Chapter 21

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Calums POV
We got home and walk inside "I'ma go go hop in a shower, hey guys" she waves walking upstairs, I follow her "wanna get Chinese food after you get out " I say after we get upstairs "with the guys?" She ask I nod "sure" she walks into her room closing the door but not fully.

I run downstairs "I thought y'all went to the store" Luke says serious "we went to a dress store" I say trying to be normal "anyways y'all wanna get Chinese when (Y/n) gets out the shower" I ask they all nod and hum yes.

I look at Michael and signal him to come upstairs he catches on and follows me up the stairs to my room "Okay so a few days ago I bought some vibrating panties for a prank on (y/n)" I say pulling a small box out from under my desk "and I think it's time to use these" I say wiggling my eyebrows.

He smirks and nodding I hear the shower click on and from knowledge she leaves her clothes on the bed. We leave my room and sneak into her' s switching out her underwear and putting her other ones in her dresser.

Now we wait and I shower.

Your POV
I hope out the shower and dry off, I walk out the bathroom and get on a croptop with a dragon on it and a black skirt that stops mid-thigh. I go put on some eyeliner, brush my hair, put it up in a ponytail, and then put it up in a ponytail and exit my room to put my converse on in the living room

I tie my shoes "alright I'm ready" I say resting my hands on my lap "me too" Calum says running downstairs, I stand up and grab my phone and walk out the front door waiting for the rest of the guys. The car beeps signaling it's unlocked so I crawl into the front seat and then everyone else piles into the car.

Micheal starts the car and we take off , I pull of my phone and open up Twitter and post
"Chinese food for lunch.... Yuuummmm!!!!"
I tag the guys and post it and before I know it we arrive at the Chinese restaurant.

We get settles at a booth Micheal sat next to me, Ashton pulled up a chair at the end of the booth, Calum across from me smirking for an unknown reason, Luke next to him, and Micheal doing the same as Ashton . A waiter comes up to us and asked what we wanted to drink four boys yell Root beer "I'll have aaaa--" I look at the menu and then I felt something vibrating under me "I'll... Umm... I'll have a .... S-Sprite please" I mange to get out without moaning he walks away .

I look at Calum covering my mouth while he's having a big smirk plastered across his face. "Uhm Micheal can you hop up I need toooooooooo...... Use the uhhhhh bathrooaammm " I say almost moaning he hops off the seat and I walk fast to the bathroom, I walk into a stall and pull out my phone

Calum: that wasn't even the high setting
Me:Calum please I'm basically soaking staaaahhhpppp
Calum: do you like the underwear.
Me: why do you do this??!?
Calum: do I make you horny babe.
Me: alright two can play this.

I get up almost falling at the pleasure but the it goes off. I pray it's off but it felt good. I walk out the bathroom walking to the booth "Lukey trade me seats?" I ask he nods getting up letting me sit next to Calum. The waiter drops out drinks off and walks away. I smile "So Micheal where do you see yourself in 4 minutes" I ask putting my hand on Calums thigh and slowly running my hand up his thigh "stuffing my face" he says, I nod "what about you Luke" I ask he shrugs as I reach Cals length, I start rubbing him through his pants he lifts his leg hitting the table and hissing I quickly move my hand.

Calum looks at Micheal, Micheal looks at me, I smirk widely as the food gets set on the table. We eat quietly,my panties start vibrating again but this time more violently, I clench my chopsticks tighter trying not to climax.

Word count:727 words

Friendship Or Love? (Calum Hood x Reader)[(COMPLETED)]Where stories live. Discover now