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"Hey Linda! How was your day so far today?" Coral says as she sits down.

"Really fun! We are discussing the concert, and are writing a play in theatre! And we have a project in Biology. Honestly, I am enjoying it." Linda smiles.

"Yeah, but that Logan guy in our group is a pain..." Stella joins in.

"For the rest of the day I've just been listening to my teachers talking non-stop. In yearbook I she is teaching fonts and color stuff, but I know that already, and in journalism we're learning about introductions... It's just been boring today for me."

"That's because you don't take any fun classes!" Coral says.

"Yearbook and journalism ARE fun Coral. Not everyone enjoys dance."

"But in dance we auditioned for the solo in the assembly piece, and I got it!" Coral boasts.

"Congratulations Coral!" Linda says. "That's amazing news! I'll be preparing my phone to videotape you!"

"Oh please don't!" Coral laughs. "That's embarrassing!!"

"And I'm posting it!" Linda says teasingly.

"Ahhh Linda!!!!"

They all laugh.


"What is it Stella?"




They all look in the direction she is staring. It is Jonah indeed, hanging out with his friends.

"Psst... You should stop staring Stella..." Coral whispers. "It is kinda creepy. Every time he is in sight you call out to us as if we are in a horror movie!"

"Hmph." She ignores Coral.

Then Jonah approaches. "Hi! You're the girl who asked me about the photography club! You know if you gonna join yet?"

"Uhh... actually... My friend here was interested, not me." Linda says, pointing at Stella. She discreetly winks and tells her to take it from here.

"H...Hi..." She says shyly.

"But are you sure you don't wanna join?" Jonah says, not hearing Stella's shy words.

"No, like I told you, she IS."

"Alright. Hello there!" Jonah smiles.

"H...Hi...." Stella repeats.

"I am Jonah, head of the photography club. What about you?"

"I... I am Shtella... I mean,.... Stella!"

"Nice to meet you Shtella." he says jokingly. "I mean Stella."

Stella blushes. "Nice to meet you too."

"Did you get the form?"

"Yeah, she gave it to me." she says, pointing at Linda.

*Nooooo!!! Don't divert the attention to me!!! What are you doing!!!* she thinks.

"Oh great! Thanks a lot for doing that... May I have your name?"

"Yeah," *I guess* "I am Linda."

"Nice to meet you Linda." he holds out his hand.

Linda shakes it hesitantly. Why was she getting all the attention? She looks at Stella, who was just staring at Jonah. She feels a pang of guilt, even if it isn't exactly her fault. She looks away.

"I am gonna go play basketball girls."

"Really?!" Coral says surprised.

"Yeah, I am gonna pick it up again."

"Awesome!!! Let me come with you!" Coral says, winking at Stella.

Stella nods, understanding her friends plan.

"So... Tell me more about the club?" she asks.

"Sure." Jonah says.

With Linda

"Coral... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." she says, passing the ball to Linda.

"I... I feel like I'm being a bad friend."

"Why? We left, right? Leaving them both alone?"

"Yeah, but before, Stella asked me to talk to Jonah and pick up an application form for his club, and now he is just talking to me..."

"I see. You're scared he might start liking you? And that Stella might be sad about that?"

"Pretty much. I think that she should have asked him, but she was too shy. I did it, but I don't know if that was the right think to do."

"I understand Linda, don't worry. We'll figure something out."

"Thanks Coral."

She shoots the ball and scores.

"You really should consider joining the basketball season."

"I'll consider it." Linda says. "Let's go back to Stella."

"Alright." Coral nods.

Stella was sitting at the table alone.

"What happened?" Coral asks.

"Oh, he left." she says.

"Why?" Linda asked.

"I don't know, don't ask me. I... I have to go to the bathroom." Stella stands up, covering her face with her hair, and walks away.

*I wonder what happened...* Linda wonders.

With Stella

"Why can't I get myself to talk when he is around... This sucks... It's like I am invisible to him or something... They leave and there is an awkward silence, I try to break it, and then he says "Well, I will go eat my lunch. Thanks for joining the club bla bla..." It's like I don't exist in his world. How do I get there? How do I get noticed?" Stella voices all the thoughts, becoming sadder and sadder with each word. "Why am I invisible?"

Little did she know someone was listening to her, halting by the door the moment he heard her voice, relating to every word she said.

Little did she know someone was listening to her, halting by the door the moment he heard her voice, relating to every word she said

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(Credit to original artist, adapted by me)

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