Chapter 26

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I broke free and stood up, cautious and wary of where I was, afraid that any step I made this guy would come back to hit me.

Or worse.

" Ok Sky... what's next.." I whispered to myself, I went to check on the door but obviously it was locked.

My next move was to look for water, but even if I did find it I was sure it would be frozen in this cold room.

The vents turned on and the cold air came back. Then it hit me, the vents ...

I climbed up on the shelf to reach one of the vents, the one that wasn't blowing any cold air. Maybe it led somewhere... anywhere...
I could only pry it open with one hand, it was going to take a while.

Fuck it I'll kick it.


It made a loud rattling noise but I didn't care I had to get out I was freezing and tired and my hand was killing me. Any longer and I knew I would most certainly die.

Finally it gave way and busted open, I wasted no time in climbing Inside but crawling through was noisy, I had no idea where to go.

Below me I heard footsteps again.

Oh god he heard me ! I continued to crawl as quietly as I could but I had to slow down.


He yelled when he realized I was gone. It's now or never, I crawled as fast as possible through the maze of vents.

" Pablo!!" We ran out of the basement after realizing that the guy owned a freezer food wear house in SoHo, he was standing outside of it when the picture was taken. The name of the place was spread across the front.

We had our lead, and Pablo drove as fast as he could to our destination.

"Guys, this is going to be very dangerous. Misha, call the police and tell them we know where Skylar is, tell them everything we found."

She nodded at me and dialed the officers, she was so nervous and frantically explain everything.

We arrived and Pablo parked down the street, out of sight.

"Lucas we should wait until police arrive," Jason, the voice of reason, said firmly. To be honest he has right, but I can't just sit here and wait.

The same way I couldn't sit there and wait for those damn lifeguard kids.

Anything could be happening to her, and I couldn't fathom the idea of just sitting on the sidelines.

"Stay here with Misha and Pablo Jason, if we don't come back in 1 hour..." but  what would that mean?

"We'll be back, don't worry." Connor spoke for me.

We got out and took our pathetic weapons of small tools and approached the alley of the building.

"Lucas... there's a a door here"  Connor said pointing to a thick metal door.

"There's no way we can get in through there," I said and kept checking until we saw a half opened basement window. It was a small one, very narrow and tight. Connor wouldn't be able to fit through but maybe I could.

"Hey, I'm going to slip inside and see if I can unlock the metal door for you. Just stay here,"
I took off my shirt and wrapped it around my wrench, muffling the noise to break the window and smooth out the glass on the surrounding edges.

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