quiet... Wait... (Y/N) HOW... WHAT... WHENN...HOW... MICHAEL WHY ARE YOU WET" Luke screams "because of you daddy" I wink at Luke.. "yaaassss muke yassss" I hear (y/n) yell.

Hey guys I'm sorry for the short chapter but I needed to upload a chapter and I'm really sorry about the chapter delays... I love you all and I hope you are having an amazing day... I'm planning to write more smut next chapter but kinda make it into a plot twist sorta... Anyways love you byyyeee


Love you guys

Word count: 456

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