Chapter 28: Together Again

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Ryan followed closely as Tina kept walking away from him. "Tina, come on..." This was the time. Ryan knew he had to figure this out. He didn't want Tina mad at him.

"Ryan, go home. Leave me alone, and pretend that we don't know each other." Tina rolls her eyes.

"But Tina... I'm sorry that I wasn't here." Ryan quickly spoke. Tina stops in her place and Ryan slowly walks to her. "I would've been with you if I could have... if I had contact with you..."

"What do you mean Ryan? Nothing happened." She spoke coldly.

Ryan spoke about the things they never talked about.

"You gave up the daycare... our group splitting up. Your dad... I heard." Tina quickly turns around with a mad expression.

"You have no right to be sad or sorry about anything." She walks up to him. "Just leave me alone! My dad has nothing to do with this. You have nothing to do with this. No one does. Now stop." She turns around to leave.

"Tina I know that. But that doesn't mean I can't care about you!" He followed after her. Tina turns back to him once again. It was time. He knew he had to do this.

"Ryan just stop trying to-"

"I love you." Ryan interrupts Tina. She looks at him confused.


"I love you Tina. I love you, and I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. Because you know that if I knew, I would have done anything to come back to you." Ryan says as he took another step closer to Tina. He put a hand on her cheek.

Tina looks up at him with her eyes watering a bit. "When has the Ryguyrocky ever admitted his feelings first?" Tina chuckles lightly. "Ryan... it's been years since daycare-"

"I don't care Tina. There has never been a day when I ever forgotten you... and you're right. I never said my feelings first. But Tina... if that's what it takes to get you back to my Tina again, so be it." They smile softly to each other. "So please... don't tell me to leave you... because that would kill me..." Ryan wipes a tear off of Tina's face. She nods, and Ryan leans in to kiss her.

They separate and Tina spoke. "What about Kim? This will hurt her..."

Ryan sighs, "Don't worry... I'll talk to her."

* * *

The next day Ryan told Kim they needed to talk. They walked through the hallways. Kim looked nervous. Kim knew what was going to happen. He was probably going to tell her something good, or he's leaving her.

Just as Ryan was about to speak Kim blurts out, "I'm pregnant."

Ryan's eyes widen. He is shocked and questions her. "Wh-what? H-how..?" He thought about the party. "What do you want to do?"

Kim gulps, "I don't know... Help me decide..." Kim didn't know what to do. She only found out she was pregnant a couple days ago. She wanted him to stay with her.

Ryan nods, "Let me think about this..." Kim nods and leaves him be.

Tina passes by, "What happened?" She asked.

"Kim is pregnant, Tina... Wh-what am I going to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Tina asked. He shrugs.

"I don't know... I mean that's a lot of responsibility."

Tina nods, "It is."

"I want to be with you... That's the part I do know." Ryan starts. "But I can't let Kim go through this alone..."

Tina smiles and nods. "Whatever you choose, it will be okay. I'll still be here for you." Tina says even though she felt sad about this.

"Thank you..." Ryan says.

"Go find her." Tina tells him and Ryan walks to look for his girlfriend.

Kim stood by the bathroom. Crying because she was scared Ryan was going to leave her. She hid a secret.

Ryan comes up to her and back hugs her. "I'm not leaving you..."

Kim turns around and looks at Ryan surprised. She cries on Ryan. They hugged.

"Thank you..." She says. "I'm so sorry..."

"Sh..." Ryan rubs her back. "This isn't your fault. It takes two..."

This made Kim cry even harder.

Kim sobs, "I'm so sorry...."



Dun dun dun!!!

What is happening right now?!

Three days in a row update?!

Also I just wanna say that I love all your comments. I pretty much have the whole story finished now~~~

So I could technically just post it all now, but the suspense is fun!

See you in the next one!


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