Evening Misunderstanding

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4:30 PM. Stella found herself getting ready for the mysterious meet-up. She wondered who the mysterious guy was. What if....what if it was her first-day-of-school-crush Jonah?! "Eeek!" and even if it wasn't, she was glad someone had wanted to meet her. Although it wasn't a guy for sure, since it could also be a girl that wanted to be her friend (even if it was a weird way to approach a friendship), Stella was caught up in the thought of having a secret admirer. "Gotta look my best! But not too much!!!" she thought.

Meanwhile Linda and Coral were at Starbucks enjoying their drinks. Coral had gotten a Blonde Double Shot while Linda got a Caramel Macchiato.

"I wonder who Stella's secret admirer is!!!" Coral said excitedly.

"Yeah, me too. I am sad she ditched us though, but I do understand."

"You good girl? You are starting to sound like Stella yourself!"

"Really? Should I start scolding you for looking at the door every time it opens to see if there is a cute boy?" Linda said sarcastically.

They both laughed. "Hey, wanna go shopping tomorrow?" Coral said.

"I don't see why not! Let's do it! Our first time shopping as High Schoolers!!!"

"Yeah! I'll text Stella in the group chat later. I wanna give her time, since it is almost 5. Let's go home." Coral said.

In the mean time Stella had started walking towards the lake. She had dressed up nicely, but not overly exaggerated on her look. She was wearing a cute frilly skirt and a cute top, her hair in a half-ponytail. As the sun started setting, Stella saw a silhouette in the distance by the lake. She had a feeling she recognized him, but dismissed it until she got closer. She took a good look. He was standing behind a tree, but she was sure she had seen that blonde hair before. She walked up behind him.

"Hey!" she said cheerfully. She watched closely as he turned to look at her. Those blue eyes....This was...! This was Grayson?!

"Uhm...whats up Stella--Where is-" He was cut off by Stella.

"So you think that if Linda does not like you, you can just move on in one afternoon? Now I am actually glad Linda acted the way she did! You are a jerk!"

"Wait! I can explain!"

"Yeah, yeah. It is always the same excuse. I'm out. Farewell and don't worry, Coral won't work either jerk."

"Wait! This is all a big mistake!!!"

"I'll make sure to tell Linda! Bye now!"

Grayson called out to her many more times, and people started to turn and look.

"You are embarrassing me. Leave me alone." Stella said coldly, and then she started running, not turning back. She had to tell Linda and Coral about this! She ran to Starbucks, but they'd already left.

"I could send a text," she thought. She immediately dismissed her thought. "No. This is better told in person..."


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