Chapter 19

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Three weeks have passed and Summer is finally here. Instead welcome it with hype and positive attitude, you just hope it will end up soon. Because it took away the only chance you can see Tanaka.

You get up in the morning thinking about whether he's awake or not. 

You spent half of your day thinking about what kind of face he has right now, mostly, you wager he is relieved that he finally doesn't have to stuck in a room with you half of the day. 

And you would lay on your bed at the night thinking about whether he would fall asleep without problem or not. 

This summer vacation sure is hell because of him.

"I don't see Ryu-Kun lately..." your father speak up when you and he had a silent, peaceful lunch in your dining room.

You looked up to your father and found he already staring at you, but you didn't say anything and continued to eat your lunch.

"he's... alive, is he?" your father inquired warily.

"Dad!" your head snapped toward him, "That's is the worst thing to say..."

"Alright, alright, sorry..." he throws his hand in a surrendering manner. 

A silence took over the room again. Thanks to your father, your mind drifted back to Tanaka again and wondered about the rightness of your action.

"Can I ask you something?" you voiced out as you twiddled your food with your chopsticks

"Anything sweetheart..." he paused his eating as he waited patiently for your question.

"Why would anyone still willingly love someone if they know it could be hurting them?" your voice is undertone and slightly regret that you asked the question because it makes you feel stupid.

"Hmm..." he put down his chopsticks and folded his hands on the table, "I think that is the meaning of love itself... love is, when anyone would take the risk to be hurt if it means that they can make someone who precious to them... to stay happy. Though, I never really experience it myself." He let out a bitter laugh, "But your mom did. That must be what she felt when She leaves everything here behind to follow me to Tokyo."

"She gave up everything so I could have my dream. And all I did was took her love for granted." He whispered.

"Is that what you think all this time?" You felt a pang of sadness at his words, you never thought that he would be blaming himself all this time after your mother gone.

"Dad... you love her as much as she loved you. Anyone could see that... I still remember the story she always loves to tell me... on the day I was born, you ditch an award ceremony right away after you got a phone from the hospital, I don't think that's something anyone who took-someone's-love-for-granted would do" you reach out for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He let out another a bitter laugh upon listening to the story. His eyes seemingly stared far back to the day you were born and tears started to shimmer in his eyes.

"You know what she said to me when I visited her in the hospital?" you begin, he looked up to you and brave himself to hear the answer, "she's grateful to have me and you in her life, she doesn't regret anything, you made her happy, Dad" you whispered and paused for a moment, "And now I think it's your turn to be happy"

his eyes skimming your features for a while and his mouth curved into a small smile.

"Damn... I should have talked to you sooner" he laughed and a tears finally fall off from his eyes, "when did you become all grown up like this"

"I don't know... think just now" you chuckled as a tears run down your cheeks as well.

"We really messed up without her, huh?" your father chuckled as he wiped up his tears.

"I think we just miss her..." you sniffed.

"Yeah you probably right" your father agreed and then he starts gathering all the empty plates "Well, I'll wash the dishes since you make me so proud"

"Okay..." you complied but still helping him bringing some of the plates to the sink.

"Shit... we run out of the dish soap" he cursed under his breath.

"Language..." you scold playfully, "don't worry, I'll buy it" you strolled away from the kitchen.

"No, you shouldn't walk out the house in this heat" your father followed you toward the front door.

"I'll be fine" you assured him, "I'm going crazy if I stay home too long."

He sighed, "Be careful okay..."

"I'm leaving..." you waved to him as you scurry out the house.

"Take care..." he hollered from inside.

You walk down the road and heading to the small convenience store which owns by coach Ukai's family, the only store that close from your house. You hummed happily on your way there. All the talking with your father making you feel like one problem has it closure, resulting in your steps as light as a feather. Upon arriving at the store, when you about reach out your hand to the sliding door, it shifted open by someone from the other side. You paused as the other person mirrored your action.

"oh... Saeko-nesan," you greeted.

"Oh, (Y/n)-chan! it's been awhile, how are you?" she greeted and squeezed your cheeks happily.

"I'm fine" you giggled and trying to pry her off.

"Why you never came by lately?" she questioned you.

"I... yeah... I was busy with school... things" you gave her some excuse as you kneaded the back of your neck.

"Hee~... you only here for months and you already make yourself involved with school's activities? Not bad..." she wiggled her eyebrows, "so... why are you here? Are you already say goodbye to Ryu?"

You frowned, "say goodbye? Did he going somewhere?"

"you don't know? He's going to Tokyo, he transferred school there" she said instantly making your eyes widened and your heart almost stopped working.

He what now!? 

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