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The class is dismissed and they start leaving for their next class. Grayson approaches the teachers desk.

 "I'm sorry Mrs. Bloom. I realize my actions have greatly disrupted the class.

Mrs. Bloom looks at him sternly, but then softens her gaze. "I understand. I'm glad you realize what you did is wrong. I want you to apologize to your group mates the same way you apologized to me. They do not deserve to have a grumpy teammate. I'm sure you can resolve this on your own, so I won't interfere. You're free to go."

"Thanks Mrs. Bloom." he says smiling. "I'll do my best so this does not happen again.

"Alright sweetheart, behave yourself alright? See you tomorrow."

"Bye Mrs. Bloom."

"Kids these days..." she mumbles to herself.

Grayson starts walking to his next class. Mr. Carter would understand why he was late, and he had a pass just in case. 

Grayson entered the classroom. "I have a pa-"

"You can throw it out, I'm glad you're here. Sit down. We are discussing the theme for our next concert."

They all sat in a circle on the ground. "Any ideas?"

"I think we should make this concert different to anything this school's choir or any choir has ever done." says Gil.

"Yeah," say Camilla and Becca. "This will be our last year, so we want it to be special.

"Alright, but keep in mind this will only be an informal concert. This is not about the winter concert. We'll discuss that later. And at the end of the year we'll go above and beyond. Try to keep it simple for now."

"Well, why don't we have positive and inspirational songs as our playlist for this concert, to start the year?" Linda proposes.

"Well, I don't think that is a half bad idea! You know, a good start will give you a good finish. It's simple, yet creative. I like it," says Mr. Carter. "What about you guys?"

"I think it's cool." says Ethan. "A positive start to a school year is always helpful."

"I like the idea." says Rainn.

"Me too. But how will we do this? Do we want this concert to be of all the choirs or just us?" Amelie asks.

"Well, would you guys be up for an exclusive Varsity Choir concert? This concert is not mandatory for the curriculum, so I could do that."

"Oh yeah!" says Cam. "That sounds fab to me!"

"Yep. Will we all be singing together or should we do Chamber groups?" Serena asks.

"Why not both? Some songs as a group and some in little groups," says Mr. Carter.

"Sounds good," says Linda.

"What do you think Grayson?"

"I love the ideas! This concert will be great! How many songs?"

"We'll figure that out as we go. Time flies, so prepare some songs tonight that fit the theme and present them in class tomorrow. Let's make this concert great!" Mr. Carter exclaims.

"Yeah!" Everyone chants.

The bell rings, and the class is dismissed. Gil approaches Linda. 

"Nice idea there! You've got a really creative imagination."

"Oh thanks. You made some good points yourself."

"I guess so. Hey, why don't we sing a duet? Our voices blend well, so that would be fun!" 

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