8) Enough About Me, Let's Talk About You

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(Lauren pov)
I have an undoubtable feeling that there's something up with Landry & Ricky cause if there is then they would be a good together. You know what they say, Best friends make the best, cute couple! And besides, Those two seems to be closer since we did both season 1 & 2.

Even if Landry started to claiming they're "just friends", I have a feeling that she likes him. just don't wanna admit it.

Rowan, Sabrina & I are hanging out with Landry at her house.

"Hey, Landry, Are you sure there's nothing up with you & Ricky?" I asked her

"Yes, I'm sure." She replied.

"Besides, we're-" She says.

"JUST FRIENDS?" We said, finishing her sentence as she nods smiling.

Landry starts leaving til Row & Sabrina stopped her so we can get the truth out of her.

(Landry pov)
The girls are still assuming that there's something more to my friendship with Ricky.

"Landry, Look, we all already know that you & Ricky are just friends." Rowan says.

"Thank you" I said, feeling glad rowan's on my side.

"But, It seems like you two are closer since your show Best Friend Whenever started." Rowan continued.

"Oh, Yeah! How about you, cause I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who also has gotten close with a male co-star that you claimed to be your best friend!" I said, referring to Rowan & her rumored boyfriend Peyton aka Lucas Friar.


"Okay. But still though, A guy and girl can't just stay friends." Rowan comment.

Again, SO what if I like hanging out with Ricky, that doesn't mean I'm interested?" I question, still not believing them.

"True, but if it's true then you two would be good together!" Lauren says, trying to reasons with me.

"And not to mention, You guys were having a long embrace at their rehearsal for a good sec." Sabrina pointed out.

Why can't they get that ricky & i are just friends? I mean, The girls are still assuming that there's something more to my friendship with Ricky.

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