32) Your Love's Like P2- Memories R Still In My mind, Burnin Like Smoke & Fire

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(still Sabrina pov)
Bradley & I were still at my house, cuddling.

"Hey We should watch a brabrina Your Love's Like on YouTube." He suggested as I nodded.

Bradley put on a Brabrina video on YouTube that has my song Your Love's Like.

While we're watching the video, I felt really happy that Bradley & I are together.

I'm always cherished every single moment we've shared together since especially since he'd always been my first crush & that's never gonna stop.

Besides, I've always admire every single moment we've shared together since we'd became close friends.

(Bradley pov)
I'm really happy that Sabrina & I gave us another try.

I mean, I never felt more happier than i am with Sabrina.

(Sabrina pov)
My phone was ringing and it was Sarah so i answered the phone.

(Phone conversation)
"Hey, Sarah." I greeted.

"Hi, Sabrina. How are you" She says.

"I'm good. I'm at home watching videos with Bradley." I told her.

"Really, What are you guys watching?" She asked.

"Um...Videos filled with pictures of me and Bradley." I replied.

"Awwwwwww, That's so romantic! Well, I have to put Peyrah to bed. Talk to you later, Bye." She said.

"Okay, Love you." I replied.

"Love you too. She says then i hanged up.

"Was that Sarah?" Bradley said as i nodded.

We continued watching more Brabina videos.

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