41) My Sweet Little Something

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(Ricky pov)
Us being boyfriend & girlfriend has been pretty good.

Not to tryna my quote my own song, but

"When I met you, didn't know what to do
I'm the kind of person you look through
From two places worlds apart
You're into boats and works of art
But you're still tuggin' on my heart"

(Landry pov)
Lauren and I are chatting at Starbucks about our boyfriends til I got a flashback of when the girls tried to make me admit I have feelings for Ricky.

"Hey, Landry, Are you sure there's nothing up with you & Ricky?" I asked her

"Yes, I'm sure." She replied.

"Besides, we're-" She says.

"JUST FRIENDS?" We said, finishing her sentence as she nods smiling.

Landry starts leaving til Row & Sabrina stopped her so we can get the truth out of her.

"Landry, Look, we all already know that you & Ricky are just friends." Rowan says.

"Thank you" I said, feeling glad rowan's on my side.

"But, It seems like you two gotten closer since your show Best Friend Whenever started." Rowan continued.

"SO?" I question, still not believing them.

"So, If there is then you two would be a good together. And you know what they say, Best friends make the best, cute couple!" Lauren says, trying to reasons with me.
*end of flasback*

Being with Ricky has been amazing. I mean, Lauren's right bout best friends being the best couples.

"Hey. Landry, There's something i wanna tell you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Okay. First off, I was a bit distracted by the pictures of us in my mind during the rehearsal of Enough Bout Me. We've been really close since our show started, what i'm trying to say I really, really like you, Landry & i wanna know if you be my girlfriend?" He admit.

"I like you too, Ricky. And as much as i don't wanna admit Lauren's right bout best friends making the best, cute couple. But, I totally agree with her so my answer to your question is yes." I replied, feeling the same way.
*end of flashback*

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