Chapter 3

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Lucas is a cute yet shy guy.

And I mean really really shy, his nervousness makes me feel extra giddy. I couldn't help but keep a smile on my face as we walked through the airport to get a some food and drinks.

The shuttle buses wouldn't be here for the next 4-6 hours.

The investigation was taking long and all planes were currently grounded until further notice.

It was going to be a long night.

He sat across from me at a table in an almost empty Mexican restaurant. We ordered some quesadillas and margaritas.

I could tell the tequila was making him pretty talkative. His black fringe would get in his eyes every now and then and he would blow air from the corner of his mouth to lift it away every few minutes. Lucas had very deep black eyes, almost like a black hole, a black abyss.

They were truly mesmerizing.

He would often lift his hands in front of him as he talked, his fingers were long and pale with very short nails I could tell he bit them often. He seems skinny but as he leaned forward on the table to grab a napkin his shirt hung a little and I could see his toned chest below his collar bones.

I averted my gaze elsewhere, Sky stop checking him out I scolded myself.

"Skylar, you OK?"

I met his eyes again " Oh yeah, I think I'm still a little shaken up is all."

"Maybe drinking wasn't such a good idea," he shrugged and downed the rest of his glass. I couldn't help but giggle.

"You're funny, where are you from?"

"Why, is it obvious I'm not from the East Coast?"

I shook my head, "No I'm just wondering." The alcohol was making me sleepy I rested my face in my hand.

"SLC, Utah." he said proudly lifting his head up. "You?"

"I'm from New York. I was coming back home from helping my old roommate move out"

"So she moved from NY to UT?" Lucas frowned in disapproval but I shook my head to correct him.

"No, she's going to school in Denver but I had to take a connecting flight in SLC"

"Ah I see, how is Denver?"

I couldn't help but smile, "It's actually very lovely."

Attention, All Passengers from FLIGHT 4686, The Shuttle To JFK NY Will Be Arriving At...9AM EST. Thank You For Your Patience.

"Dammit..." Lucas hissed. "What do they expect us to do? Sleep on the floor?" He took out his wallet and slapped a bill on the table.

"I hope you brought one of those half doughnut pillows."

"Yeah right," he pouted and ran his hand through his hair. I caught a whiff of his scent, he smelled like a pine trees and sweat. He leaned back in his chair and arched his neck looking up at the high ceiling.

"Anyways, why are you in NY?"I was starting to feel very comfortable around him; I liked it a lot and was actually grateful I had him around to pass the time.

Lucas was silent for a bit as he gathered his thoughts, I wondered if I shouldn't have asked but he asked me so I felt compelled to ask the same.

He finally opened his mouth to speak, "I'm visiting my old college roommate there, passing the summer with him."

By the way he spoke I could tell there was much more to add to that but pressed him no further. It wasn't my place.

His phone lit up, a girls face popped up on his screen. Suddenly my heart dropped to my stomach. I shouldn't care about something like that....I shouldn't.

"Sorry, I have to take this. One Sec." He got up and walked away to talk, his voice was a low whisper.


I tried to calm Jaime as much as possible but it was hard to control her sobs over the phone.

"Jaime it's ok I'm alright I swear..." I whispered to her, then again I couldn't exactly pin point why I was whispering.

"I-I just...I heard on the news! I should have come with you! I should-" she was all over the place in between her sobs, but her worry did make me feel warm and loved.

"No, I'm happy you're on the ground and safe somewhere" I attempted to laugh to brighten the mood. "I'm waiting for a shuttle bus to take me to JFK. I spoke to Connor earlier so he'll meet me there, don't worry."

I wish I could run my hand down her blond thick hair to calm her, "Shhh... Jaime, listen-"

"What?" her sobs subsided a bit.

"I love you, okay? Everything's fine."

I looked over my shoulder, Skylar lifted her hair up and began to tie it in a high bun. I felt a burn inside my stomach, probably from the margaritas.

"I love you too..." she let out a sigh, "Just promise to call me. You didn't even call when you landed!"

My eyes widened a bit, that's right I had completely forgotten...she shouldn't have found out through the news like that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you," I said but it was a poor excuse on my part. I guess I must have gotten carried away and been to nervous to think straight. "I won't forget again."

We said our goodbyes and I walked back to the table, Skylar stood up and looked at me with a smile.

"Is your girlfriend OK?"

For some reason, I didn't like how she said that.

"Uh-she's not my girlfriend." It wasn't a lie, not really, but I didn't feel like explaining myself to her.

Either way, Skylar didn't seem to buy it. She wrapped her purse around her shoulders and extended her hand to me.

"It was nice meeting you Lucas,"

I took her hand and shook it slowly, in truth I didn't want to part ways just yet. I felt so lonely, so lost still. She had been there with me when I thought I might die, and now she was the last person I wanted to walk away from.

But she did, she didn't wait for me to say goodbye either. Skylar turned and walked down the silent and empty hall.

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