Project Day 2

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"Alright, has everyone done their parts of the work at home? Then we should be able to start the creative part today." Linda says smiling.

"Uhm.... hey... about that..." Logan says hesitantly. "I didn' it..."

"I knew this would happen..." Stella mumbles.

"Logan?! I seriously reminded you every day on the phone!!!"

"I... forgot....I was working on my paintings..."

"Well, I say we do this. Since he likes painting apparently, Logan and I can work on the creative part of the project, while you guys work on the logical side, and I'll take over Logan's work to make up for the loss in time. Sound good?" Linda proposes.

"If you're fine doing that couch potato's work, then yes, that should work." Stella says.

"I am no-" Logan cuts in.

"Alright, let's get to work..." Wesley says.

Logan pouts and mumbles, "I am not a couch potato..." T_T

"Oh, and what will we be doing about our group name?" Linda asks.

"The crew." Wesley says.

"That sounds stupid bwahahahaha!!!" Logan teases.

"Come up with something better yourself then." Wesley says offended.

"Anything I come up with is better than that! Bwahahahaha!!!"

"Ahem. What do you girls think?"

"I think we should be the cheeseheads for peace!" Logan says.

"Shut up. Linda? Stella? Any ideas?"

"Hmmmm... Let me think."

"We should just go with crew." Stella says.

"WILD KITTENS!!!" Logans says.

"OMG I love kittens!!!" Linda says. "But what about... Creatively Smart?"

"Going back to that confusing stuff Wesley always says..." Logan cries. T_T

"I like it." Wesley says.

"Me too." says Stella. "It describes us."


"Fine... If we add kittens at the end!"


And that's how we ended up with the name "Creatively Smart Kittens"

"Now let's get to work."

With Grayson's group

"Okay. Did everyone do their work?" Ella asks.

"Yep." Grayson stares at Linda's group. *They seem to be having fun...* he thinks to himself.

Jim nudges him. "Pay attention today please." he says in a caring tone.

"You're right..." Grayson admits. "I'll be serious." he smiles.

"I thought of a name!" he proclaims. "The Linda Fans!"


"Uhm buddy, you messed up." Jim whispers.

"Uh uh!!! I meant The Finder Fans!!! You know, finding info and stuff???? hehę..."


"So what should our project be? A powerpoint presentation?"

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