Try Harder

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That night Stella was pondering about what had just happened that evening. Had she misunderstood him? Nah, there was no way. Everything was clear to her. All she had to figure out was how to let Linda and Coral know. That was not going to be an easy task... She sighed, and after a couple hours of tossing and turning lost in thought, she finally dozed off. 

The next morning Linda arrived at school early. Very early. It was around 15 minutes before her normal arrival time, and she was waiting at her table alone, with headphones in. She couldn't wait to hear how Stella's meet up had been, since Stella had not texted or called her about it, like she normally would have done. Linda imagined this was because it had probably gone so well she had completely forgotten to text her and Coral. Linda sighed. A little more time and Stella would arrive...

At her home, Coral was sitting on her bed, completely dressed, on her phone. Too lazy to go wait for the bus, like usual. She was checking her snapchat, when she got a notification: "Friend Request: Grayson."   

"Oooh!!! He probably wants to ask me about Linda! I can plan a set up too!!! Yay! hehehe!!!" she accepted, and got a snap immediately.

 It read: "I swear! Stella has completely misunderstood what happened yesterday! I don't know Linda's snap, but please tell her!!! I'll explain everything later!"

"Wow, he seems desperate." Coral thought confused. "Welp, might as well go to school to find out what exactly is going on. Drama this early in the year? This is perfect!!!" she thought.

At school Grayson arrived at school. "I gotta find Linda!" He thought. 

Stella had arrived and was walking steadily towards the meeting spot. She spotted Linda, and Grayson approaching her from the other side. Stella started walking faster and blocked Grayson's path. "You are forbidden to talk to her! I thought I was clear yesterday!"

"You were clear, alright? But you completely misunderstood what happened!!!"

"Oh right, that excuse again. Get lost. I don't want to see you around here."

She turned around and approached Linda, who had been watching and was extremely confused.

"What was that all about?" she asked.

"He was the one who wanted to meet me yesterday. Since you shot him down, he was already after another girl by the afternoon! Ugh, pure trash."

Coral had arrived at school and found Grayson sitting by a table alone, head down. He looked depressed, and it seemed a legit feeling. She approached him. 

"Hey, everything alright?"

"No, not really. Sit down, I'll explain."

Coral sat down and looked at him. 

"Look. Remember the note one of you found in your bag? That Stella? That note....well...It was meant for Linda. Somehow it ended up in the wrong bag... and now Stella has completely blocked me from any communication with Linda, since she thinks I gave her the card because Linda shot me down, and that I had moved on in one afternoon... Does this make any sense to you?" He looked at Coral intensely.

"Kinda, but enough for me to understand this was a big misunderstanding. I understand Stella, but she's always been quick jumping to conclusions. Try and talk to Linda when you get the chance. I'll try and keep Stella away from her."

"Thanks Coral!" Grayson said with a spark of hope in his eyes. 

"Hehe, he must really like her." Coral thought silently.

The first bell rang, and everyone started going to their first periods. "I'll talk to Linda this period." Grayson thought.

As he came into the classroom, he spotted Linda talking to Thyme. As soon as she saw him, she looked the other way, avoiding eye contact. 

"Of course she believed what Stella told her..." Grayson thought. "This won't be easy."

During the whole biology period Grayson tried talking to Linda, but she wouldn't even look at him. "How will I ever approach her if she already believes Stella? I should have been at school just a little earlier..." He took out his phone, and send Coral a snap. "She won't talk to me. What should I do?"

He immediately got one back. All it said was "Try harder buddy." 

"Yep, thats definitely helpful. I couldn't have figured that out myself..." Still, her message felt reassuring. He would try harder. Definitely.

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