Project Day 1

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Logan and Wesley join Linda and Stella at their table. 

"Well? What type of human intelligence should we focus on? Or should we do an overview of all?" Wesley says. "Wait, to start, what is each of your most dominant form of intelligence? Let's start with brain side. Right or left? Right is creative and Left is logical."

"Why don't we do a test to figure that out?" Stella says.

"Yeah! I'll look up a quiz. I know a site with accurate quizzes!" Logan says. They all hunch over his phone. "Woah woah, sit back, we can't see each others answers!"

"We're just looking at what website and quiz you are using so we can do it on our phones." Stella says annoyed.

"Ah, got it! Silly me!" Logan says. 

They all start taking the quiz on their phones. 


"Grayson, what part of the project will you be covering? Grayson? GRAYSON!"

"Uhh...sorry, I was distracted. You were saying Ella?"

*sigh...* "What part of the project will you be covering?"

"Oh, Musical Intelligence."

"You will need another one. There's only 5 of us, not 9."

"Right. I'll also do... uhm...kinesthetic."

"Sounds good." Kara says smiling.

"Yeah, sure." he says coldly.

Jim notices Grayson's weird behavior. "You okay bro? You're acting strange..." he whispers.

"I'm fine." he says, staring into space.

*I wonder what's up with him...* Jim thinks silently...

                                    (Credit to anime Free! (Haruka))

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                                    (Credit to anime Free! (Haruka))

Back to Linda and Stella's Group

"Well, What are ya'lls results?" Logan asked. (with horrible grammar)

"I am a left brain almost 100%." Stella says. 

"Yeah, makes sense." Linda says. 

'What about you seaweed hair?" Stella says, joking about his green hair.

"NOT FUNNY!" exclaims Logan. He takes some time to re-collect himself. "I am 75% Right brained, 25% Left brained."

"I am 66.667% Left Brained and 33.333% Right Brained," Wesley says, proud of his results. "What about you Linda?"

"Uhm... apparently I am 50% of both... What does that mean?"

"What the heck? How can you be both creative and logical? That makes no sense?"

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