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"What is it?" Linda asked curiously.

"Look! Over THERE!!!!!!!" Stella whispered, carefully pointing at someone.

Linda looks in the direction Stella points. She sees a lot of students, but nothing out of the ordinary. "What is it?" she asks again.

"Don't you see? It's Jonah!!! And look! He is putting up a club poster!!! Please, can you go look what club it is for me? And ask an application form? I NEED to join!!!"

"Why don't you do it? Isn't it a great opportunity to start a conversation?"

"Yeah...but.... Look, I'm terrified! He's so cute! I'll mess up and say something stupid! Please do this for me!"

"Alright..." Linda says hesitantly. She still doesn't think this is the best idea, but well, she is doing her friend a favor. It's alright.

Linda walks up to Jonah. She looks over his shoulder. "Photography Club"

She taps on his shoulder. "Are you the head of the photography club?"

"Yes, I am. Would you like to join?" He responds excitedly.

"Well, I've got a friend who would like to. Do you have an application form? I would like one please."

"Of course. Here you go." He hands her the form. 

"Have a flyer too, and consider joining your friend." he smiles.

"Alright, I'll consider it." she smiles too, and walks back to Stella.

"Well?" Stella says.

"Here you go... I still think you should have talked to him though. He's a nice person."

"I know... But thank you anyway!"

The bell rang. 

"Oh no! We're late to out second period!" 

Linda and Stella looked at each other. The same thought went through their head. "1st tardy of high school!!!" They jumped excitedly, and then ran to their class.

Stella and Linda entered the class. Mrs. Bloom looked at them sternly. "Do you have a pass?"

"Sorry Mrs. Bloom... We do not." they sat down at an empty table, just the two of them. Grayson looked at Linda disappointed. He had saved two seats.

Mrs. Bloom sighed and handed out the papers to Linda and Stella. She was fond of both, so she winked as a sign that they were excused. Linda and Stella smiled and thanked her softly.

"Alright Students, I am happy to announce our first project of the year. You will be working in groups of 4 or 5. There has to be at least 2 girls and 2 boys in each group. If you have a group of five then 3 girls and 2 boys or vice versa. The project will be about different types of human intelligence. I will let you decide your groups."

Stella looked at Linda. "Are we joining Grayson?" she whispered. 

Just then two guys approach them. "Hi, we're Wesley and Logan. Wanna join our group?" 

Stella looks at Linda. "Sure!" Linda says. 

"Great!" says Wesley. "We'll sit at your table."

Grayson looks at Linda from his table. Why wasn't he just a bit faster? Three girls approach him and Jim. 

"Join our group?"

"Sure.." says Grayson, looking at Linda out of the corner of his eyes.

" says Grayson, looking at Linda out of the corner of his eyes

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(Credit to original artist, only edited by me)

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