16) Steal Ur Heart

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(Sofia pov)
Booboo & I invited the cast of Descendants for a party at booboo's to tell them the news.

"So, What do you think their reaction will be once we tell them?" I asked Booboo.

"I guess we just have to wait and see." He simply answered.

"But, I'm sure they'll be happy for us." He added, Always knowing what to say.

"Thanks, Boo." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Your welcome, Beautiful." He replied, kissing my cheek.

As we wait for the others to arrive, We watched the movie "Mirror Mirror" til there was a knock on the door so I got up and answer it.

Once I answered the door, It was Dohmas, Mitchell, Dylan, Chyna, Cameron, Brenna & the others so I let them all in.

We all greeted each other with hugs & handshakes.

"Um, There's something we gotta tell you." Booboo announced, getting everybody's attention.

Once we got all their full and undivided attention, I felt booboo leaning over to me and whisper "Don't worry, It'll be okay." so i nodded.

"Umm, Guys. What's up?" Dove asked, breaking the silence.

"Booboo & I are....um..."

 "Are...what?" Cameron questioned.

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend." Booboo says, making me blush as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

After we told them bout us dating, They congratulated us then left.

(Cameron pov)
I really, really like both Breanna & China, but i can't choose who i wanna be with.

So, I'm getting advice from the cast of "Gamer Guide To Pretty Much Everything".

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