Frosh Flash Prep

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The next week Linda walks to school. She's excited, since today is the first practice for the Freshmen Flash Dance for the Pep Assembly in a week. Linda and Coral had both signed up. Stella had decided not to do it, due to her stage fright. Linda walks to the cafeteria to meet up with her friends. 

"Ready for the first meeting Coral?" she says excitedly.

"You bet! Imma be the best one there! Watch me! I'll shine bright!!!" Coral says confidently.

"I'm sure." Says Linda. 

They walk to the meeting place, but Coral sees a flash of someone she finds familiar. Was it him?

"You know, I'll be right back. I gotta do something first."

"I'll come with-"

"Nah it's fine, I might be late. Go on ahead."

"If you say so..." Linda says reluctantly.

Coral walks toward the football field. Sure enough, there he is. 

Should she talk to him? Would that be okay? She had to thank him.... 

Coral gathers up the courage and walks down the field. She gets some looks from other football players, and when he spots her, a bright smile appears on his face. Coral's courage is strengthened by his reaction. She walks down confidently. 

"Hey. I wanted to thank you for yesterday." She says, smiling.

"It's no problem at all." He says scratching the back of his head.

"My name is Coral. May I know yours?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"I am Cole. That's funny, our names are pretty similar, huh?"

"Yeah, you're right." She smiles. "Well, I gotta go, I am gonna be late for flash."

He smiles and waves her goodbye, and Coral runs to the room where flash practice is being held. *Cole...*

She notices Linda is talking with a group of people, and decides to let her. She sits down, and thinks about what just happened... He smiled when he saw her.. Does he like her too? Why does she even care? Does... She like him too? Nah... no way...

~After Flash~

"That was so fun! They put together a great mix of music and everything!" Linda says excitedly.

"Mhm..." Coral says.

"Hey, Coral, is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything..."

"Yeah, I am doing great."

"Look, is this about the guy that drove you yesterday?"

"How did you know?"

"Let's just say I know you very well by now. Let's go to Starbucks, we can talk about it there." She smiles and they both walk to Starbucks. 

They sit down at a table in the corner, and order their usual drinks. 

"So? What's his name?"

"I.. I don't want to reveal that yet..."

"Why not?"

"Fine... His name is Cole."

"That's very similar to your name... Wait... Cole Richards? THAT Cole?"

"What do you mean, THAT Cole?"

"The football player!! He drove you to school? NO WAY!!!"

"What do you mean?"

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